Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


On the last day of school I still hadn't seen Greg. I had no one to say good bye to so it was easy for me. I was happy that I was finally out of school, but now I had college to worry about.

***Graduation Day***

I sat outside smoking a cigarette as Melody got ready. We were supposed to meet the two guys in half an hour, but at this rate, we were going to be a little late. That wasn't good on either of our parts. Plus, graduation was going to take place in an hour and a half. We had to go now.
"I'm leaving without you" I sighed, dropped the cigarette and crushing it.
"Lock all the doors and don't open it for any one" I got in the car and left before she could protest. It hurt having to leave her, but it would be even worse if I had waited. She could be gone forever. She could be burried six feet underground. My heart ached at the thought. I drove back to the docks and let out a sigh as I saw the guy in the mask. I pulled out the money as I climbed out. I met up with him and he took it. He counted it quickly and then nodded. He ran off without another word.

***Graduation time!!!***

I breathed in deep breaths as I sat down in my proper seat. Gerard was way in the front since he was a teacher. I was at least three rows behind him so I couldn't even see him. I hadn't been able to talk to him about what had happened when he gave the guy the money so I was still a little nervous about that. When they started calling names my heart pounded even more.
When every person walked up to the stage I could hear their families screaming out to them, cheering for them. I held back tears as I remembered I didn't have any family here. I felt abnormal and like I didn't fit in.
When the principal called my name, I got up quickly, hopping to get this over with. There was the polite clapping and then the most unexpected thing happened.
"WOOO! MELODY!" Gerard cheered. He was getting looks from the other teachers, but he didn't give a damn. I smiled at him as I walked onto the stage and got my diploma. I walked off and back to my seat and Gerard composed himself. When the graduation was finally over, Gerard instantly ran to me and hugged me.
"Congrats" He smiled.
"You still haven't given me my surprise" I said instantly. He laughed and took my hand.
"Don't get your panties in a bunch" he chuckled, "It's comming really soon" We went out to eat after that in celebration. Once we got home, I was too tired to get any information out of him. I went to bed and so did he. I would bother him about it in the morning.
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So when Mibba goes down and stuff or if you're just bored here's some ways to get in contact with me:
My Formspring
Bug the hell out of me with all your questions xD
My Facebook
I talk about my stories and ideas all the time on there
My youtube
I also sing so if you guys are intrested in hearing some of my covers of songs (I have like two MCR ones) then check that out ;D
My twitter
Also quick question:
How do you picture Melody to look like?