Sequel: Bedding Severus Snape
Status: The End

Detention With Severus Snape

Chapter Thirty Six - Food

* ~ April 3 ~ *

I think I started this week off pretty well. After I'd made it clear to Colin that I was extremely angry at him, I didn't see him all weekend, so I had plenty of time to evaluate our relationship. This was a good thing, because it took my mind off the fact that my father is a bastard. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that I didn't even really fancy Colin anymore, and I'd rather not date him. So, when Monday rolled around, I was ready to throw him to the lions. I was kind of nervous about approaching him, but that problem was fixed when he stopped me after classes while I was on my way to the library.

"Nadia, we need to talk."

"Yeah... I'm dumping you."

"...What?" I had wanted to be sensitive about it... So I had to save myself from that blurt.

"Listen, Colin. I don't think this is working out. I mean... You're jealous all the time, and I just feel like... I don't know... Like we're constantly playing some kind of twisted game. I think we're better off as just friends."

"I... But... I don't... I apologized!"

"It's not just about that, as I pointed out. I'm sorry, but... I just don't want to be together. I hope you don't stay angry at me, because I'd like to be friends."

"Well... I... Fine. I see. I'll just... Go think. See you around."

"Yeah. See you later." Huh. He'd taken that remarkably well. Maybe he was just very bitter. Or he'd realized that I wasn't really worth his time. I wouldn't blame him for either; I'm a real bitch.

Since I suddenly wasn't in the mood for the library anymore, and found myself with some free time, I made my way to the most obvious place for me to go: the kitchens. I simply... grabbed some delicious, wonderful food and went out to the courtyard to chow down. Yum, spanakopita.

"Is that... Oh." I looked up to see Professor Snape, wearing his usual scowl.

"If you sit and act melancholy with me, I'll share," I bribed. He looked pensive for a moment, then sat down. I handed him half of my spanakopita, but he hesitated.

"Are you sure I'm allowed to eat this?" Yay! He's paying attention to his diet!

"Yes. Most Mediterranean foods are good."

"Oh, thank God."

"Seriously, I'd die without this stuff." Long silence. We just sat and ate... and acted melancholy. "I like this," I finally commented.

"Silence is good," he agreed. Then there was more of it. "Miss Page."

"Fwa?" My mouth was full.

"I..." he mumbled something incoherent. I stared at him a bit, trying to decide what it might have meant.

"Apology accepted." He nodded. Hey, I'd had a feeling.

"And... Your father?"

"I'm not speaking to him."

"Ah. I see."

"Yes." We both let out a long sigh. At the same time. Which was spooky, and I could tell that Professor Snape was of the same opinion. "You're being nicer to me than usual. Why?"

"It's the food. It's the best thing I've eaten in months." He looked longingly at the last piece.

"Fine." I handed it over. "You know, the house elves make it if you ask them to. Nicely."

"Not the last time I checked."

"I gave them a recipe. I was fed up with their weak excuses." I looked down at my concealed bundle of food. "...Do you like pepperoncini?"

We sat and ate like that, not really talking. I think he did it mostly because of the food, and a little bit out of guilt. Plus, no one else was around to see him in my presence. It was really rather pleasant. I hadn't thought Professor Snape would do pleasant, but I guess these past weeks have just been full of surprises. After about half an hour he got up to leave, and I resisted the urge to throw myself at him. "I have papers to grade," he said, smoothing out his robes.

"I'll see you later, then, Professor," I replied casually. He eyed me warily for a moment, then walked off. Damn, it's hard to leave him alone when he's got a body like that. And when he's being almost nice to me. And especially when April Fools' had come and gone. I didn't do anything. Oh well.

Eventually, I decided to do something completely discreet for him on Easter. I guess that means I forgive him for being so mean. Anyway, I've got to go think of something that doesn't violate our agreement.