Sequel: Bedding Severus Snape
Status: The End

Detention With Severus Snape

Chapter Eleven - Halloween announcement

* ~ October 31 ~ *

Happy Halloween! Well, I have a sordid conversation with Professors Snape and Lupin to tell about (and no, it's not one that I made up) along with a startling announcement. Sordid conversation first, right? Right.

So, yesterday I was finally given another task to complete. Speak to Snape using only sexual innuendos. For the next week. A little mild compared to some other things I've done, I know, but... Well, we thought it best to keep it mellow for now. And this task just happened to commence in the presence of Professor Lupin. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I was going to Professor Lupin's office for some extra help (it's so much easier to get some alone time with him) and I was very excited about it. I was hoping he'd drop something and have to bend over for it. Yum. So, I walk into the office (after knocking; I'm not that rude) and Professor Snape is there, giving Professor Lupin (some hot loving) a steaming goblet of what I would assume is Wolfsbane potion. Commence task. "Good evening, Professors." Courage, Nadia.

"Hello, Nadia," Professor Lupin greeted amiably.

"Miss Page," Professor Snape grunted, scowling, before turning back to Lupin. "Well, there's your potion. I'll be on my way."

"That's rather rude, don't you think, Professor?" I prayed I wouldn't be hexed. And tried not to snigger.


"I mean, leaving your dirty goblet here after giving it to him so quickly?" There was dead silence, and I could see Lupin's eyebrows fly up, while Snape started going red in the ears.

"What. Do. You. Mean. Miss Page?" he ground out.

"Nothing. I just thought it would take longer to give it to Professor Lupin, sir." The side of Lupin's mouth quirked up just a bit.

"Excuse me?" Snape wasn't as amused.

"Not that I'm saying it was too fast- but have you checked your cauldron lately, Professor? Perhaps there's a... leak in it?"

"Miss Page!"

"Perhaps you could use a little help with that cauldron of yours, Severus." Heart. Stopped. That was Lupin teasing Snape! Oh, what fun. He took a sip from the goblet and grimaced slightly. "Not satisfying at all. And far too thin." I proceeded to orgasm. With a low growl, Snape swept out of the office, robes billowing sexily- er- impressively. I turned back to Professor Lupin, who was grinning ever so slightly.

"Er... I suppose Professor Snape needed to stir his potion a little." He made a soft (adorable) sound that resembled a laugh, though it was too quiet to hear well.

"Indeed. Please, Nadia, have a seat." I did. Too bad Professor Snape wasn't there first (wink.)

"So. Here's my essay so far." I dumped the jumbled research on his desk. "Guide me." I'm sure if it were a Japanese cartoon he would have sweat dropped.

"Er... Rather direct approach, I see."

"Well, you know, asphodel and all."

"...Of course." He glanced down at my monstrosity, grimaced, then conjured a tea service. "Tea?" I accepted and off we went into the sunset. Oh, just an off-topic comment: I'd love to see Professor Snape bugger him. And I know that Professor Lupin's into men, so I can spend plenty of time dreaming about it.

Anyway, he helped me out with my essay on... Whatever it was. Eh, it's done now, so I don't have to worry about it. He has really nice eyes, though. If I were a gay man, I'd be all over him. I thanked him for the help and got up to leave, but he invited me to sit down again and offered more tea. "Professor?" I inquired unaware of his motives.

"I just thought we could talk a bit, Nadia." Aha. Self-appointed guidance counselor, I supposed. Though I didn't see why he'd think anything was wrong.

"Alright, then." Silence ensued. "...So... How about that... Quidditch team... Puddlemore United... And... Etcetera..." I gave up and returned to my tea.

"...Weather's nice," he commented airily. I nodded. "With the... the sky... and such..." There was more silence between us. Finally, I got fed up.

"Oh, hell! This is ridiculous!" I set down my cup because I knew that any more tea would result in problems with bladder control. "Just what did you want to talk about, anyway?" Professor Lupin blinked a bit, then cleared his throat.

"I just thought that perhaps we could get to know each other a bit better." I hesitated before letting my true feelings show.

"Horse shit." He blinked. "That is to say... Horse shit, sir."

"Well... Is there anything wrong?" I knew it.

"Not really. I mean, there's nothing new."

"Oh... Well, I just thought that something might be wrong. You seem to be lashing out at Professor Snape an awful lot." I blinked, trying to hold back laughter.

"I... er... Hadn't noticed." I wrung my hands in my lap.

"I see. And how is your schoolwork going?"

"Fairly well." I was starting to get frustrated with the awkward pauses. "And how are you, Professor?" He blinked.

"Oh... I'm fine." He shifted uncomfortably.

"Any new boyfriends?" What can I say? I was curious. He choked a bit on his tea, which he happened to be drinking at the moment.

"I- you-" He paused. "No. I've just ended a relationship."

"I'm sorry to hear that." He nodded and there was more silence. I could tell he'd only answered my question to encourage me to say something. Persistent little bugger. I decided to change the subject. "So I was thinking a lot about the N.E.W.T.s, lately."

"Is that why you've been asking for extra help outside of classes?" I nodded.

"I want to do very well." He hummed a bit.

"You've certainly signed up for enough N.E.W.T. level classes." I nodded.

"I want to be well rounded." As in, I have no idea what I want to work as.

"Do you have an idea of what you want to do after school?" Aside from being Professor Snape's sex slave?


"Really? No idea?"

"Well. Anything but a housewife, I suppose." I paused for a moment. "But no celibacy. And no blue collar work. Not permanently, at least." He chuckled a bit.

"It's not very specific."

"Well, I have plenty of time to decide. How on Earth everyone expects us to decide what to do for the rest of our lives while we're so swamped with school work and testing, I have no idea. I'm just doing what I have to now. There'll be time later to think about my future in the long-term." He raised an eyebrow.

"No one's pressured you?"

"Plenty of people. But my dad told me to do what feels right to me. Deciding what to center my life on for the next hundred years or so just doesn't seem like something I can choose overnight. I want to give it the proper thought, first." He rubbed his chin. Sex.

"I see. Your father sounds like a smart person."

"He is, but he's a little off his rocker, as well." I yawned slightly. It was getting late.

"I believe I've kept you a bit too long." He stood up, and I took that as my signal to leave. "It was nice talking to you, Nadia. I'll see you in class."

"Uhuh." I yawned again. "Night, Professor."

Which brings me to today. There was no potions class, which I was thankful for, because I could swear that Professor Snape kept glaring at me all through breakfast. Classes were boring, of course, except for Defense Against the Dark Arts. We learned about (Mmm!) curses. And performed some on each other. It was actually a lot of fun, since I don't like many of my peers and I'm probably the only Ravenclaw girl in our year other than Luna who has any duelling experience. Oh, the delicious revenge. I was in such a good mood by the end of the class that on the way out, I gave Professor Lupin a little wink. I even went so far as to say, "Have fun with Professor Snape's goblet tonight," on my way out. I think I saw him grin, but I didn't really get a good look.

After classes, Luna and I met Ginny and Colin in the library, where we discussed further tasks for me to perform. There weren't really any solid ideas, so we all worked together to write the next love letter. There were a few really good lines in there. I think it was one of the best ones yet.

When the letter was finished, Luna and Ginny both made their excuses and left. I think they've actually started trying to leave Colin and me alone together. So, then Colin whipped out this photo album he had with him, and told me that he developed some more pictures that he wanted to show me. Of course, the beginning of it is a bunch of pictures of Harry Potter, looking either surprised or disgruntled, but he appears less and less as the album goes on.

Colin flipped to the back of it, and there was a picture of me with the most horrible expression on my face, ever. "That's when you attacked me," he verified. I grinned.

"You deserved it. You and your demon camera." He shook his head and flipped to the next page. Actually, this particular set seemed to have an abnormal amount of pictures of me. And there were a few of me with Professor Snape, ooh!

"I got a good shot of him looking disgruntled when you pulled that flirting stunt in the hallway. And there's Professor Lupin in the background- look- he's laughing!" He was laughing in the picture. I like Professor Lupin even more, now.

"You should really do this professionally, Colin," I told him.

"I'm going to." After a bit, we got to the last page. "This is... er... you and me. Together." I remember when Ginny insisted upon taking that picture, out on the Quidditch field. I really don't see why she would want to do such a thing. "You know I was thinking that... Er... That maybe..." He trailed off, biting his lip. Why couldn't he just say it already?

"What?" I asked innocently.

"That... Since tomorrow's a Hogsmeade weekend... That maybe we could... Could..." He gulped. "Go as a group, with Ginny and Luna, and- and get supplies for future tasks. That- that's a good idea, right?"

"Right," I answered flatly, completely aware of the fact that he chickened out. It's so frustrating, waiting for him to cave in. Maybe Professor Lupin can give me some advice. Heh.

So, I made an excuse and left. Nothing much happened until the Halloween feast. I was sitting next to Luna, indulging in my sweet tooth during dessert, when Dumbledore suddenly called attention to the room. I sighed, ready for a boring speech to commence, and started amusing myself by counting things.

With a grand gesture, Dumbledore stood up and began his speech, which was boring, as predicted, so I didn't quite listen. However, after a few minutes, I heard something along the lines of, "Blah blah Yule Ball," and decided to pay closer attention. I suppose this means that a lot more people will be staying at school for Christmas than last year. A few minutes more, and the speech was done.

I started to think of the possibilities. This was definitely going to lead to an improvement on both the Colin front and the SSS front. That would explain why I needed dress robes this year. And here I thought it would be for some silly going away ceremony. I'm glad they're not ugly. Of course, we'll need to discuss the effect this announcement will have on our tasks in Hogsmeade tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.