Status: Main; active.

No Way to Say Goodbye.


“Maybe you’re deprinting?” Sam suggested and went back to his seat.

Jacob gave him a look and waited for him to continue. Sam went on to say that imprinting is when its already been done; that nothing can undo that fact. But deprinting is sort of like the bodies way of redoing it all over again. That Jacob wants so badly to get what he once lost that everything in his body that made the universe think Bethany was his—is now trying to do that for Hannah. However it cannot be done; things once set in stone cannot be erased or reversed.

All Jacob could do was stare blankly over at his alpha. Was he serious? It sort of made sense however; what with Jacob wishing that Hannah was his imprint or that Bethany hadn’t passed so none of these confusing actions happened. The past few months had been great that Hannah had been involved but it was just hard because as ashamed as he was to succumb to admitting—Jacob’s hopeful thinking did wish the universe gave him one or the other. And now, that Hannah was here Jacob wasn’t too sure on—if given the choice—whom he would pick.

Say he chose Bethany, it would have been possible that Hannah’s recollection of Jake would be gone. It would have been like nothing changed, Bethany didn’t get ill. Since Hannah was an option, it would remain the same—forever reminded that his real existence has vanished and he is to settle with her.

Thinking about all of this had started to make him grow angry. He was upset that Bethany would leave him, such a wreckage pile. No matter how much his feelings for Hannah grew or how much closer they became, Bethany would always be one step ahead even if she wasn’t able to be in the race she’d already won.

“Thanks Sam,” Jake said and raced out of his house.

Sam nodded and with sad eyes watched one of his young wolfs leave into the wilderness. He was sorry he couldn’t have been a greater help, but that the only thing that came to mind when Jake explained the suddenness to his anger, irritation and emotions.

Mumbling to himself, Jacob tried his hardest not to phase but found no such luck. Storming through the forest’s brush he came to complete holt. His breathing was sketchy. He could feel his nose become wet and see the water look-a-like spray with his uneven breath. While in wolf form he pushed his head against the side of a tree and sat there. Repeatedly swatting and casting shards of bark flying around him, it was until a tear crept up on him that made him nearly claw the tree in half.

These unexpected feelings that hit him left and right were pretty hard to control. He was doing just fine without Bethany even with Hannah being here. Was it because he had made it a label between them that brought on this force surrounding him? It was like being wrapped in a clear shield where someone else told you how to be, what to do and say. Maybe Bethany was trying to reach out to him. Perhaps she was mad after all.

But then she would have lied to him. She said she wanted him to be happy, and he was. Then again, how could he just sit there and blame her for what the world had planned for her? He couldn’t.
“Think we’ll go to the same heaven?” Bethany asked as he watched a tear gloss her cheek.

Not quite sure on what his response should be he decided she just couldn’t cry, he couldn’t see that. It hurt him too much even all he wanted to do was cry as well, “I know so.” He was glad she didn’t say anything when his voice pitched. Holding onto her colder hands, seeing her thinning face was proof enough that this was actually happening.

Vowing he would never love another, that night he cried. He cried so hard that his chest hurt, and he honestly felt like dying with Bethany, but yet he was the one who had to remain strong because although she never asked him to, he knew she needed him to be.

Soothing the temple of his head, Jacob marched to his home and decided against calling Hannah. She was either going to get more upset, or worse… not answer his call to begin with.

“Hey,” Billy smiled, but it shrunk upon seeing his son’s face.

“Hey Dad,” Jake spoke quickly and sauntered off to his bedroom where he slammed the door.

* * *

Laying flat on his bed and looking inconspicuously at his alarm that read six thirty in the morning, he groaned and pulled his comforter up and above his head. He was in no mood to go to school this morning and he wasn’t going to either. Better call Quil and Embry just to be safe, he thought and was relieved to learn they weren’t going either.

If only Hannah didn’t go to school today either. . .

Well, he could always drive over there and surprise her. That’s what he’d do, too. He was going to steal her today and just spend time with her. Wherever they went he guaranteed no negative energy, and whatever they did was to be completely up to her. If she wanted just to talk, they would talk. Which is what would end up happening but Jacob felt astonishingly much better. Maybe he needed sleep?

Zipping his zipper, and stretching a clean black shirt over his head Jacob grabbed his keys and made a beeline for his rabbit. He’d have to drive a little faster in order to get over there in the nick of time, but he’d go to her school if he had to.

By the time he got there, he stopped where he normally did—by the curb, and looked down the driveway to see Hannah. Her hair was down, just how he liked it. All he wanted was to twirl in among his fingers. She was scrapping some ice from her front window, and by her tip toeing to get towards the middle he could see the exposure of her abdomen. She was so cute.

Making haste, he quietly shut his door and whispered over towards her. She was now going to the back window when she saw him. Obviously scared her eyes got wide but then she rolled them and strolled past Jacob purposefully moving her body so she wouldn’t touch him.


“Hmm?” She asked with an attitude.

Nodding his head he knew he was going to have to work at this. After all he was being an asshole, “I’m sorry,” he said but more in a questioning way.

He was standing at the head of her truck, leaning against it when he saw her peek from the back end. She didn’t look like she approved of his apology—which he wasn’t very good at giving to begin with. “So?” She asked.

Groaning, he threw his hands to his side and walked over to her, “I’m sorry Hannah.”

“For what?” She patted her hands together to rid the ice and then folded them to her chest.

“For acting like an ass yesterday when you were trying to help.”

Raising an eyebrow, she prompted him to continue. Anything else he could apologize for, she was going to make him do even if it came off as a bitchy thing to do. “Hm, that all? Because if so—“ she walked past him once more and began to open the driver’s door when it got slammed shut.

“No. I said I was sorry Hannah,” He repeated getting close to her.

“And I accept,” she said lazily and tried to open the door again but couldn’t due to Jacob’s hand forcing it to stay shut. Growing highly frustrated she turned to him, “stop it. I have to get to school. Now if you would be so kind as to—“

“—I’m not leaving,” he said clearly shaking his head stubbornly.

“Ugh! Go bury a bone or something,” Hannah mumbled before shoving him lightly and walking over to the passenger side.

Blocking the door from her he retorted, “I’m a fucking wolf. Not some mutt.”

“Got it, now please move.”

“No,” he said plainly.

Whining from irritation Hannah pleaded, “I’m not in the mood today. Now get the hell out of my way.”

“Why are you so angry? Damn,” He stepped to the side permitting her entrance.

Finding herself stopping, Jake could see all of Hannah’s tense muscles ease. Spinning to face him she slowly waved her head. Not even she knew why she was so angry with Jacob. Last night she was just fine—she understood he was having an off day, and accepted what it was. However this morning when she woke up irritation, frustration and heart ache engulfed her body. Telling him about it, Jake placed his broad hands on her shoulders only to snake up to cup her face.

His forehead connected to hers as he closed his eyes to smile and laugh.

“I’m still mad at you,” she seriously laughed.

“Good. Cause I am mad at me too!”

Giggling as she pulled away from him Hannah asked why he was here besides the fact of apologizing. He told her; he wanted her to just spend the day with him. He’d really missed her without missing her. Plus with all the confusing jumble that surrounded his brain, Jacob needed something that would easily transfer some of that puzzlement elsewhere. In other words, Hannah was his calmness before, during and after the storm.

Blushing at his lame line she looked up into his sincere smoldering eyes, “you’re so corny.”

“So will you, please? I’ll even make you some breakfast…” he offered happily.

Making a scared face Hannah shuddered, “you and cooking… not a good thing.”

Not caring about the soft insult, Jacob’s eyes got a little bit wider, “that’s so a yes isn’t it?”

“Duh!” She shouted.

Ducking behind a bush, Jacob watched Hannah play it cool as if she was actually going off to school minutes after them talking. Looking at his phone, he knew that Hannah was pushing for time if she was ‘going to school,’ but her grandparents needed to go into town to do some major grocery shopping. Pretty much saying that they wouldn’t be back until way later; probably the late afternoon making Hannah his all day long.

A few times Hannah would look over in his direction and stifle a guilty smile. She did feel bad for lying to her grandparents, but as much as Jacob wanted today so did she. Hannah couldn’t stop thinking of how much fun she was going to have with her boyfriend; it still being weird with calling him that, she soon realized that she didn’t recall really telling her grandmother about them. Sure, it might have been obvious that she was always going to see him, yet he was the one who’d she’d been set up with from the get go: Billy being over her first night in Forks.

“Did you miss me?”

“Yes, because the two minutes away was so tragic,” Hannah linked her hand in his and pulled him to his car.

Nodding playfully Jacob agreed, “man… I thought so too.” He winked.

“Stop,” she giggled and waited for him to shut her door before jogging over to the driver side.

Stretching her little legs to the front, Hannah quickly told Casey that she wouldn’t be at school today. Jacob, being as curious as a cat—he snickered—leaned over to see what Hannah was typing on her phone. “Curiosity killed the cat you know?”

“Too bad I ate it afterwards,” he teased.

“Ew,” she made a scrunched up face before turning her body to face him. “What’re we going to eat?”

Shifting into gear, he glanced over at her. She was just so cute to him. She looked genuinely happy with an eager smile that could only make his heart grow warm and cause him to smile right back at her. Plus, it didn’t help when she kept repeating the word ‘huh’ as she grew closer to his face. Chuckling, he shook his head at her enthusiasm. Finally caving in, Jacob checked all of his mirrors; no cars were surrounding the long stretch of road they were on so he slammed on his breaks. Unbuckling his seat beat he turned to face Hannah only to grip her face in his hands and splash his lips all over hers. Quickly pulling away, he dramatically licked his lips afterwards, buckled his seat belt and drove off again.

Quite breath taken, Hannah became speechless. Shocked by his actions all Hannah could muster was, “whoa.”

Sexily raising an eyebrow and stealing gazes at her Jacob spoke huskily, “I was thinking pancakes.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Did I make ya wait long enough? :D
Comments are appreciated, my beautiful readers.
Btw, loooved the ending; just sayin'.