Status: Complete.

New Letters/Old Letters


May 26
I’m in need of a pen pal I can spill my guts to without being judged. I’m going through a difficult time right now and really only want someone to write letters to. Serious inquiries only, please.

Hello, I saw your ad on Craigslist and was wondering if the position had been filled yet? If not, I would love to become your pen pal.

The position hasn’t been filled yet, so you’re more than welcome to be my penpal only if you’re really interested, though. I don’t want to start writing you letters and you decide to bail out

No, this seems like such a rad idea. I guess if you’d like, you can start since this was your idea. Here’s my address: 3274 E. Catclaw St. Tempe, AZ 85296

May 27
Dear Pal,
My name is Corabelle, but you can call me Cora or Belle. Either works for me. I guess this can be an introduction letter. I’m eighteen, but will be turning nineteen on August 3. I like music and writing. I write a lot. I don’t really know what to say; I’ve never done this before. I don’t really talk to strangers all that much. I guess you can just tell me about yourself. Tell me what you’re like and whatnot. I guess the reason why I wanted a penpal was because I feel as if my head is going to explode if I don’t tell someone what I’m thinking these days. I hope you’re into this as much as I am because I really need you as weird as that sounds. God, I hope that didn’t make me sound like a creep. I’m sorry if it did.

May 31
Belle (I’m calling you Belle),
I’m fully 110% into this as much as you are. I’m here to be your therapist. If you need to say anything, just tell me; I am completely all ears.
I guess I should tell you about myself like you said. Well, my name is Garrett and I turned twenty on February 16. I’m shy and awkward so doing this makes me feel like I’m breaking out of my shell a little bit. I don’t really just go up to strangers and talk to them. I feel like this is much easier that doing anything like that. I like music. I like music a lot. I like zombies. And I like acting like I’m this badass, but I’m a pretty nice guy. So let’s get this started! What’s been on your mind lately?

June 5
Garrett (I’m calling you Garrett),
I’m glad to know that you’re 100% into this. So you asked me what’s on my mind lately? Hopefully you can keep up with my chaotic brain. I’m telling you, it’s a mess in there. I’ll get into the heavy stuff later, but I’ll tell you what’s going on. I just graduated cosmetology school and am living on my own in Pasadena because my roommate couldn’t handle LA and moved back to North Carolina. So I’m stuck without a job and paying a 1200 dollar rent all on my own. That sucks. NEXT! My boyfriend of three years broke up with me because he couldn’t handle the distance. He goes to school in San Diego. So that sucks, too. Here comes the heavy stuff…
A couple of months ago my mom found out my dad was cheating on her, so she filed for divorce. She committed suicide two weeks ago. OD’d on pain pills. My dad doesn’t seem to give a shit and my younger sister is living with him up near Santa Barbara. I’m worried for her. I don’t mean to pour this all on you so suddenly, but you asked.

June 9
First off: I’m sorry to hear about your mom. I can’t even imagine what I would do if my mom killed herself. Second off: Holy shit. You are dealing with much more than I thought you were. Don’t worry, though; you haven’t scared me away, yet.
What do you think you’re going to do about rent money? That place sounds overpriced but then again you’re near LA. I can’t believe you’re living on your own and you’re only eighteen. You’re making me feel like a slacker because I still live at home. If you don’t mind me asking, why are you worried for your sister? How old is she?

June 14
My sister is sixteen and she was really close with out mom. I know she blames our dad and I don’t want her to do anything stupid. She couldn’t really stand him to begin with and now she’s living with him and the woman he was seeing behind my mom’s back. That’s a-whole-nother mess I don’t want to get into. I’m not sure what I’m going to do for rent money. I have some money stashed away, but it will only last for so long. I’m trying to get a job but the beauty industry doesn’t seem to be hiring. Another thing to tack onto my stress list.
Now Garrett, I’m trying to put a face to you name/story/writing and I keep coming up with some surfer dude living in his mother’s basement (you did say you still live at home) amiright?

June 18
Belle, my wrong little Belle,
You couldn’t be anymore wrong. I don’t surf nor do I live in a basement; I’m not a troll in a dungeon. I have my own room on the second floor of my parents’ house thank you very much. I definitely do not have blonde hair. My hair is brown and just plain dirty. It’s pretty short right now and just messy. I really don’t care much for styling it unless I’m bored. I have blue eyes and I USED to have a nose ring, but I thought it made me look more mean than I actually am, so I took it out. I do have a couple of tattoos, though. My style is a mix of a lot of things. I like to look nice most of the time, but then again I like to just throw on a pair of holey jeans and a ratted t-shirt.
Now little miss Corabelle, please describe yourself to me. Wow, that sounded way creepy.

June 23
Messy Boy,
Wow, I was way off. I’m picturing you with Einstein hair now. Hair is such a key thing for me. I’m not sure why.
Anyways, I have long brown/red hair. It goes down to the middle of my back and I really prefer it wavy than anything else. I’m a decent height, I would say, 5’6”. I have brown eyes that can sometimes look like a copper color. I’ve been told that they sparkle when I smile. Humm… my style is pretty edgy. At least I think so. I like dark colors. I’m really into any shade of gray. But like yourself, I like to throw on some torn up clothes from time to time.
What did you do for your birthday this year?

June 28
Edgy Girl,
Not gonna lie, I had you pegged for a blonde, blue eyed, shortshit that really likes to shop at Hollister. Please forgive me.
For my birthday this year I was in LA with some friends. Nothing too interesting happened except my good friend John got pretty shitfaced. Do you have plans for your birthday? It’s coming up pretty soon. Man, we’ve been doing this for a month already. How’s your job hunt going? And things with your sister? Anything interesting happening in the world of Corabelle?

July 2
Questions Guy,
Job selection is coming along pretty shittily. My sister just came and saw me over the weekend, thanks for asking about her. She seems to really hate our dad and it really kills me that I can’t be there for her because I live an hour and a half away. I would see her more if I had money for gas, but that doesn’t seem to be working out really well.
I can’t believe it’s already been a month. That shit is insane. If the mail wasn’t so slow we’d have more letters! Stupid postal service!
I’ll probably end up doing a whole lotta nothing on my birthday because I’m flat broke. FLAT BROKE. It really sucks being broke. I really wish I inherited a million dollars so I could live with no stress. Oh, by the way, I hate Hollister.

July 6
Stressed Lady,
I’m not too fond of Hollister either. Not too fond of being flat broke as well. I’m sure you’ll find a job soon enough. What exactly are you looking for? I think you should do something on your birthday. What fun would it be to sit at home? Go out and party! \m/ (that’s a metal sign if you couldn’t tell). I have to let you know, Belle, that I’m going out of town tomorrow for about a month and a half, so if you still want to talk to me, you can email me. You DID say that the mail was slow. My email is By the time you get this I’ll probably be in Washington or Oregon.
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Okay, well, this is the the first of three. It's separated between handwritten, email, and in person. So the next one is gonna be ridiculously long.
I didn't edit, so hopefully nothing is too screwed up.

Enjoy and give me feedback please.