Status: Weekly updates, sometimes a bit quicker

The Road Trip

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

“Mmm… that’s was yummy…” I said to everyone, licking my lips. I had just finished my delicious meal and was rubbing my tummy satisfactorily. Eric, Corbin, and Levi kept eating and rolling their eyes as I burped a little, Foo-Goo was still asleep. The only thing he has going for him is that he doesn’t snore—thank goodness—and that he’s a heavy sleeper so we can do whatever we want and he won’t wake up.

I wanted to go shopping for a party outfit, but Levi was still eating, so I had to wait. I sat down on the floor huffily after whining for them to hurry up to no avail. I turned away from them and started to just lie flat on the floor. Unfortunately on my way down, I forgot about the nightstand in between the beds and how close my body was to them, which caused me to bang my head on it on the way down.

“Owwie!” I let out with as my head made a resounding noise against the piece of furniture. I then sat back up and rubbed the back of my head with a confused look on my face. I heard an eruption of laughter on the bed above me, so I looked over and saw them all rolling around choking on their laughter. I squinted my eyes at them and glared. This, however, just caused them to laugh more. I huffed.

“Well since you guys are laughing so much, I guess you’re done eating. Come on! Let’s go to the mall!” I said, grabbing the room keys, their now leftover food, and left the room heading down to the parking lot. I opened my car door, sat down in the driver’s seat, and waited. Soon enough I saw three bodies enter the lot and walk toward the car.

Levi, Eric, and Corbin entered the car while grumbling as I smirked at them. Levi sat front seat and Eric and Corbin went to the back.

“So glad you guys could join me!” I said to them in a chipper tone, starting up my car and going to the mall.


Once we got there, Levi and I split from Corbin and Eric to go shopping for our own clothes.

“Bye, boys! Have fun!” I told them turning around with a flick of my hand and a wink while hooking arms with Levi and heading off in the opposite direction.

“So where to first, my best friend ever?” Levi asked me with a smile. I thought for a second.

“Hmm… Hollister?” I mused. She nodded and off we headed. This should be an easy shopping trip. I thought as we walked.


“Ugh… Shopping is harder than I thought.” Levi grumbled. I hit her shoulder in scolding, even though I was thinking it as well. We’d been looking for at least 2 hours now for just one outfit for each of us. We started out thinking how hard could this be but now we were thinking how could this be so hard?

I tugged Levi’s arm in the direction of a vintage store that seemed like it could have something in the style of Levi. As I let her loose and looked around, I started to have a good feeling about this place. Low and behold my instinct was proved correct as Levi came running back to me with an outfit to try on that she was absolutely crazy about.

When she came out of the dressing room in her outfit, I wolf whistled approvingly.

“Nice.” I told her with a wink. She spun, looking at herself in the mirror.

“You really think so?” She asked eagerly.

“Heck yeah!” I said enthusiastically. When she went to change, I looked around for something for me, but failed miserably. I guess my good feeling was for Lev’s outfit, not mine. I thought as Levi bought her outfit. As we left the store, and recommenced our search for the other half of our mission, Levi talked excitedly about the party and her outfit. I looked at her skeptically.

“Isn’t it weird how only a few hours ago you didn’t want to go to the party?” I put in. She looked at me sheepishly.

“Well, I guess I changed my mind.” She said looking at me nervously. I had a feeling she wasn't telling me everything, but I decided to let it be. We walked for about half an hour more without any luck. But as we passed yet another store, I stopped and back tracked to take another look. I stared in awe at the inside and knew it was the place for me. Body Central, is where it’s at… I thought, mentally rubbing my hands together in anticipation. As I left Levi at the front of the store, I searched around and came upon the best party outfit I could ever have dreamed to find. It was the last one of its kind.

I checked the tag to see the size.

It’s perfect, my exact fit. I thought in a combined mix of relief and astonishment.

I tried it on as a precaution even though I knew it was perfect.

Fit like a glove. I smiled as I bought it at the counter. I found Levi looking around in the store. As I walked near, she looked weary but as she took in the bag I carried in my hand, her face brightened and she came running at me.

“I wanna see! I wanna see!!” She exclaimed like a 3-year old. I smiled broadly at her, but kept the bag out of her reach.

“You’ll see when it’s party time.” I told her, and turned on my heel, leaving her gaping. She followed huffily and we went to go find the boys, now that our shopping mission had finally been completed.