‹ Prequel: Hey Kid

Letters Unsent; Sentiments Unsaid

English class has always been a favorite of mine. Letters have always been a favorite form of communication for me.

Honors English 11 with Mr. Roy was one of my favorite classes every day.

Mr. Roy told us that we had an assignment that would span a long period of time: we'd write letters. He'd tell us who to write them to, and we'd write them, and we'd turn them in for a grade. If we didn't want him to read one, we'd just write "Please don't read" at the top of the page, and he'd skip it.

And our first assignment was to write to someone who'd wronged us.

And of course, I picked Avery.

These letters are real looks into my head and emotions, and some of them will never be read by their intended recipients.

I've decided to let you all in. This is the real Joanna, this is the real The Walrus, uncensored and unafraid to speak her mind.
