Your mind is the scariest place

Chapter 4

A soft knock was heard on my door, I glanced at my clock, happy that I didn’t have to attend a lecture for a few more hours. I croaked for the person to come in and Josh came in looking tired.

“Dads here” he came in and leaned on the window sill, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.
“No doubt to see me” I mentioned.

“He’s not too happy about it, but at least you got your bike back”

That was the bad thing about having a dad who was a police man, if you got caught at that party, you were in jail and grounded all at the same time.

Josh would sit in my room when dad came to visit, we found it better to sit and talk, I guess it distracted us from the tension clearly exhibited between our divorced parents.

I stepped down the stairs after Josh wished me good luck. When my dad saw me he looked tense and my mum looked the same.

“Your bike is out front” he informed me “I told you I didn’t want you at those parties”

“I haven’t been to one in ages Dad”

“That’s not the point”

“Well it’s not like you’re here to tell me what exactly I can and can’t do” My parents felt horrible about the divorce, but they just couldn’t pretend anymore.

He was silent, he made a face and said goodbye to my mum, leaving like he always did, for weeks sometimes.

“Rachel” my mum stopped me before I escaped to my room “Don’t go back to your old ways”
“I won’t” I sternly said.

While I was taking my time and changing, that music filled my room, it came from my window, where I saw him playing. He was tense and looked like he wasn’t enjoying it at all. It was only when he looked at me I realised I only had my bra on. I ducked quickly and pulled my dress on while lying on the floor. I really needed to learn how to close my blinds.

He then continued playing, but a loud and slightly angry voice interrupted.

“Louder” the man ordered. And he did so.

“Hit the note” he ordered and the violin shrieked at the attempt.

The man yelled and I heard him slam his hand down on a desk. What rousy new neighbours I had.

I then realised I was leaning on the window still listening; I shook my head and hurried down the stairs grabbing something to eat.

I did enjoy the perks of university, the fact that if I only had one lecture, I didn’t need to stay all day; I could go and come as I needed to.

As I got on my bike I saw a short and stout man leave my new neighbours house, he had black pants and a white button up shirt on, like a retired contender. I was guessing he was some sort of teacher, from the pile of sheets he held and the briefcase he carried.

“My brother’s teacher” a voice answered the question I was wondering.

I jumped at turned to find Wil “Shit, don’t do that” I held my hand to my chest.

He laughed “The guy played violin in one of the most famous orchestras”

“Well he yells louder than an orchestra”

Wil nodded and laughed “Want a ride?” he offered “Or should I just drive beside you?”

I laughed and handed him my bike. He happily took it and lifted it with great ease. He took off his leather jacket and threw it in the back with my bike. His worn converse resembled mine.
He turned the stereo up and I found him listening to some old punk tune. I smiled and sat with my hands in my lap. He then put a cigarette between his lips and lit it up while holding on to the wheel, the smoke left his lips and he glanced over at me.

“You smoke?”

“Not anymore” the way the smoke flew from his mouth was almost alluring.

He smiled and flicked the cigarette “That’s good”

I chuckled and when we reached the school a couple of people looked at us. We were both first year students and it didn’t help that we were drawing attention to ourselves.

Anna appeared in front of the car and waved at me, I reluctantly waved back.

“That’s Anna, prepare yourself”

“Thanks for pulling a taxi run on us last night” she seemed more tired than anything.

Wil took a drag from his cigarette and then gave me a look, Anna looked at him.

“Better tell the cool kid there’s no smoking on campus” she then thanked me one last time and told me she was heading home for the day.

He put his cigarette out and gave me a slightly amused look “She seems nice”

“I thought she was a bitch when I first met her" i smiled.

He laughed “so how’d you save last night?” he said, referencing to Anna’s past comment.

“Police came to visit the party, and I was the only sober one”

“Well they’re lucky you were there” before we knew it we were at the lecture room, we took our seats and the lecturer began talking, I lost my head for the next 3 hours, writing notes about the addictive qualities humans hold.

When the lecture was finally over Wil instantly took his phone out, and by the looks of it, someone was missing him.

“Ouch” I commented on the 6 missed calls.

He just sighed “I can’t drive you home today, is that alright?” I just nodded and was a little relieved I got to ride my bike home.

Wil rode beside me for a bit, blasting the Smiths again, and making faces at me the whole time, until he had to turn a separate way. He sped off, and I just continued at my relaxed speed, until Hayley drove up beside me.

“Thanks so much for last night home skillet” she joked, she was so white, and she had a thing with trying to be gangsta.

“No probs” I grabbed the side of the car and just cruised as she drove.

“By the way, did you get the notes from today?”

“I don’t have any classes with you” I reminded her.

“Shit, I forgot, you need to get back to music, I’m dying without you” she sighed.

“Maybe you should go there and get the notes yourself” I sarcastically suggested, she sped up the car “Fine, fine” I begged her to stop “I won’t suggest such senseless, irrational things” I laughed.

She slowed down the car and smiled, satisfied.

When I finally reached my house I found an unfamiliar car in the driveway. I didn’t particularly like guests.
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she doesn't like guests :)
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