Sequel: Bedding Severus Snape
Status: The End

Detention With Severus Snape

Chapter Twenty Seven - Beaches

* ~ February 1 ~ *

It's the first of February and Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. This means two things: first, that I need to pull of a fabulous Valentine's Day task; second, that Colin is going to get a beating. I can tell that he's planning something, but what, I don't know. Whenever I ask Ginny she just giggles and says, "You'll see!" which is definitely a bad sign. If he knows what's good for him, this so called "surprise" will take place in a very private spot. That way no one will hear him scream.

So, nothing big happened on the SSS front. Just some more love letters. We thought it best to let Professor Snape calm down a bit before carrying out another task. However, Colin just couldn't keep his big mouth shut. We were just sitting in the library, studying, and he had to bring up that singing task. "You need to sing to Professor Snape," he informed me. "Have you thought of a song?" I rolled my eyes.

"Like I spend all my time thinking of songs to sing to Professor Snape," I grumbled.

"Good, because I've got one." I blinked.

"Do tell," Ginny prompted.

"That song from 'Beaches!' You know... You are the wind beneath my wings." We all stared at him for a long time.

"...You like 'Beaches?'" I finally asked.

"...That's not important! what's important is that you sing the song in potions today." I rolled my eyes and let out a long-suffering sigh.

"Fine. I'll sing your favorite song, from your favorite movie."

"It's not my favorite song!" I waited for him to add movie. He didn't.

"Alright, alright. I'll sing it." Everyone cheered. But not really.

"Oh, and start crying noisily when he gives you a detention!" Ginny added.


"Because he hates you!"

"Okay, I'll cry, too." So, I decided to take on the task. The very difficult task, because I can't sing for my life.

I really didn't want to interrupt the lesson too much, since it was a rather interesting topic. Poisons, yum. And Professor Snape looked so sexy, pacing up and down the room as he gave his customary lecture. So, I just raised my hand. "Yes, Miss Page?" he asked dangerously, approaching me. That was when I jumped up and burst out:

"Did you ever know that you're my herooooo!" He blinked, taking a step back. "You're everything I'd like to beee!" And another. "I can fly higher than an eeeaaagle!" He looked as if he was reaching for his wand. "Because... You are the wind beneath my wiiings!" With that, I sat down and resumed taking notes, readying myself for a good cry. His reaction was pretty predictable.

"Detention!" he snapped, going back to his lecture. And then I let my crocodile tears come bursting out. He looked rather put off by the wretched display.

"Y-You h-hate me!" I wept. "You w-want me to die!" I wailed. "Oh, P- Professor! Don't you know I-I'm nothing w-without you!"

"Twenty points from Ravenclaw! You are dismissed from this classroom!" Apparently, he doesn't. So, I got up and threw myself out the door, wailing piteously. I think that went well.

I told Ginny and Colin about it, and they seemed fairly disappointed that I didn't give him a conniption fit with the song. And, of course, started scheming.

"I've got it!" Ginny exclaimed immediately. "Mother him!" I stared at her.

"Mother him?" I repeated.

"Yes. Bring him a lunch and a fresh change of underwear, things like that." I giggled.

"Oh, that's a good idea."

"Do it tomorrow," Luna insisted. "In the Great Hall." I agreed.

"Alright, Colin," I said firmly, "for this next task we need a pair of your brother's underwear." He raised his eyebrows. "The Spider-man ones," I specified. With a defeated sigh, he slumped off to fetch them. What a good servant boy- I mean, boyfriend.
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AHHH, wrote LAODS today, i think like 14 pages on word, so be ready for the upload FRAPE :]