Status: Weekly updates, sometimes a bit quicker

The Road Trip

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

I checked myself over in the mirror. I had decided to go natural with my hair and let my curl ringlets hang loose besides one side being pinned back with a sparkly barrette. I had put on some mascara, light eye shadow, and clear lip gloss—more makeup than I’ve ever worn in my life besides once to my aunt’s wedding—and had put on my outfit perfectly. I did one last tug on my clothes and left the bathroom.

I had been the last one to get ready, everyone else was already dressed in their party clothes and waiting outside the room. I grabbed my small purse, which contained my phone, keys, and money, and left to join the others in the hall.

I took my first glimpses of what everyone was wearing as they turned to greet me. Eric came over and put his arm over my shoulders after giving me a hug and whispering, “You look amazingly beautiful,” into my ear. I blushed slightly and turned to him.

“You don’t look too bad yourself.” I said approvingly. He was wearing a black button down shirt with a turquoise tie, his shirt not tucked over his dark jeans. He cleans up nicely. I thought while giving him the up and down.

We walked over to Tim, Levi, and Corbin. Tim was looking slightly nerdy in his plaid shirt, jeans, and shiny shoes. While Corbin was styling in his white button down shirt with the sleeves halfway rolled up his arm and vest, which were all not tucked over his dark-wash jeans and casual shoes. Corbin winked at me and smiled. I returned the smile and nodded at him.

“Woo whee! You looking good.” Levi said to me giving me the once over. I winked at her and wolf whistled as I looked her over. She looked perfect in her black fingerless lace gloves, a black, lacy sweater that was slightly see-through so she wore a green camisole beneath, gray skinny jeans with a few silver chains hanging off that matched the charm bracelet she was wearing, and finally black wedges on her feet to finish off the look. It was a lot different from my outfit consisting of a strapless cerulean dress that came a few inches above the knees, a black silk scarf, a belt around my waist, black leggings, and black, fancy flip-flops. Simple, yet looked perfect on me.

“Ooo, not as good as you looking! Giiirl, can I have yo’ numbah?” I joked, quoting one of the guys I’d seen on Youtube the other day. Levi threw her head back and laughed taking her straightened red hair back with her.

“No, you may not.” Lev said to me, stopping her laughter abruptly. And then she smiled after looking serious for a second. I laughed at her.

“Okidokey then, shall we go?” I said, guiding everyone to the elevator and heading down to the car. We all piled in.


As I reached a finger out to ring the doorbell, I heard the bass of music pounding inside of the house. On ride over, I’d texted Riley and asked about her address. She had replied quickly allowing me to type it into my GPS and then we were there.

I peeked into the windows seeing how many bodies were collected in this large, expensive-looking house. There was a ton of people. This Riley girl and her boyfriend must know a lot of people… I thought. A few seconds later the door opened up showing a guy about 18ish with a red cup in his hand looking slightly woozy.

“Oh, hey, I’m Riley’s boyfriend, Matt; you must be those people she almost ran over. Sorry about that.” He said with a hiccup and chuckle. “She’s not the best driver.” He whispered leaning in towards us. We laughed a little then went silent, still out on the porch. Then his eyes widened in realization.

“Oh yeah, sorry about that, come on in.”Matt said to all of us with a welcoming smile, opening the door wider to allow us through. I smiled at him.

“Thanks and it’s cool.” I said laughing a little. I pulled in Eric and the rest of the group followed us. We went around to what was most likely the living room and then agreed to meet back here in a couple hours, whenever we decided to leave. We all checked to make sure we had our cell phones and split up, with Tim and Levi going somewhere, probably where the music was and Corbin, Eric, and I heading to the kitchen to find some snacks and go over the plan.


“Okay guys, we’ll go over this phase by phase, ready?” I told them, while snacking on some Goldfish I found. As I explained the plan, Eric’s eyes widened and Corbin’s eyes sparkled. By the time I’d finished, Eric’s eyes were huge, like a deer in headlights, and Corbin’s eyes were like stars, brilliantly bright in happiness and he was rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

“Everybody got it?” I asked, finally done. They both nodded. “Then let’s get started.” I told them with a smile. Corbin hurried to get to his position, and as Eric walked away he whispered something in my ear.

“Remind me to never give you a reason to make a plan, my devious Denny, okay?” I smirked at his words.


Phase 1, initiated. I texted Corbin and Eric. I smiled as I watched Tim and Levi talking next to the staircase while thinking Bye bye Foo-Goo… Which was probably something really creepy to be thinking, but I didn’t care at the time. Phase 1 consisted of getting rid of the distraction—aka Foo-Goo—so that we could move into Phase 2.

I kept watching Tim, until I finally saw Eric come from the kitchen with two drinks, one for Foo-Goo, and one for Levi. But the difference is that Foo-Goo’s has a laxative mixed in it. As I observed Foo-Goo taking his first sip, I thought, Yes… drink the yummy laxative… drink it… drink it all. And then did a mental evil laugh. Which was rather startling and caused me to also think, Man, I get way too into my plans.


About 30 minutes after Foo-Goo had finished his delicious, special beverage, he made a speedy exit to go to the bathroom, leaving Levi alone, just as planned. Phase 1 complete. I thought, and sent in a text as well.

Corbin, are you in position? I texted to Corbin.

Yes I am, roger that. He replied. I sent him an emoticon with its tongue sticking out for the ‘roger’ he’d added. And after I paused for a few seconds, I sent out another text.

Initiate Phase 2. I sent to both Corbin and Eric. I saw Eric look down at his phone while talking to Levi. After reading he stuck the phone back in his pocket and gestured to Levi suggesting taking a walk around the house. Levi shrugged, smiled, and followed.

Phase 2 had to do with leading mouse to the trap. Eric led Levi down the hallway and they talked casually.

Get ready. T-minus 5 seconds. Be prepared. I sent to Corbin, crossing my fingers that this would work. Although even if it didn’t the first time we could always get Levi to come back again, it’s just easier this way to get it right on the first time.

I kept watching Eric’s and Lev’s progress. Just as Eric and Levi passed a linen closet, the door sprang open and a hand reached out, grabbed Levi, pulled her in, after she gave a slight shriek, and then closed behind her. Eric looked over to where I was stationed and gave me a big smile and thumbs up. I shot him a thumbs-up back.

And then I sighed, hoping that Phase 3 would be the icing on the perfect plan cake.

Don’t mess this up, Corbin.I thought, hoping that maybe Corbin would hear my pleas and get everything the way it should be with Levi.


Three cups of Sprite later, Corbin and Levi were still in the closet. Eric and I had gone back to the kitchen to just chill and hang out. I was starting to get a little bit antsy.

“How long is this going to take?” I asked nervously. Eric pulled me into a soothing hug and rubbed my back gently.

“They’re going to be fine, you’re going to be fine, everything will be fine. You just have to give them time. They’ll work it out and be done whenever they do.” He told me reassuringly. I gave him a grateful look.

“Thanks.” I said, and then made a face realizing that all those Sprites made me have to go to the bathroom. I started doing a mini pee dance as though I was 5 years old and excused myself from a laughing Eric. I stuck my tongue out at him as hurried away.

As I passed the linen closet heading to the bathroom I glanced at it, willing the door to open, but when it didn’t I kept on my way to the bathroom.

Once I’d finished and washed my hands, I walked back by the linen closet, but this time, I got lucky. Just as I was approaching, the door opened a giggling Levi and an ecstatic Corbin popped out of the closet. I was just about to ask how everything went, when they began kissing each other right as I opened my mouth. And my mouth stayed wide open in surprise.

“Uh…” I mumbled then shook myself out of it and thought, so that’s how it went… with a sly smile. Then I went to return to Eric knowing that Corbin and Levi wouldn’t be done for awhile.


When they finally returned, I winked at the pair. The blushing Levi and the confident Corbin.

“So how’d it go?” I asked with a smile, already knowing, but wanting to hear what they said first. Corbin replied first.

“Pretty darn amazing.”