Status: Weekly updates, sometimes a bit quicker

The Road Trip

Chapter 23

Once Eric and I got back to the food court, still swinging our intertwined hands, a wolf whistle was made. When we looked around to see who had made that noise, we saw Corbin walking towards us smirking and pretend clapping.

“Well, would you look at what we have here…? Hmm… some hand holding, some swinging, big smiles, gleaming eyes, eh? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you two just got finished doing some confessing, hmmm?” He said in a mockingly know-it-all tone. I scowled at him and heard Eric chuckle and saw him wink at Corbin from the corner of my eye. I shoved Eric.

“Do NOT encourage him.” I told him forcefully, but then Eric turned that wink to me, causing me to giggle and not seem as serious. Which I guess I wasn’t, I was too happy to be serious.

“Soo, my little lovebirdies,” Now this caused both Eric and me to scowl at Corbin, but he continued without notice. “What has brought on this change in attitude?” I shared a secretive smile with Eric and then stuck out my tongue at Corbin.

“None. Of. Your. Business.” I said with a steely gaze at Corbin. Eric poked me in the side. And started to lead me back to the table we were sitting at before.

“Yeah, what the lady said!” Eric told Corbin. I smiled at Eric, then a realization hit me. I haven’t eaten my food yet!! Nooooooo!!! So I ran toward the table, dragging Eric’s hand—and I guess the rest of his body as well—behind me. As I reached the table, I was comforted by knowing that my food was still warm and fresh—as fresh as McDonald’s can be—and sat down to began to eat. I started with my chicken nuggets and worked my way from there. Halfway through, I noticed that Eric had stopped eating whatever he had gotten from some place and was just watching me eat. He began laughing randomly as I put some French fries in my mouth.

“What?” I asked once I had finished chewing. He kept laughing for a few seconds. Then, once he caught his breath, he began.

“Well, I was just minding my business, eating my food, but then I looked up and saw you eating your gigantic pile of food.” I guess I looked self-conscious because then he looked in my eyes and said, “I love your appetite, no worries.” Which was reassuring, and then he continued,” and I had a flashback to that time in the hospital when you had just woken up and you ate all that food! It was amazing! And, then I also remembered how I took out my phone and recorded you eating it all…” He said sheepishly, waiting for my reaction. But I just looked at him thoughtfully, thinking, I wondered what the cell phone was for… When he saw that was the only thing I would do, he asked me, “So… do you want to watch yourself eat? It’s pretty sweet.” He said while laughing a little. I shrugged at him and out came the cell phone.

I watched intensely for about 2 minutes watching myself get through so much food it should’ve been illegal. I was in awe as I watched it.

“Whoa…” I let out softly as the video finished. Then, I looked up. I saw Eric laughing silently, nearly rolling on the floor.

As my brain processed what I’d just watched I felt heat creep onto my face. Great… now I’m blushing… I thought embarrassedly. The blush was still on my face as Eric calmed down, picked himself up and looked at me. He had a slightly apologetic look on his face.

“Oh… I made you self-conscious, I’m so sorry.” He said sincerely.

“Yeah, you should be sorry. Just so you know I really dislike blushing.” After I said that, he got a slightly mischievous look upon his face.

“Hmm… Well if it helps, you look really cute when you blush.” At that I rolled my eyes, but had to smile as well.

“Gee, thanks.” I told him dryly.

Right then, a huge crashing noise erupted from a few tables over. Eric and I looked around to see Foo-Goo—Tim—and Corbin rolling around on the floor fighting savagely with Levi looking at them astounded. I turned back to Eric.

“Aren’t you going to do something?” I asked him. Before I even finished, he got up to help break up the fight with a few other random guys. Eric lifted Corbin off the floor and practically dragged him back toward our table. But not before Tim got a few extra kicks and screaming in.

“What’s wrong with you, dude?” Eric asked Corbin as they got back.

“I just… didn’t like the way that guy was acting.” Corbin said looking at the ground, shrugging it off.

“Why’s that?” I pushed, jumping into the conversation. Corbin looked up at me for a second then looked back down and kicked at a little speck on the ground. I was about to ask my question again, but then I decided not to. I just let Eric continue with trying to get an answer from Corbin. I watched Corbin as he gave one-worded answers, if any at all. Then, he gave the real reason away. As he was looking back down after the seventh or eighth question, he glanced at Levi quickly, almost imperceptibly. Almost.

At that moment Levi was comforting Tim for whatever reason. I couldn’t see anything going on between them. Ever. But between her and Corbin? Cambell’s Chicken Noodle soup… Possibilities…

Therefore I interrupted Eric by pulling Corbin aside abruptly while shooting Eric a ‘stay there’ look.

“Do you like Levi?” I asked him bluntly, but hushed. His eyes widened, so I knew he had heard me, but he must’ve decided to play dumb.

“What?” I rolled my eyes at this.

“Do. You. Like. Levi?” I watched as he thought these words over. He sighed and answered after a pause.


He looked surprised as I jumped up and down happily.

“What was that for?” Corbin asked puzzled. I beamed at him.

“Because I’m happy.”

“Obviously, but why?” He asked after rolling his eyes. I gave him another big smile. His puzzled look remained on his face, but at that moment I was too caught up in my own thoughts to care, so I turned away from him after hugging him and saying everything will be alright.

“Oh, and thanks.” I said over my shoulder.

“For what?” He asked before I got too far.

“For this opportunity to scheme and do mischievous things that will end up making everything better in the end.”
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So here's a chapter after a super looooonnngggg time haha, let me know what you think of the story so far :)