Sequel: Bedding Severus Snape
Status: The End

Detention With Severus Snape

Chapter Ten - Spanking

* ~ October 25 ~ *

Right then. I'm finally done with that long line of detentions. And Dad has stopped subtly calling me a voyeur in his letters. Life is good, I tell you. All us members of the SSS decided not to do any more tasks (except for the love letters) for the time being, in case Professor Snape decides to snuff me proper. But I got something done today that could count as a task, although self-assigned.

I was walking in the hallway during passing time, just minding my own business. I was thinking that a new task would probably be given to me soon, so I just happened to be wondering what it would be. Then, to my pleasant surprise, I somehow found myself walking behind Professor Snape (and hoping he didn't notice me and snuff me proper, G. Don't ask, it's just something Colin was talking about.) As I was saying, that luscious rump was right in front of me, and suddenly I couldn't think of anything else. It was right there. I had this urge to touch it, like something was pulling at my muscles.

Well, this was probably a bad thing to do, considering my track record already, but I just couldn't help it. I couldn't think! I mean, it's like that ass was hypnotizing me! I just sort of... Reached out and spanked him. I would have enjoyed it much better if he had been bent over my knee, and if I didn't have to run and hide afterwards, but that's the way of the world.

When I spanked him, though, it was unexpectedly loud. And I didn't even do it that hard! I just sort of... Reached out and gave it a quick tap. And it practically echoed! Everyone who saw or heard it stopped, especially Snape, so before he could turn around I quickly ducked into the crowd. Needless to say, the fourth year Hufflepuff who was standing behind me is currently without his head.

I told the others about it, and they all applauded my efforts (and the fact that I escaped being torn into pieces) except, of course, for Colin. Who was (despite his protests) jealous. I mean, it couldn't be more obvious if he stood up and screamed, "Why don't you ever spank me?" But I'm still not giving in. I stick by my resolution.

And, of all things, now that "snuff you proper" thing is stuck in my head. Whenever I think of that, it puts the image of a cartoonish candle snuffer about to put out a candle, saying, "I'm gonna snuff you proper," in my head. Which is taking up valuable room that could be used for images of Professor Snape's... student.

Yes, life is good.