Greg and Star

Diary entrie something or another

I've really done it this time, I've ruined my life.
Star, you know the only thing that makes me breath? yeah she
hasn't spoken to me ever since I tried to break things off.
It was for her protection. That last time she gave me my meds
I got a glimpse of her wrists. They had a series of scars crossed over
one another. I feel so guilty but I have a plan... Today when she is
coming to my room on her evening visit I will apologize and tell her how special
she is to me. Then kiss her, on the lips and take it one step farther than she had.
But I will mention the only reason i said any of that before is I was afraid she might
lose her job... as long as we keep it under cover right?

Nurse Marvin's Note: Greg is still eating but hasn't wanted to lately
and he won't stop writing I had to literally take is journal from him.
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sorry its way to short right?