Na Na Na


I had managed to make it to Battery City before twilight. The sun was setting and leaving a dusty pink trail behind it. I had managed to make it to Battery City so quickly because, as Grace had left the rope for me, I decided to use it for something interesting and attached it to the back of someone's car. They didn't know I was there until they stopped and I crashed straight into the car, they came rushing out but before they could catch me I attached my rope onto the back of another car and was already rushing towards Battery City. Well now I was at the border of Battery City just standing at the once great welcome sign. There was nothing for miles around just a long dirt road. In front of me I could see a few coloured lights flashing across the horizon causing explosions in the distance. I slumped down against the welcome sign, a little angry that Grace hadn't waited for me like she had said. I looked around again, the lights seemed to be getting closer, so were the explosions, no longer in the distance.

I looked around for some sort of cover, there was nothing except me and the sign and these lights and explosions coming closer and closer to us. I sighed and waited, I was worried for what might happen if these lights reached me. Mom had always spoken of the people of Battery City, she had told Grace and I that not many people lived here and if the people did live here they worked for the bad team. There were only a few stories of the good people from around here, stories of people who can't possibly be true, people like Doctor Death Defy and the Killjoys, she had told us few stories about the fights between people fights with lasers of multi colours. I looked up from the ground I was staring at and some spark shot through me, these weren't just lights, these were laser lights and they were incredibly dangerous. I was most probably going to die, this wasn't good. I heard engines coming closer, the booms getting louder and the ground was shaking in annoyance. I closed me eyes tightly and waited to get shot or injured, I felt nothing except heard and engine slow down a tiny bit. I felt strong arms out and grab me, pulling me into the moving vehicle. Oh great now I was being abducted. I opened my eyes and looked around, I was inside a moving van .

"Don't worry darlin' your safe now, I'm Doctor Death Defy." A booming voice told me, startling me into complete shock, not only was one of my Mom's story characters real but he was a good guy and he had gotten me.
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Reuploaded (I accidentally deleted chapters 2&3)