Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture



"Wake up!" Gerard said in a sing song voice. He was holding a bag in his hand. I looked around to realize I was on the bed. When had I gotten there? I recalled falling a sleep on the desk. Gerard must have picked me up and put me in the bed. I sighed and pushed the hair out of my eyes. It was a mess and I could feel the dried up slobber on my face. I must have been extremely tired.
"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the bag. He blushed and set it on the counter.
"It's something I bought for someone special" He said quietly. The events that happened last night came flooding through my mind again.
"Where were you?"
"Out of town"
"For what?"
"What are you? My mom?" He grabbed the bag and walked out. I glared at him as he did. His pants were tighter than usual. Oh my god that ass looked like it belonged to a god. It was perfection. I smacked myself back into reality. What was Gerard up to? I climbed out of bed, letting out a groan of pain. My arm still burned. I really needed to stop getting hurt so much. I was pretty sure I had enough for one lifetime. I waddled my way to the bathroom and cleaned my face. I looked paler than usual. I noticed it when I looked in the mirror while brushing my teeth.
"Hey, Mel" Gerard yelled, "I want you to meet someone"
"Hold up! Let me get dressed!" I called and ran to my closet full of mine and Gerard's clothes. I grabbed a skirt and a tanktop. I wanted to look decent when meeting whoever this person was. When I was dressed I heard what sounded like someone crying. When I got into the living room Gerard was holding a girl in a really tight embrace. She had her hair up in pigtails like a fucking little girl. I didn't like her already.
"Mel" Gerard said, breathing in a sigh as if what he had to say was the hardest thing to do.
"This is my Fiancee, Lindsey"
♠ ♠ ♠
OOOOH! You all thought that ring was for Melody! HAHAHAHAHA I love tricking you guys. Also: LOVE PENTAGON! FUCK YEA! LOL
Now to respond to some of you guy's questions:
Jorden: Um my favorite MCR song. Uh I can't choose so I'll say my faves from all the cd's
Bullets-Our Lady Of Sorrows
Revenge-To The End
Black Parade-This is how I dissapear
Danger days (thus far)- The Only hope for me is you
Also you do not love me more that's like impossible! HAR HAR HAR
Becca: Cancer made me cry when I first heard it as well as I don't love you, The Only hope for me is you, and Early sunsets. Though there are few MCR songs I actually relate to exactly, alot of them have significance in my life. I remember the first time I saw Gerard. I was ten and he terrified me. It was pretty hilarious. I fell in love with them in 6th grade and I'm in 10th grade now so its been four years. Before I loved them I made fun of them though. It's odd.
My favorite part to write had to be the first part I ever wrote which was the "Paint me a picture I wanna see what the sky looks like in your eyes" part. It was actually pretty hard to fit it into the story, but I managed.
Marissa: My favorite color is black and red since I can't pick one
Ari:I read all the twilight books actually. I think they were well written, it's just the fan girls I hate. I don't like Bieber's music but I don't hate the dude since I don't know him personally.
About Greg, I honestly don't know what I have in store for him. I thought I had mentioned that this is a kinda "Write as I go" thing so the things you guys comment inspire me!

Alright that's all the questions, feel free to ask more <3
Love you all