Na Na Na


I could see Grace was tired of living under Mom's eyes all the time, for the whole eight years of our life Grace, my twin, and I have been living very cautiously under our mother's eye she never allowed us any freedom and it was as Grace puts it driving both of us up the wall. We had no father to look after us because there is something different about Grace and I something that made us immediately wanted as soon as we were born. The reason Mom keeps us under her supervision so strictly was because since we were born we have been under attack by this man, a strange man to say the least as he got all his friends to wear masks that had fluffy black hair and a scary white face. They were after us and it didn't really help that we lived in 2019 when they have laser guns. There are many times we have had to run beause of these lasers.

"Ella I think I have found a floor in Mom's supervision. The bathroom window is broken so opens further than it is meant to. I am going to use this to escape with and if I am not back in an hour do the same as me, then run, run as far away from here as possible and don't pack anything. Just do it I promise we will met somewhere I just have to get out." I nodded and watched as Grace walked into the bathroom. I waited for her to come out, I was waiting for my time to go in. I sat down and watched the television, my eyes kept flickering to the clock and back waiting for an hour to have passed, needless to say, It was the longest sixty minutes of my life.

After an hour I stood up to go into the toilet and I heard Mom come rushing into the room from our small kitchen.
"Ella where is Grace?" I tried to make up a good excuse and since Grace and I were only eight I could still use a very good excuse.

"We were playing hide and seek and Grace is hiding but before I search for her I really gotta go to the toilet." To make my acting sound and look more realistic I crossed my legs and started bouncing up and down as if I really needed to go. Mom looked relieved and left me to go into the toilet. I walked in and locked the door, I saw the bathroom window wide open and smirked. Looking down at my outfit I saw I looked fine I checked myself in the mirror and saw a little message stuck to the mirror. Grace had left it explaining that she had put some money under the loose tile near the bath. I screwed up the note and dropped it into the toilet, I then quickly walked to the loose tile and lifted it. I picked up the small pouch and placed it into my pocket I the flushed the toilet for added effect and walked over to the window. I stood on the windowsill and looked down. It was quite a high jump but I saw no blood on the ground so I knew Grace had done it safely. I carefully jumped down and landed in the dry grass we called a front lawn. I then walked over to where I kept my skateboard and found another little note from Grace.

Ella go in the direction of Battery City I will try and meet you there. Take your skateboard and keep the rope I have wrapped around, if you know me well enough you know what the rop is for.

I shoved the note in my pocket and got on my skateboard. Tying my hair back in a hair tie I started to think of my sister Grace. We looked so similar it was strange but not that strange since we were twins. We both shared the unruley, dusty brown curly hair mine was long and hung down halfway down my back whereas Grace's hair was kept like a long Afro . I jumped on my skateboard and started on my journey to Battery City where I can meet my sister.
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