Status: Weekly updates, sometimes a bit quicker

The Road Trip

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

After such a long night, I was relieved and exhausted as my head hit the hotel pillow. Corbin and Eric had gone to their own respectable hotel room, and Levi and I went to ours.

It was lights out not even 10 seconds after I hopped into bed.

I slept deeply and contentedly and would’ve had an amazing sleep if it hadn’t have been for my rude awakening by the one and only Corbin. He decided to barge into Levi’s and mine’s room and jump up on my bed yelling, “Wake up, Dennycakes! Wake up!” I knew we shouldn’t have given them a key to our room. I flipped over on my bed so that my face was buried in the pillow.

“I thought only little monkeys jumped on beds, Corbindoodles,” I mumbled into the pillow, although Corbin still understood me and laughed at my comment. He reached down from his standing position on my bed and ruffled my already messed up morning hair.

“Silly, Dennycakes, of course monkeys aren’t the only animals that jump on beds. You are such a silly goose,” He told me in a cutesy tone. I grumbled incoherently, directing the gibberish at Corbin’s annoying presence above me. Hmpf, I’ll show him a silly goose. In one swift movement I flipped back over and swept my feet and legs over to one side of the bed. In the process, I knocked Corbin off-balance and cause him to stumble and fall off my bed.

I lifted my head off of my pillow and looked in the direction Corbin fell in. The view of his figure sprawled across the floor was enough to send me into an eruption of giggles.

However, my giggles abruptly stopped as I noticed the fact that it was still dark outside.

After shooting looks at both Levi and Eric, who were also in the room and wide awake, I moved my head so I’d be able to see the hotel clock’s digits. It read 5:30 AM. Why in the world am I up so early? What is wrong with these people I call my friends?? I faced my pillow again and let out a little shriek in it.

“Uh, what’s wrong with you Den?” Lev asked me. I lifted my head from my pillow and glared at her venomously.

“What do you think is wrong with me? It’s freaking 5:30 in the morning! It’s not even light outside!” I exploded, in a slightly dramatic. Levi, Eric, and even Corbin on the floor looked at me with wide eyes. I rolled my eyes and took a couple deep breaths to calm my grumpy, tired body down, so that I wouldn’t bite anyone’s head off.

“Sorry… What I meant was why’d you guys wake me up so early?” I asked them in a calmer tone. They all visibly relaxed when they heard that I’d calmed down.

“Oh, if that’s all you wanted to know.” I nodded at Corbin’s statement. “Well, in that case it’s a surprise,” Corbin said slyly and winked. I glared at him and felt my grumpiness return to me, so before I could say anything I would regret, I turned my face back into my pillow and let out a muted string of words I wished I could call Corbin at the moment, all turned into nicer words of course, despite my intent behind them.

“Chill out, Denny! Goodness gracious, just be ready to go by 7 okay?” Corbin told me, a he finally got up off the floor and was brushing himself off.

I said a muffled ‘fine’ into my pillow and didn’t lift my head until I heard the hotel door open and close.

I slowly lifted my head to find only Levi in the room with me. I felt a twinge of sadness at Eric’s absence, but I shook it off and headed to our bathroom to get take a shower and begin my waking up process.


After my shower, I dried off and put on my robe.

Once I had finished examining my face in the mirror, I began my warm-up wake up routine. I only used it in dire situations where I needed to wake up before my grumpiness overcame me for the entire day.

So I took a deep breath as I stretched down to my toes and then released it as I came back up. I repeated this motion many times.

While doing so, I sang, “When I up, down, touch the ground, puts me in the mood.” It’s from the original ‘Winnie the Pooh’ movie, which I love so much. I do my stretches until I finish the song saying, “I improve my appetite, when I exercise,” at which point my stomach rumbles right on queue. So I finished up in the bathroom, and came out dressed and with my hair done.

Apparently my stomach had rumbled louder than I thought because once I had exited the bathroom, Levi looked over at me from where she was watching TV on her bed.

“Well, someone sure does have a rumbly in her tumbly,” She commented with a wink. I pointed at myself with both of my thumbs.

“That would be this girl,” I told her with a smile.

“I figured,” Lev replied smiling back. I walked over and plopped down next to her on her bed.

“So do you know where we’re going?” I asked her.

“Of course I do, unlike you, I’m in the loop,” She sniffed. I laughed and then put on an attempt at big, sad eyes.

“Will you tell me? Your best friend? Please?” I asked her. She pretended to think and then shot me down a few seconds later.

“Nope.” Then she went back to watching TV. I huffed.

“So much for being best friends,” I mumbled.

“Yeah I guess, well, see you!” She said to me perkily and kicked me off of her bed. I huffed again and grabbed my stuff and a room key. After doing so, I went into the closet to greet Leo with a ‘good morning’ and a head pet and give him some water and some dog food out of my bag.

“Be good today Leo, I’ll be back as soon as I can to walk you.” I then realized that I didn’t know when we would be coming back so I figured why not take him with us. So I ended up coming out the closet with my stuff, a room key, and Leo attached to his leash. Once I’d come out, I finally replied to Levi.

“Whatever, we should probably be heading over to the guys’ room anyway.” With that, I left the room with Leo without waiting for Levi to finish getting her stuff into her hands. I walked down the hall to see Corbin and Eric already waiting outside their door for us with their stuff all ready.

“Where’s Levi?” Corbin asked me as Eric wrapped his arms around my waist. I shrugged while contently leaning into Eric.

“No idea, I’m not her mom,” I told him nonchalantly, but then I noticed the look on his face and sighed. “She’s coming, just getting her stuff together.”

“Oh, okay then,” Corbin replied, and his easy smile slid back onto his face and replaced his urgent expression.

We waited for a few minutes and petted Leo until Levi joined us and then we all headed down to my car.

Before I could jump into the driver’s seat, Eric was already there. I scowled at him because he ruined my plan on how to get them to tell me where we were going, since I’d have to know if I was driving. So I had to just settle for shotgun while Corbin and Levi took the seats behind us and Leo was in the very last seats.

“So… can I know where we’re going now?” I asked as we left the hotel parking lot. The three of them shook their heads in unison. I pondered for a second. “Can I at least know if it’s okay for dogs?” They all nodded. “Is that a yes for I can know or a yes that it is okay for dogs?” I asked them confusedly.

“Yes, it is okay for dogs, it has a daycare that Leo can go to,” Corbin replied. I nodded and then turned to look out the window.

I watched as the scenery zoomed past the window and wondered where we could be going. It was a beautiful day so I hoped it would at least be outside. I hope it’s fun…

I must’ve dozed off picturing different things to do in Florida because I woke up to a lot of honking going on outside the car. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and turned to look out the window. There were a lot of cars causing traffic all on the road.

“Hey guys, what’s up with—” I started, but I abruptly stopped as I looked out the front window that showed a scene I had only seen on TV. My jaw dropped.

“We’re going to Disney World?!?”