Status: Updated More Frequently

Sympathy for the Devil

Chapter Three


There isn't very much to say after a statement like that other than the truth. So, I indulge Edward a bit and tell him that his brother is only testing his control, and that he has never actually harmed me in any way shape or form. He's surprised, not because he thinks I'm telling the truth but because of his brother's control.

"Yeah, I'd be proud of him, never once has he attacked me," I explain, before setting off into the house with a sort of determined bravado that's mostly for show because I don't need a vampire to know that I'm lying through my teeth.

"Bella, you okay?" I ask, before slipping quietly up to my room because even though I love my dad, we don't get along,and we never would because I wasn't the golden child Bella was.

"She went off with Edward again," dad says, a silent companion in this house that seems almost empty.

"Why? All he does is treat her bad, and he's the reason why she doesn't bond with you," I tell him, before going back to the kitchen. I changed my mind, I want food, because food is the only thing that seems to relax me.

"Try telling her that,"

"I know dad, but she's young, she's in love, it'll pass," I know I'm lying and he knows I'm lying, but we both know that it's better that way. Sometimes little white lies are the only sort of hope you can cling to. He knows he's losing Bella to a person he doesn't like.

"It doesn't seem that way." He says, and I try very hard not to grit my teeth in fustration. I get that he's worried, I get that he cares about her, but what about me? Is it really so selfish of me to want a bit of affection from my dad? I know I'm not Renee's kid, but damn, I deserve the same amount of treatment that Bella got. It wasn't fair that she got away with everything while I was still being accused of things because I look like my mother and not my dad. I can't help that, and it's things like this that make talking to Jasper worthwhile because he doesn't judge me as I don't judge him. I dig out the leftover pizza, since I actually really hate eating food that Bella made, because it just reminds me of how much freedom she has. It's child support money any way, and it's been mine since I turned eighteen. That doesn't matter, I let it heat up in the microwave, while I think about everything that has to do with family.

"I know what you mean," he steps into the kitchen, a slight smile on his face.

"That was some kick back there," he says, trying to lighten the mood. Of course it works, and I can't help but smile.

"He did violate Bella, and besides, every man is sensitive down there," I'm trying hard to keep smiling and not scream at him for bringing that up.

"But you ever do that again, and you're grounded," he says, suddenly serious, and I'm kind of glad he is. He doesn't like it when I attack people, and I can't really blame him. My temper problem is a mother thing, not a Charlie thing.

"I figured as much, want some pizza?" He nods and I fire up another batch. It's sort of easy for us this way, we're more silent than we give each other credit for. I guess it's because I'm not Bella, and I don't look or act like Renee. We don't speak for the rest of the night, but it's a comforting silence. I like it. We kept up this nice companion silence before my phone buzzes and I sigh and pull out my phone.

Alice says she wants to meet you. The text is simple and to the point, and I try very, very hard not to growl, because I know this was coming. So I text back, 'Is she mad?'

No, she's proud of me, apparently, because I can spend time alone with a human and not want to eat them. And because you're Bella's sister, you wouldn't do anything to ruin her relationship with your future brother-in-law. I sigh, if only that were actually true, you stupid, stupid vampire, I think before sending him another text.

'Coffee shop?'

My house, actually. You told Edward?

'He told me he smelled you. I didn't say anything other than that you never hurt me. Right now?' I hope not, I was just about to eat dinner, and I was starving.

Yes, are you alright with this? I smile, he is such a nice guy. If only he wasn't so nice to me, this might've been easier.

'I'll be fine, tell Bella I'm on my way.' I grab my dinnner, shove most of it down my throat and wave goodbye to dad, who shouts where I'm going, and I say to the Cullens because Bella wants me there. Another little white lie, but those seem to be common nowadays.

I can't exactly say I felt bad, even though I should have. And it only takes me twenty minutes to drive the tiny car that was bought by the child support from my never there mother. It doesn't replace anything, but still, it's nice to know I'm wanted, somehow. Anyway, I can already tell that this is going to be interesting, since Bella's talking to the blonde chick who looks even more murderous than before. That must be Rosalie. She's pretty, but all the pretty in the world can't make up for a shitty personality. My heels make click-clacks against the hoary ground that seems to permeate this place. In an instant the door is thrown open, and I'm greeted by a tiny pixie with dark hair, and cold, cold skin.

"You must be Evangeline, oh, you do smell nice," she takes a whiff, and I try very hard not to scream because that's creepy and I don't need people sniffing me all day.

"That's me, sorry you had to meet me like this," I gesture to my lazy wardrobe of sweats and the heels I rammed up Jacob's balls ealier today. I was still proud of myself for that.

"No, that's alright, I'm happy to meet you!" She's so exicted and it's difficult to not be happy around her, so I smile brightly, and try very hard not to be nervous. "But I can't see you," she continues, her tone dimming for a bit, and I wonder what the hell is wrong with her, until I remember that Jasper told me she could see the future, and that she couldn't see me coming, otherwise she probably would have encouraged our friendship.

"Oh, Bella told me about that," I lie, because it's better that way. We don't bother with the whole vampire thing, because she knows I know and there's no reason for this to continue. So, she ushers me inside to meet my future family-in-law. They seem tense, on edge, and I can't say I blame them. I'm not welcome, that much is clear, except by one of them, the burly short haired boy who quickly wraps me up in a bear hug.

"Heard you kicked Jacob in the nuts," he says, grinning that boyish smile that shows off the dimples in his cheeks. "You and Bella fight together?" he says, and I can't help but smile.

"Yeah, but she's the one with the broken hand, is she okay? Her hand isn't really broken is it? If so, I need to find Jacob and screw him over like I promised." I give a grin, and it makes him smile more. So I look at the doctor in the family, and he seems surprised, like he was expecting me to be more withdrawn, like Bella is. He wasn't expecting a violent teenager.

"It's just a sprain, she'll be fine in a few weeks," Dr. Cullen says, the tension in his muscles still there, even though his voice gives away no sign of it. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, look, I should have told you about me and Jasper, but really, I haven't done anything with him. We don't love each other, and he hasn't ever tried to bite me. You should be happy for him, he can talk to a human without wanting to eat them," I explain, and Alice grabs my arm.

"I trust her, she's going to be family after all!" She shouts, still the same cheerful pixie she was outside. I'm shocked, she trusts me?! I don't believe this.

I was getting along with the wife of my secret crush.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, not that great, but I figured this was a good stopping point. :D More details shall be filled out later, be thankful to the one commenter because I wouldn't have put this chapter out if it weren't for them.

Comments are not an option! :D