Sequel: Picture Me Perfect
Status: Done :D

Paint Me a Picture


After having some fun on the beach, we went to a restraunt. It was seafood, of course, which I found was so cliche'. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to consider this a date though so I couldn't really say anything without it possibly turning into an awkward conversation. I wanted to avoid that at all cost.
"What do you want?" He asked. I shrugged. I had never really gotten the chance to eat seafood since my parents were such horrible bastards.
"You pick"
"Okay then" He smiled. I knew this wasn't going to be good. When he ordered for us, I just sat there, looking out the window at the ocean. I decided I was going to draw it when I got home so I could send it in to the college in NY that I wanted so desperately to go to.
When the food came, I made a face. It looked gross!
"Come on!" He smiled playfully, "It's not that bad" It took him a while to convince me to eat some, but when I did I realized he was right. It wasn't that bad; in fact, it was pretty yummy. When we were done eating, a woman came with a Chocolate cake. I raised an eyebrow, but Gerard kept his composure. What was going on?
"Melody" He said as the woman placed the cake in front of me. There was a little box on the top.
"I want to ask you something"
"Well go ahead" I said. My heart started pounding against my chest.
"We've known each other for a few months now and you have been nothing, but sweet and kind and loving and understanding. You have never ceased to take my breath away. Waking up to your beautiful face has made the days so much easier to bare. Now that you're no longer my student, my job isn't at risk and I now no longer have a reason to deny what is obvious. I love you more than I can say in words and so I want to put it into action" My eyes watered up as he spoke. I wasn't exactly sure what he was getting to, but I had a good idea of what he was saying.
"When those thugs called me that day, when I heard them hurting you...I realized then how much I needed you. I realized then how much I care for you and love you. You have always been more than just a student to me. So I brought you here to ask you this: Do you love me as much as I love you? I love you so much that I want to wake up to see your face every morning, not as my roomate who I took in with open arms, but as my partner, my lover, my wife. Melody, Will you marry me?"
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Finally xD