Sequel: Bedding Severus Snape
Status: The End

Detention With Severus Snape

Chapter Fourty Five - "SHUT UP"

- - May 25 - -

A few things happened, but nothing big. I managed to forbid any more SSS tasks until my paper about Sexy Severus Snape was done, so I had plenty of free time to work on that. Plus, I got to talk to him for a bit again.

It was Tuesday, and I had felt like getting away for a while, so I thought I might as well turn my lie to Professor Snape into truth and go to that little reading nook in the library. I brought the Wizarding Wireless Network with me, and cast a silencing charm around the niche, then turned it to the muggle music station. Then, I grabbed Treasure Island from the bookshelf, then settled down and cracked it open. After about an hour of reading, I got a little fidgety and turned upside down in my chair, my legs draped over the back and my back against the seat as I held the book over my head, which was hanging off the edge. After a bit, I heard a shuffling as someone entered the nook, and waited for him cough, cough to say something scathing. There was a long pause... Longer than I had expected originally. Then, finally, after I'd gotten through another two pages, he spoke. "What are you doing?"

"You seem to ask that a lot," I answered. "Though, the answer always seems rather obvious. I wonder why you can't see it?" I kicked my legs a bit.

"I meant, why are you upside down?" I shrugged.

"I got fidgety, and I felt like being upside down." When he didn't answer, I continued. "Why are you here, Professor? I thought you didn't come on Tuesdays." He hesitated before answering.

"I need a break. Or should I check with you first?" I snorted. Professor Snape was not going to fool me with that tone. He just can't resist my sweet loving. "Well, I need some place that isn't infested with filthy brats," he snapped. "Although finding you here is a setback."

"Have you tried your quarters?" I suggested innocently.

"As if I want to look at your poor excuses for homework," he growled. He then groaned a bit as he dropped into his seat, which was punctuated by a "thump." "I've better things to do with my time."

"I see." I looked at him over the edge of my book; he was sitting across from me (upright, of course) and opening to his marked place in the book I'd lent him. He'd already shed his robes and had his shirt untucked, yawning a bit. Such a pretty man. I hid my smile behind my book, but he managed to see it, somehow.

"What are you smiling at?" he asked warily.

"I was just entertaining the thought," I replied idly, "that perhaps you had come to see me." He cleared his throat a bit at this and scoffed, but I knew that would be his response. "I'll let you get back to your book, then, Professor." I turned back to my book as he gave a grunt of acknowledgment, feeling rather tired. My grogginess had been the reason I'd wanted to find a place to relax... And that yawn really was contagious.

After a bit, I just dropped my book and sat up, leaning over the table and resting my head in my hands, watching Professor Snape. Suddenly, he looked up at me, raised an eyebrow, and smirked. I would have said something, but my voice seemed to be caught in my throat, for some reason. Slowly, he stood and walked around the table to me, then pulled my chair out and around to face him. Then- I was really astonished- he plopped down into my lap. Professor Snape was straddling me. He leaned down, still smirking, and gently brushed his lips against mine. My heart was racing and my breath was hitching, but it was so good. I felt his hand moving up my thigh, and then- I fell out of my chair.

"Oof!" Apparently, I'd fallen asleep in my chair, and had just slid off. I unceremoniously climbed to my feet, supporting myself on the table. When I caught sight of Professor Snape giving me a curious look, I'm certain I blushed a bit.

"Interesting dream?"

"Only because you were in it."

"I believe I'll disregard that," he grumbled. "And five points from Ravenclaw for making so much noise." Long pause. "I suppose I should ask if you're hurt."

"Well, it doesn't feel like it."

"Hm. Too bad." He turned back to the book and continued reading. After a few more minutes, I glanced up at him, chewing my lip.

"Professor?" He grunted. "I enjoy spending time with you." He hesitated, then slowly looked up, staring at me. He seemed rather confused.

"You... What?"

"I enjoy spending time with you," I repeated.

"Hmph." He turned back to the book, disregarding me.

"I'll take that as a 'thank you,'" I muttered, massaging my backside.

"It wasn't."

"Oh, suck my cock."

"Twenty points from Ravenclaw!"



"Who's back there?" The shrill voice of Madam Pince drifted along, immediately coaxing us to tense silence. We both sat perfectly still, holding our breaths, listening to her footsteps pass close by. There was some shuffling and muttering before the footsteps faded. It was a long while before either of us thought it safe to start breathing again.

"Ten points from Ravenclaw!" Professor Snape whispered furiously.

"I don't care!" I replied quietly. "And stop trying to look at my cock!" Hey, it was funny.

"I most certainly was never- ten points! No, make it twenty!"

"Old biddy." There was a long period of silence before I burst into laughter. This was just getting far too absurd.

"Well, at least someone is amused," Professor Snape grumbled crossly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry- this is just too hilarious. I mean, it's ludicrous! Wouldn't you agree?"

"Not particularly."

"Augh, you're so contrary all the time. I'll bet if I was in a horrible mood you'd be absolutely giddy, wouldn't you? Actually, I know that for sure, because I've seen it."

"Think what you want."

"I'll bet my cock is bigger than yours."

"Shut up!"

"Oh yeah, I'm eighteen inches of redwood, baby!"

"Enough!" I chuckled a bit.

"Sorry. It's just so funny to see you get flustered like that."

"I am not flustered," he growled.


"Harumph." He went back to the book, which he was almost done with.

"Are you up to the part when-"

"Be quiet." I shrugged.

"Fine. I'll just sit here and read." Which I did. It was actually very comfortable, sitting with Professor Snape and reading quietly. However (and I was very disappointed) it wasn't long before dinner time rolled around, and I had to leave. "Goodbye, Professor. Don't forget to return that book, now."

"Uhuh. Right." He wasn't paying attention to me at all, of course. So, I spent most of my time revising for the N.E.W.T.s. Ugh, I can't wait until they're through. Sheesh.
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Ok...i have got the laptop for the evening =]]]]]
gollum is sexy.