Status: Active. Currently writing.

The Invisible Life

You Panic and Walk Towards Her

It was our third week back and I was currently in Advanced Potion Making with Professor Slughorn. I had already made my way into Slughorn's good graces because I did exceptionally well in there and I frequently answered his questions with ease.

This particular day we were working to brew potions to cause hives and unbearable itching. I was working alone and just added my ingredients in not paying any mind to anyone else. After quite a while I felt a pair of eyes on me from my left. I glanced through the curtain of chocolate brown hair to see Draco Malfoy staring at me much like I had found myself doing during our first couple weeks of our first year.

I went back to work and thought about how much my appearance had changed over the years. Back then I was a short 4"6', my hair was stick straight and a light brown, I had black cat eye glasses, I had yet to acquire the curves of puberty, and my blemish free, baby shaped face was a creamy ivory. Now I stood at 5"4' with soft wavy chocolately brown hair past my shoulder blades, I had lost the need for my glasses except for when I read for long periods of time, my face had lost its baby-ness and gained a nice tan, and my body had become voluptuous with puberty and had become my defining feature quite frankly. As I finished contemplating my physical changes the toll, signaling the end of class, rang.

Professor Slughorn stepped to the front of the class and said, "Good days work! Please fill a vile with your potion, label it with your name, and place it on my desk before you leave." I waved my wand to do exactly as Slughorn asked and started packing my things away.

Just as my vile landed on Slughorn's desk and I had finished packing my things away I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to meet the icy eyes and silver hair I knew so well. He had a sly look upon his face, his hands in his pockets slightly hunched over and still slightly towering over me at about 6", and a kind smile gracing his usually stressed and tensed face.

"How come I've never seen a beautiful creature, such as yourself, around before?" He looked genuinely curious as to why he'd never seen me before.

"Well there are a few possible answers to that: you're too busy trying to pry Pansy of your arm to notice, you don't like Gryffindors, and I prefer to stay invisible, so if you'll excuse me that's what I'm going to go do," I said before I turned to leave.

As I was about to leave the room he had grabbed my arm gently and turned to face him standing in the doorway. "A beautiful girl wanting to be invisible? Impossible. Can I at least get your name?"

"I'm not beautiful and I prefer to see, not be seen," I said before once I again I tried to be on my way walking down the hallway slightly before he stepped in front of me.

"And your name?" He kept prodding.

"Why? Why do you want to know my name?" It truly amazed me that he still wanted to know my name sine no one has asked my name since first year.

"Because I do. I wouldn't mind getting to know you," he said a smirk sliding onto his face.

"You still want to get to know me even if I'm a Gryffindor? I don't think I believe that," I smiled shyly, and, admittedly, slightly flirtatious.

"Yes, I do," he continued to smirk as he leaned on the wall to his left, my right, "because you're not like the other Gryffindors. There's something about you that separates yourself from them."

I blushed and sighed, "My name is-"

I was cut off by someone yelling, "Malfoy?" Everyone at Hogwarts knew that voice it was the famous and, quite recently, overly confident Harry Potter. I honestly have nothing except his ego against him, but I don't like Voldemort either, so I'm mostly neutral, but I lean more towards the Light and Harry in this war.

"Potter," Draco growled turning around, placing himself between Harry and I, to face him.

"I'm not going to let her become your latest conquest, Malfoy. Uh..." he paused also not knowing my name, "um... you can get to lunch now. Malfoy won't bother you again."

"Um, Harry? I didn't ask, nor need, help. Draco was just asking my name. So, if you don't mind, could you please leave so we may continue our conversation? I may be invisible at this school, but I'm quite capable of handling myself," I said slightly miffed.

"That's right, Potter, leave," Draco growled. Harry looked between in disbelief and reluctantly left. Draco turned to me and asked with a slight smirk, "Where were we?"

I chuckled lightly, "I'm-" I was cut off again, but this time by a deafening gurgle from my stomach, "hungry. Perhaps another time, Draco." I laughed before skipping around the corner quickly and cast my charm.

A second later he 'rounded the corner looking for me and said, "Until next time, Beautiful."
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There you go. Please give some feedback?

<3Star Burn