Sequel: Bedding Severus Snape
Status: The End

Detention With Severus Snape

Chapter Twenty Six - Nipple Cancer (LOL?)

* ~ January 21 ~ *

Nothing momentous happened today, except that... I molested Colin. Oh, and one other thing. This morning, I was walking through the entrance hall when I noticed a small, tittering crowd gathered around a notice. Pushing my way through the gathering of idiots, I got close enough to read it through a space between two Gryffindors.

Join the SKCN Foundation for the Treatment of Nipple Cancer. For contact information, please see Professor S. Snape.

SKCN. Sun Kissed Chocolate Nipples. Oh my goodness. That is definitely the work of my father. I guess he came through for me, after all.

I found the biggest gossip of the lot and told her what the initials stood for. By tomorrow, everyone should know. Ah, that makes me smile so largely. Well, I'm off to nibble some SKCN's. *Wink.*
♠ ♠ ♠
Next Chapppyyy CHAPSTER: Time to sing a little song. And fart in the vagina. "You just farted in my vagina!" And, possibly, Colin gets a well-deserved smack in the face. Plus Nadia eats stuffed grape leaves. Yummy! But that's only a maybe. I don't plan these things out