Status: Weekly updates, sometimes a bit quicker

The Road Trip

Chapter 1

I walked out to the car, while lugging my suitcases behind me. At least we get to take my awesome car on this trip,I thought once I reached my sleek, black 2010 Ford Expedition. If I had a choice, I would live in my car. I am not even kidding. I popped the hood and stuffed my bags in the back (well not stuffed since my SUV is huge), while doing this I saw Levi giving me a death glare. Whoops… Maybe she couldn’t wait any longer. At least I brought a bargaining chip. I thought about the extra Rice Krispie treat I snagged.

“You ready to go, Lev?” I asked.

“I’ve been ready to go for about 15 minutes now, Den.” Levi replied, a little scarily (she isn’t a person to mess with…)

“Well, you know me, I’ve gotta be perfect before I make my big appearance!” I told her dramatically.

“That you do…that you do.” Levi said, while chuckling to herself. With that, I closed the trunk, and walked over to the passenger side door to get in. Man, I love these seats… I got comfy in my chair and decided now was the time to spring my little surprise on Levi.

“Look what I got you…” I said while slowly pulling the Rice Krispie treat out of my pocket. When she saw it, her face immediately brightened and she looked as though she was a desperate puppy in need of affection through food.

“OMG! Twix, you shouldn’t have!” Levi exclaimed, reaching out for the Rice Krispie.

“And I didn’t.” I said laughing, and putting the Rice Krispie closer to my mouth.

“You are pure EVIL, Denelle Allen.” she gasped.

“Sheesh, I was just kidding, Kit-Kat, you sugar monster!” I joked, tossing the Rice Krispie at her. After taking a bite, she began singing “Snap, Crackle, POP! Rice Krispies!”, over and over again. I couldn’t get her to zip it, therefore, I just joined in, and so started our road trip, with us singing about Rice Krispie treats.


"Good lord, Levi, you couldn’t have gone potty BEFORE we left my house?” I asked her. We were already at a rest stop after being on the road for 30 minutes, we’ve barely begun. We decided that we were going to end our trip in California, unless, of course, we found something more interesting while on the road. Right now, we’re on our way from South Carolina to Florida. We’ve ever been to Disney World, so we decided for the sake of new experiences, we’d go there on this trip.

“I mean really, we’re never going to make it to the place where dreams come true at this rate.” I added.

“Goodness gravy, Denny, you’re almost as bad as an old grandma. So naggy.” Levi shot back, leaving the car to relieve herself. Oh sure, I’m the naggy one, when she can’t handle being one minute late to leaving home, when we’re going to be at school twenty minutes early anyway.I decided to just suck it up and twiddle my thumbs until she got back. OR I could go lay down in the back and watch TV… Yep, I think I’ll go with that. So I climbed over the seats, pulled out a fleece blanket and the remote, and was ready to become entertained.


What the crapdoodles, is taking her so long? I wondered, after thirty minutes of Spongebob Squarepants, my favorite TV show even if it is only to make fun of the characters’ stupidity. I decided, it was time for action and got out of the car to go find Levi. She’s probably talking to someone… or eating.And low and behold, she’s doing both! Talking to some really cute, strike that, REALLY hot guy AND eating her favorite candy, Kit-Kats (hints the reason her nickname is Kit-Kat. I wasn’t exactly sure how to interrupt their nice little chat and enjoyment of candy, so I went with the direct route.

“YO, LEVI! WHAT’S UP WITH YOU LEAVING ME HANGING IN THE CAR?” I yelled at her when I still had a ways to go to get there, but they both heard me. And now they were staring at me… Great, maybe the direct route isn’t always the best.

“WELL, I WAS GOING TO THE BATHROOM, BUT WHEN I CAME OUT I ALMOST TRIPPED AND FELL ON MY FACE. BUT THEN, THE NICE YOUNG MAN SITTING INN FRONT OF ME HERE, CAUGHT ME!” She yelled back, playing along. The guy just had an amused expression on his face, with his aquamarine eyes, dark brown hair, and chiseled features.

I was finally close enough to talk normally so I just said, “Well, I’m glad you didn’t trip into your death, but was there really a need to then have a twenty-five minute long conversation with him? No offense hero guy.”

“It was that long? Well, time flies by when you’re talking about random things like pie.” Levi said standing up. “Wait ‘hero guy’? Where are my manners -”

“Back at finishing school, where you left them.” I muttered, but apparently the dude heard me and chuckled.

“Denny, this is Eric, and Eric, this is my bestest friend Denny aka Twix. I told him the story about our alleged obsession with candy, Denny, and he agrees that we don’t have a problem.” Levi said.

“I told you that therapist was cracked!” I exclaimed at this news.

“I know! But I wanted to get a second opinion!” She replied. By this time, Eric was full-blown laughing at our exchange. He has a nice laugh, I thought but quickly snapped out of. Oh no, boys equal bad, Denny! No boys until AFTER college.

“Excuse us, but is something amusing about our candy situation to you, mister?” I asked him, in a fake annoyed tone.

“No, no, of course not. Everything you’re saying is completely serious and humorless.” He replied in a sarcastic, fake sincere tone. To which, I had to laugh at.

“I’m glad you agree, and now that we have your professional opinion on our, ahem, little problem, we shall be going. It was nice meeting you, Eric.” I told him, even though I sort of wished we could hang out with him more.

“Aww, but we just met; can’t you guys stay a little longer?” Eric asked with puppy dog eyes. He’s soooo cute when he does that! AWWW, Shut up brain! NO BOYS!

“Sorry, can’t, sweetheart.” I replied sweetly.

“Can I at least your numbers? Pwetty Pweaaase?” He asked adorably.

“Eh, why not? You don’t seem like a deranged stalker who’s bent on killing almost college girls.” I told him. And I took my blue Sharpie out of my pocket (don’t ask why I keep a Sharpie in my pocket, it’s for… sentimental reasons. I don’t have a problem!) and wrote it on his right hand.

“Your turn, Lev.” I told her cheerfully, handing her the Sharpie. During this whole exchange, she had just watched both us curiously. She took the Sharpie and wrote her number on Eric’s left hand.

“Bye, Eric!” Lev said beginning to walk away.

“Nos vemos!” I told him 'See you!' in Spanish. Then, I ran to catch up with Levi.

“Adios, chicas!” He yelled 'Bye girls!' back at us, waving.


Once we got to the car, she eye-balled me as she started the engine.

“What?” I asked curiously. I was unnerved by her staring at me for such a long time, almost as if she was suspicious of something. Not that I would know what’s so suspicious.

“Oh nothing…” she said quietly, and then started humming the tune to “Here
Comes the Bride” for some strange reason.

“And why are you humming that random song?” I asked, hoping she would give me a real answer this time.

“Oh just because it’s the song that pops into my mind when I saw you and Eric FLIRTING with each other!!” She said excitedly, her voice getting more happy as she went on. I blushed hard.

“Levi, we weren’t “flirting”, just having a nice conversation.” I told her, also trying to convince myself. “Remember my rule? No boys until AFTER college.”

“Uh huh, sure. The “golden rule”.” She replied, unconvinced and rolling her eyes. I don’t like Eric, at least not anymore as a friend… I think. Plus, it wouldn’t eve matter because I’m most likely never going to see him again, right?