Status: Active. Currently writing.

The Invisible Life

Take my hand, Close Your Eyes

My first day at Hogwarts, one I'll never forget, seeing as that was the day I knew what I wanted to do as I spent my time here. I took a simple Latin phrase and was able to develop a simple, yet highly useful, spell, or charm if you will. It allows me to see without being seen and hear without being heard, in a sense; invisible.

I was sorted into Gryffindor that day. I had sat through and watched the three of the most important wizarding world be sorted into Gryffindor as well. Little did I know at the time was that I was destined to help them indirectly in their endeavors throughout our time here. I had been there to play the flute when Harry, Hermione, and Ron went down the hole to calm Fluffy. I had talked to Hermione before being petrified near the bathrooms with a picture of a basilisk that I had drawn in my hand, it was only a matter of hours until she provided Harry and Ron with her information there. I had been there to lure away Lupin after Buckbeak had attacked him and was about to go back after Hermione and Harry. I was the one to bring up Gilly Weed to Neville a couple days before the second task. I was in the Department of Mysteries with them the night Sirius died; I was able to block all but one of the Killing Curses shot at him.

I made my only friend for the longest time: Joseph Willow. He's three years older than me and has started his training in Norweigh to work with dragons since he finished his schooling at Hogwarts after my fourth year. These past two years have been lonely. I've since become accustomed to wandering the halls under my charm which renders you invisible and allows whatever sound you make to fall on def ears.

Strangely enough ever since my sorting I've found a certain fascination with the pureblooded Slytherin, Draco Malfoy. Being a pureblood myself gave us something in common, but alas I was a Gryffindor and he a Slytherin. Draco Malfoy. A topic I could go on about for a while. Not many have seen him the way I do, because he doesn't let them, but he does things when no one's looking and I always tend to be right there. I've seen him be caring, comforting, and altogether nice.

Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. Draco Malfoy is a good person underneath the exterior that I fear to be slowly growing to be his interior. In my wanderings under my charm I always cross paths with him.

I've also found myself in the Room of Requirement a lot, to just relax, and the Prefects bathroom. It's quite easy since no one can see or hear me, so I just hang around it and wait until a prefect goes in and I get the password. This year something is different and everyone's on edge.

Guess I'll just have to keep on living the invisible life and calm things down a bit.
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This is my first Harry Potter Fan-Fic, so tell me what you think. I'm going to go ahead and post the next chapter here soon.

<3Star Burn