Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture



I woke up in a hospital bed with Gerard holding my hand. What a perfect way to wake up. He was rubbing my hand with his thumb. It was quiet except for the sounds of the EKG machine.
"Morning" He whispered, but then looked up to the clock on the wall.
"Or afternoon rather. How are you feeling?"
"Like I got kidnapped by two fucked up guys with fucked up intentions" I groaned.
"I'll take that as a 'I feel like shit'" I couldn't help, but smile at that comment. He pulled himself closer to the bed and stroked some hair out of my face.
"At least you're breathing" he sighed, "I don't know what I'd do without you"
"I don't know what I'd be without you either" I admitted, squeezing his hand tightly. He smiled lightly and kissed my forehead.
"The nurse is supposed to be here to check up on you" He said, "If she thinks you're doing well enough you get to go home today"
"That'd be nice" I sighed. I never liked hospitals. The white walls and the shiny floors. Plus it was always so damn cold.
"Once you get better I have a suprise for you" He said as he zipped up his leather jacket. He shivered slightly and then went back to holding my hand again.
"What kind of surprise?"
"A special one" There was a short silence.
"What happened with Lindsey?" I asked. His eyes went down to his hands.
"I called off the engagement and sold the ring for something a lot better"
"Why'd you call it off? What did you buy?"
"I proposed because I was in...denial of who I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with" He twiddled his thumbs nervously, "And the money is to pay off that money those thugs are asking for. I can't risk losing you again, Mel" He looked up at me. I could see the tears in his eyes. I lifted my arms to give him a hug and he fell into them. My mind was buzzing whether it was from the drugs the hospital had given me or if it was something completely different, it had taken up my space to think. The words slid off my mouth before I could even stop myself or even process what I was about to say.
"I don't want to be without you" I whispered, "I love you"
He looked up at me with those angelic eyes. I took his face in my hands as it appeared that he was seeing right through me again. I didn't mind though. Then he did the most surprising thing.
"I love you too" He whispered, "More than I can stand"
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