Sequel: Bedding Severus Snape
Status: The End

Detention With Severus Snape

Chapter Twenty Four - Ten points (rolls eyes) as always (TEEHEE!)

And that's about it. Draco was very good about forgiving me for it, too. He only tried to poison me about five times. That's very few, for a Malfoy. (P.S. - Blaise wasn't really ugly.) Anyway, back to current events.

Draco and Professor Lupin ran around to various places for the rest of the afternoon, eating and shopping and touching each other's butts. But they wouldn't kiss! ARR! It was getting late, and still no kiss! I decided to get Draco's attention again. "Hold it!" Ginny grabbed the pebble from my hands and tossed it aside. "Do you want to give him a concussion?" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I let Ginny pick out a pebble (which was really just a little speck, I didn't expect Draco to be able to feel it) and toss it at him. Draco, blinking, turned around and raised his eyebrows at us. I made a kissing motion with my mouth and signaled for him to get on with it, then ducked back around the corner to watch. With an exasperated expression, Draco turned around and tapped Professor Lupin on the shoulder.

Professor Lupin smiled at Draco and started to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by having Draco shove a tongue down his throat. We were all very happy that we'd been successful, and awarded each other with several hearty pats on the back. Then, Draco gave Professor Lupin a slap on the bum and came trotting over again.

"I'm going to take him somewhere for drinks," he hissed at us. "I expect you to get on back to the castle. Trust me, I can handle things from here." I snorted.

"Fine. Just don't come crying to me when you mess the whole thing up." So, we watched him prance off with his hand on Professor Lupin's butt, then headed on back to the castle. All seemed to be going well.

That night, I was doing my customary prefect patrols, and happened to be walking through the Defense Against the Dark Arts wing when who would I run into, but Professor Snape! "Hello, Professor," I greeted happily.

"You!" he ground out, his fists clenched and his face paler than usual. "You did this!" I blinked, confused.

"I... Did... What, exactly?"

"You were the one who set this up!" I was about to ask what it was that I had set up when I suddenly heard it; the very, very naughty noises coming from what I could only assume were Professor Lupin's living quarters. My mouth dropped open a bit as I stared at the firmly closed door. Hells yeah! Operation: Lay Lupin was a success!

"Oh my goodness, Professor," I breathed, as he started to look a little smug. "I had no idea. Say, can you get in there? I want to watch."

"Because of you," he burst out angrily, "I am scarred for life! Argh!"

"That's nice," I replied distractedly as I pressed my ear against the door.

"Ten points-"

"Yes, yes, I know," I grumbled, waving my hand dismissively. "Ooh, is that growling I hear?" Then I realized that, yes, it was, but it was coming from Professor Snape. This realization came to me... Well, probably when he grabbed me by my collar and yanked me away. "You're no fun," I pouted.

"This behavior is extremely inappropriate," he seethed. There was a short silence between us. "And gross," he added with a grimace.

"You're gross," I grumbled, crossing my arms. "But not physically," I added quickly. "You're just... Well, that little secret of yours is pretty gross." He raised his eyebrows. "Oh, come on. I know you like to ride the crimson tide, if you get my meaning." He immediately turned red and started spluttering.

"What- twenty points- detention!"

"Thanks, honeybuns. Alright, I've got to go patrol the charms corridor, so don't be surprised if I slip into bed a bit late." I winked at him. "Night, sweet thing." Then I was off like a shot. When I finished my rounds, I wrote a letter for Draco, asking him the details. I didn't send it right away though, since I knew he wouldn't be getting home until late. Heehee.
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-supresses a GIGGLE- teeheeeeeeee!
funny story NO.1: ok so I'm studying art in college at the mo. and there was only me and my friend staying behind to do extra work, as innocent young teenagers do....we were talking about "stuff" not any ordinary "stuff" SEXUAL STUFF !
my mate was telling me how she got a karmasutra book for her bezzie for christmass last year, as soon as she said the "unforgivable" word, yes out art teacher walked in, he look shocked enough as it was...but NO, she had to carry on, on with the story of how she also got her a HUMONGOUS DILDO ! yea he blushed bright red and walked out mumbling "ill pretend I didn't hear that" so therefore this chapter is dedicated to my dildo serving ART TEACHER :] (whoose married to my tuto