Your mind is the scariest place

Chapter 1

My day began in the middle of the night. But then again, most of my life was worn at night. I liked to soak up the hours everyone just threw away. At night the sky shone for no one, all the ignorant people who slept missed the spectacular show the sky put on.

I rode my bike down the empty streets and alleys, peering at the graffiti lined walls, and at the few people who shared my same love of the night. I rode past a few of the stores that were still open this late, underground tattoo parlours, and coffee shops aiding the drunk to regain their sober state. The kind of places people warn you about. I looked up at the sky and felt the crisp air touch my cheeks. I had a really bad habit of doing that, because right on queue someone yelled and I pulled the breaks on my handle bars instantly.

“Sorry” I mumbled, they mumbled back something incoherent and I decided to walk beside my bike the rest of the way home.

Walking the streets in an aimless way, step after step. I guess I just couldn’t sit still at night. My phone rang and I took it out instantly.

“Yeah” I answered.

“Amy’s house now”

“I feel sick. bye”

I loved my friends, but I hated the parties they brought me to.

I kept strolling until I finally felt my knees wanting to give way and my feet give up taking me anywhere.

My house was exactly the same way it looked when I left, the side gate was left slightly ajar, I got in through the gate and climbed up the side of the house, I collapsed into my bedroom window and instantly threw my clothes off.

I shut my eyes tight and saw the sky when I did. A gruff voice groaned loudly and was followed by the sound of a window opening. My eyes shot open to the unfamiliar sound. The person leant out the window and took a large breath. I got up and slowly approached my window to look into the empty house next to me.

Unfortunately, thinking it was empty; I looked straight across and jumped at the sight of a guy leaning out the window. I ducked instantly hoping he didn’t see me. I peered slowly again and we made eye contact, he looked slightly bemused and I dropped to the ground again.
I crawled back to my bed, dodging the window and trying my hardest to hide from my new neighbour. I then heard a soft call, from that open window. Something along the lines of “You know I did see you right?”

I sighed and got up, bringing my blanket wrapped around my shoulders with me. He quirked a brow when he saw me and then half smiled.

“Sorry if I woke you” he whispered from his window.

I shrugged “I just got home anyway, Goodnight” I then closed my window and climbed in bed, thankful for finally getting to shut my eyes and drift to sleep.

“Goodnight” he whispered back.
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here's an original :)
i really hope you guys like it,
its a little different,
its not as high energy as the others.