Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


"We're here" Gerard smiled. The view was beautiful. I smiled as he parked in the parking lot. The beach was somewhat empty, but not completely. He turned the car off and then got out. We both climbed out at the car. I had only been to the beach once when I was very little. Before things had gone bad with my family.
"It's so beautiful" I smiled. He took my hand and led me out into the sand.
"That's the point" He chuckled. We found a place on the sand to sit and he set out a blanket. He pulled off his shirt and I felt my cheeks flush.
"What's the surprise?" I asked.
"This is part of it" He said and looked at me expectantly. I sighed and took off my shorts and the shirt and put it in the bag. He smiled as I laid beside him.
"You look nice"
"You do too" I looked away so he wouldn't see the flush of red in my face.
"I don't like getting tans, but since I'm Italian I tan easily" Gerard sighed.
"Me too" I giggled.
"Do you know how to swim?" He asked, getting up quickly.
"Wanna learn?"
"No, not really"
"Ah too bad" Before I knew it I was in his arms and he was running for the ocean. I let out a scream of both thrill and horror. I was pressed against his bare chest. I could feel his heat radiating onto my own skin.
"Hold your breath" He smirked and I listened. What else could I do? He went underwater and I fell out of his arms, but he pulled me against his chest. When we came up for air, his black hair was plastered on his pale face.
"I could've died" I said playfully.
"You know I wouldn't let that happen" He smiled. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me closer. My heart rate increased as his lips moved closer to mine.
"Now swim" He whispered. He let me go and started to swim back to shore. I was angry that he had played me like that. I found myself chasing after him. When we made it to shore he smirked.
"I knew that would get you to swim" I punched him square in the chest, which only got him to laugh extremely hard.
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Aww haha! You guys thought they were going to kiss :D
Not yet, Loves ;D
The Bathing Suit