Sequel: Bedding Severus Snape
Status: The End

Detention With Severus Snape

Chapter Seven - Mooncalf dung

* ~ October 1 ~ *

Right. It's been a while, but we've been at a stalemate with the good Professor. Apparently, the charm on the cookies wasn't very strong, because it didn't really do much. Then, no one could come up with a good idea. I was thinking of asking Dad, but then knowing him he'd probably arrange a wedding or something. He's weird like that. I could just imagine him with a daisy chain on his head, throwing pink flower petals about... Because I've seen it before. Not to mention those ridiculous bunny pajamas.

Anyway, it's been over a week and all anyone can really think of is to write another love letter (which I've done) and to address Professor Snape by his given name. Which I attempted today, to the complete horror of all. Well, not really. But I still got a detention. Allow me to tell the tale.

I was in potions class, quite aware of my task, and ready to get it over with. However, an opportunity never came up. Snape asked a few questions, of course, but he never called on me. And then we went on to the practical part of the lesson, so I was sure that our plans were foiled. Thanks to Luna, though, I was given the perfect opportunity.

The recipe for the potion called for mooncalf dung (ick) so we were using that rather liberally. Luna was holding a vial of it, when, just as Professor Snape was approaching, she suddenly got butterfingers. (Whether purposely or not, I'm sure I will never know.) Anyway, he stepped on the small glob of dung, which happened to be very slippery, and went down like a ton of bricks. Which was actually pretty funny, considering he always glides around so gracefully. So everyone looked over and gasped and went, "Oh my!" and that's when I realized that it was my chance to get the task done. I leaned over Luna, looked down at him, and put on a concerned expression (even though I knew that he would be fine, and was trying very hard not to burst out laughing at any second. Not that I'm insensitive.)

"Oh dear!" I exclaimed in a rather convincing tremor, I do declare. "Severus, are you alright?" There was utter, all-consuming silence. It lasted for what seemed like an eternity. There wasn't even any sound of crickets chirping. "Er... Really, though. Are you alright?" Ever so slowly, he got to his feet and drew himself up to his full height.

"What was that, Miss Page?" And, wow, it sounded really sexy. Although it was also infused with unspeakable rage.

"I asked if you were alright," I answered unsurely. He glared daggers at me, apparently still waiting for a proper answer. "Well... Er... I think it was justified. I mean, that was a rather nasty fall, Severus."

It was like a potion had just exploded. Oh, the horror. Somewhere in the jumble of scoldings and swear words (alright, so there was only one) I managed to make out, "Thirty points from Ravenclaw!" and "Detention!"
Speaking of which, it's time for detention right now. So, I'd better get going. If I'm late, Professor Snape might curse me out again.
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yaayyssssssssssssssss :]