Status: Active. Currently writing.

The Invisible Life

Skip Classes, Take Chances

I walked to the Great Hall under my charm. When I was close I removed my invention. I sat down on the very end, towards the entrance, of the table at the far right and ate in silence. As usual, I scanned the lunchroom to try and ascertain what the goings-on in the school was. Rather suprisingly there was a large portion of the student community looking in my direction on this day, compared to the normal none.

I then took to keeping my eyes on my food and wondering why they would be on me and occasionally glanced around the room. It was quite perplexing since I've been invisible to nearly everyone here for the past five years. The stares soon wore me down, so I finished my food quickly and calmly walked out of the room. I cast my charm as I rounded a corner.

The rest of my day was spent outside of my classes under my charm. Unfortunately, my stomach would have nothing of me skipping dinner to avoid any possible stares, and I couldn't go under my charm, so I was forced into the Great Hall once again. Once again students were staring at me, but a slightly larger portion than last time. Along with the stares from the students, I received confused glances from some of the professors. As with lunch I kept my eyes on my food. It was absolutely confusing as to why they were staring at me. Five years invisible and now people are staring at me? Why? Why now? What could I have done to earn attention that I hadn't done in the past five years?

"I know why they're staring at you," a confident voice informed me. I looked up to see the brown bushy haired girl from the famous three there standing on the other side of the table. "Hello there, I don't believe we've met before; I'm-"

"Hermione Granger," I interrupted her,"the greatest witch of our generation. Smart, brilliantly so, in love with one Weasley comma Ronald," she blushed scarlet before starting to interrupt me, but I waved her objection away and continued, "went to the Yule Ball the other year with Viktor Krum, muggleborn, been friends with Ron and Harry since first year, and has a cat named Crookshanks. I believe that covers the basics?" I smiled. She blushed and rose her eyebrows nodding to the seat in front of me, asking if she could sit there, I nodded back.

"I believe so," she chuckled lightly. "It's fascinating how you know so much about me, yet no one, and I literally mean no one, knows anything about you whatsoever. Well, besides the obvious professors knowing your name."

"I much to prefer to see than be seen, or observe and observed, if you prefer. I've been here through everything, it's just no one, sans Joseph, took notice."

"Well I think you could use a friend, so I thought I'd break the ice and tell you they're staring at you because you told Harry off and chose Malfoy... and you're a Gryffindor," she said in a business tone.

I sighed heavily. "Of course; I interact with some one once and suddenly I've sided with the 'enemy.' There are three things wrong with that. One: Harry's ego was inflated a tick too large in my opinion, so he deserved to be taken down a notch. Two: I barely know Draco, or anyone for that matter! And three: I didn't choose anyone over anyone else. Draco was simply asking my name."

"What is it?" She asked.

"What is what?"

"Your name," she chuckled.

"Oh!" I laughed with her. "It's Pia Fortis, nice to officially meet you Hermione." I shook her hand and we talked with each other for the rest of dinner. As I finished my food I said, "Well, best be off to being invisible. It was nice talking to you."

"You as well. Will I see you in the dormitory tonight?"

"It's a possibility," I laughed, "it just depends on if I get lost in my thoughts or not. It's likely that, for once, I won't get swept away with my thoughts. Goodnight, Hermione."

"Goodnight, Pia," she called. I decided to venture the halls without the aid of my charm for once. Just to gauge people's reactions. And, unexpectedly, I discovered that people reacted the same way to me without my charm as they did with; absolute ignorance.
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I'm home alone for a bit, so I thought I'd post. I have a lot of ideas for this story, now it's just trying to find the motivation to write and finish it along with all my other stories.

Can I get 3 comments before I update again?

<3Star Burn