Status: Active. Currently writing.

The Invisible Life

Now She's Left Cleaning Up the Mess He Made

I awoke to the sound of a very familiar voice saying my name. I slowly rose and looked around to find the kind, gentle blue eyes behind the half moon glasses that belonged to my Headmaster. “Headmaster Dumbledore! I’m so sorry! Am I out past curfew? Oh, what am I saying? Of course I am!” I rushed out to an amused looking Dumbledore. “I’m terribly sorry. Just tell me when my detention is and I’ll leave.”

He chuckled, still amused, “Calm down Ms. Fortis, you are in no trouble.”

“I’m not?” I choked out.

“It is not a crime to fall asleep unexpectedly,” he smiled. “As we both know; you could get back to your dorm with no one knowing.” I gaped at him. How could he know about my charm? Oh, this is Dumbledore I am talking about. “Things are happening this year, Ms. Fortis, and I believe it would be in everyone’s best interest for you to…” he pondered for a moment, “involve yourself in these events. You may very well be able to save a young man’s life as well as find love. Not to mention discover more about yourself along the way.”

“Headmaster, how will I be able to save a guy’s life and fall in love?” I stopped for a second. “Headmaster, I’ve had this feeling of dread for you since Cedric Diggory died. Forgive me if I overstep any boundaries, but I believe that you’re going to die this year, sir.”

“My child, trust your instincts. Your father is a very great wizard who gave you his instincts.”

“I will Headmaster, but doesn’t that mean you’re going to die? You can’t die!” I shrieked throwing my arms around him. This man had taken me under his wing my first day here. There’s no way that could happen. Not to mention what would happen with Voldemort when he died.

“You’re as beautiful today as the day you were born, and a young lady’s, such as yourselve’s, cheeks should not be tainted with tears,” he said softly patting my back.

“How could I not cry, Professor? Hogwarts will never be the same without you,” I cried softly.

“Here, my child, take this so that you’ll always have something to remind you that I’m always with you,” he said sliding an intricately designed necklace into my hand. It had silver woven tightly into a thin rope to a length where it would allow the pendant to rest on my chest. The pendant was round with a marvelously intricate ‘D’ raised and surrounded by vines and various tiny moving animals running through and behind the ‘D’. More often than not, there was a phoenix perched on the ‘D’. I also saw a tiger lounging at the bottom of the curve of the ‘D’. I opened it to reveal a wonderful white glow. I started to see pictures form in the glow, but it closed. “In time you will be shown the truth, perhaps on a break even.”

He then tapped his wand on the pendant and made his way out of the room, leaving me utterly confounded. I soon found my way to the dorm and to my bed.
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Again short, but this one's very important. Maybe I'll post another tonight.
