Your mind is the scariest place

Chapter 2

My morning consisted of the usual. Let me run you through it:

My little brother, 2 years my junior barges in, throws the dog onto my bed and leaves shutting the door extremely loudly behind him. Instead of being tremendously annoyed, I just lay there for longer hugging my dog, who lays close right beside me.

When he finally figures out I’m not waking up, he comes in my room to find me already awake.

“I keep telling you junior, I don’t need to be woken up”

Then he rolls his eyes and shoves the toast my mum makes me every morning in my face.
That’s my morning, welcome to it.

I drew my curtains with the piece of toast in my mouth and opened the window to see a beautifully lit day, the sun came out and I was glad it did. I then rummaged through my packed and messy drawers to find something decent to wear.

My brother came barging in, like he always did.

“Rach, did mum put my shit with yours again?” he handed me a couple of my shirts and I picked up a couple of his packed away in my drawers.

“What can you do eh?” I shrugged; he chuckled and took his clothes, closing the door behind him.

I ended up just picking a plain white v-neck and my denim cut-offs. I showered and got dressed quickly. My speed escalated when I realised I had 10 minutes to get to my lecture. I threw on my cardigan and slipped on my Doc martens.

I only caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror before I left. My dark, short messy hair just touched my shoulders and I pinned back my fringe. My dark eyes stared back at me begging for more sleep but I just sighed and grabbed my bag.

The bike ride there was considerably pleasant; it was nice to feel the warm sun on my winter skin. I missed it. I finally arrived on campus to pretty much run to my lecture. I guess being new to university was kind of a shock to my system. But I dealt with it.

I felt like a measly little girl in this huge place, all these people looking down on me like i was a child.

“How fun was last night? Oh wait you didn’t go” Anna smiled.

“I’m great thanks for asking, gotta go bye” I tried to escape but she pulled me in to a hug.

“I’m worried about you” she said.

“Fuck off” I laughed and she did too.

“Look, I’m the one who has psych, so if you could let me go-“

“Fine, you smart bitch” she rolled her eyes.

I entered the still empty room and sat with a pen in my hand, I flipped it around a couple of times until I dropped it. Someone picked it up and handed it to me.

“Hey” he greeted.

“Hi” I smiled. His grey t shirt clung to his shoulder blades and hung loosely stopping at his jeans and his blue eyes bored right into me. His hair wasn’t naturally blonde, and it hung longer at the front than at the sides, it was messily placed atop his head.

“Do you have an extra pen?” he sat next to me and opened up his notebook. I took a little longer than needed to reply.

“Yeah” I handed him one.

The entire lecture I was on edge, trying to get all the notes possible down, the lecturer spoke fast not really caring if we caught it or not. I managed to get almost everything down, despite the fact that my hand was cramped. When he finally finished I shook my hand to regain any feeling possible.

“Hate these things” he said referencing to the lecture.

“Who likes them?” I laughed, he handed me the pen I gave to him.

“So what’s a girl like you doing studying psychology?”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” I chuckled.

“Nothing, nothing” he laughed “You just wouldn’t expect it”

“Thanks?” I unsurely said. I stood up and he did too. He awkwardly let me pass first, but I ended up brushing against his chest.

“Sorry” I said awkwardly.

I continued to walk ahead, leaving him behind. He followed me and when he finally caught up he asked me a question.

“What’s your name?”

I looked at him and smiled “Rachel” I said simply.

“Well I’m Wil” he offered me his hand and I took it happily in a handshake, he obviously didn’t know his own strength, because when he let go, I shook my hand a little to shake his strong grip.

“I’m new, just moved in” he mentioned.

“Nice, where about’s?” I asked.

He babbled on about how he didn’t really know the address yet, but he knew how to get home and back.

I laughed “Well it was nice meeting you Will” I smiled getting on my bike and giving a small wave.
♠ ♠ ♠
moving slowly,
but things will be unravelled soon
just you waittt