Status: Main; active.

No Way to Say Goodbye.

Shocking, isn't it?

She never would have comprehended the love that Jacob was feeling for her, especially because of the two times he’d completely ditched Hannah for some unknown reason. As them being a ‘label’ she thought that she should get some acknowledgement for his absence. Apparently, Jacob thought the opposite. And as much as it made Hannah want to cry, she was just going to have to let it slide for now.

Looking at Royce, and his overly appealing charming smile Hannah clapped her hands together and braced herself for the answer she knew he more than likely wouldn’t like, “it’s sweet of you. But I’m happily taken.”

Disappointment etched across his face, but what could he really do? Force her to go and hang out with him? No. Things didn’t work like that. However, if she would go out with him then he just wanted to step outside for a little bit to get some fresh air. Hannah agreed that that would be an okay task to comply with, and followed him out to the porch where she crossed her arms among her chest and waited for Royce to make the initial conversation.

“You move along quick huh?” The fierce tone interrupted both Hannah and Royce’s thoughts.

“Excuse me, but who are you?” Royce asked, walking towards the descending steps.

Throwing his head back, Jacob howled with laughter at Paul’s remark before saying, “I’m her boyfriend.” Jake gestured over towards Hannah, before adding, “isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

Amazed at Jacob’s venomous attitude, Hannah cleared her throat and began to glare his way. Jacob had brought support for obvious reasons; he was going to need it for the nice little hammering Hannah had been planning on giving him later on—no matter who was around. Twice is far enough to ditch someone.

“Alright, well if you’re her so called boyfriend when why was she talking to me because you left her? I’d never leave her… especially when she’s hot.”

“Whoa there buddy,” Paul snorted, digging his nails into Jacob’s flexed and shaking arm.

“Yeah! I think you can just go inside,” Hannah barked, shaking her head at his embarrassing statement.

Of course, Jacob would try and explain why he was gone. Why Hannah should let him make it up to her, but this time she couldn’t let it go. Everything was going to fucking well and he just had to be a dipshit and do things his way—what Hannah wanted to do didn’t even matter to him anymore. Then again, when did it even to begin with?

Tapping her foot against the board of her porch, she rose an eyebrow and waited for a damn good explanation. Stammering, Jacob moved closer to her. He held out his hands just to be able to touch her, but when she violently took a step back and pivoted so he could touch her, Jacob’s heart literally spilt open from damage. Why wouldn’t she just let him have his faults? And why couldn’t he explain himself without feeling like everything was his fault even if it was?

“Hannah,” he started nervously. “Please let me explain, it’s a reasonable ex—“

Scoffing she cut him off, “excuse, am I right? I’m done with them Jacob. I get hurt too you know!”

“Yes, I understand and I know that but—“

“No!” She yelled treacherously. “You don’t understand. However, since I do, I will let you explain one last time.” That last part came out ice cold.

Everything inside of him felt like it was going to burst. He couldn’t hold anything back now and no matter how much he tried, it was eating its way up, dangerously. “I had a malfunction alright.” He paused for fear of saying the wrong thing and by the look on Hannah’s face, now was not the time to fuck things up. “I’ve been deprinting, Hannah. Do you remember what imprinting is?”

“Yes, yes,” she said rushing.

“Well, because of my circumstances that Beth,” he winced, “died, I was deprinting meaning that my body was getting rid of all those feelings and such I’d had for Beth. I’m able to imprint again,” he said so gently that Hannah had to focus as hard as she could on his mouth, in order to catch some of what Jacob had said, too.

Did this mean Jacob and Hannah could now be destined? Hannah’s eye became wet, but she wasn’t going to let those tears spoil over just yet. She looked over at Paul just for some reassurance and all he gave her was a tight nod. So, he wasn’t making this up? Sitting down on the top step, Hannah watched Jacob advance towards her.

“I would have been on time,” he gave a lighthearted laugh. “Stupid mutt problems.”

“But do you honestly expect me to forgive you just like that?” Hannah looked pained and angered. “After a second time?”

Jacob paused, and told Paul that he needed to leave. Jacob just wanted Hannah and him to hear this conversation now. He wanted Paul to be his backup in telling her some of the problems that he’s been having. But that didn’t work so well, seeing as that Hannah is still pretty upset. Walking closer to Hannah, Jacob’s heart beat was more frantic. Would she get up and leave? Would she just smack him a good one? He knew he deserved it for the first time, but this time meant something damn it!

“I’m able to fucking imprint again Hannah,” he blared. “No one and I mean no one gets that chance. But I did, why can’t you just be happy for us?”

Although laughing at all of this nonsense banter, Hannah replied cautiously, “I am. I am fricking ecstatic for you Jacob, really I am. But what happens when you get a new imprint huh? You just leave me? Oh wait, that’s typical.”

She really didn’t mean to sound so sour then, honestly she didn’t. By the look Jacob was giving her though, it must have hurt something way down deep. However, what he said next was something too soon, too fast and totally in left field.

“Hannah,” he spoke slowly. “I couldn’t do that; I—I love you.”

Breaking out into hysterics, Hannah simmered down once she realized that Jake was in fact no lying. His face was solid. He looked saddened that Hannah was mocking him. Now she felt like a bitch. Nonetheless, it was needed. How could he just go out and say that like it was so common? He was using it lightly, or so Hannah thought anyway. It took forever for Hannah to say those words to anyone, and then some local boy who she never knew existed had come and said it like it was alright.

“So, you love me.”

He laughed at her lighter tone, “yes. Trust me, I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it Hannah.”

“Okay,” she licked her lips. “Are you in love with me?”

“Well yes!”

She hesitated before asking the last question. It was even causing Hannah pain thinking of being so cynical right now, but she just had to ask. She had to know and the only way she would get a true answer was by Jacob’s expressions and the response itself. “Are you saying all of this because you actually mean it or because you’re making up for the time you’ll never get with Bethany?”


That was all she needed to get up from her post. However, Jacob had other things in mind when he grabbed her wrist, and yanked her to his shockingly cold chest—something that wolves normally don’t have.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa ten days? Sorry this one totally SUCKED! It was a dramatic filler. xD
If I get a decent amount of comments though, I'll make the next one SUPER LONG! :)