Status: Weekly updates, sometimes a bit quicker

The Road Trip

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Corbin, Eric, and I gifted ourselves with some hang out time and just enjoyed each other’s company as we waited for Levi to return from her ride.

We watched the different types of people pass by and planned where we would go next.

“So what’s been your favorite so far?” I asked Corbin. He looked pensive for a few seconds.

“I would say…” He started to reply slowly. “That place where we got to shoot a lot of stuff!” He exclaimed happily with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Of course you would, boys and their violence,” I said. Corbin simply winked at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes one more time and then turned to Eric.

“What about you?”

Eric thought for a little while longer than Corbin before he replied.

“I liked that Winnie the Pooh part.” I took a double-take. I was not expecting that. I mean, I had to force all of them to go with me into that little ride.

“Really? But I thought you didn’t want to go in there,” I said in surprise.

“Well, I didn’t at first,” he said after shrugging. Eric then smiled at me. “But watching you smile and laugh and enjoy yourself so much made it so much better.” I melted right there.

“You are too sweet,” I told him lovingly. “But if you thought that then why’d you call me immature once we’d left?”

“Because you were immature,” he stated bluntly. I stopped melting right there and felt an aghast look come onto my face and was about to protest, but then he started talking again. “But that doesn’t mean you didn’t look adorable while doing it.”

Aw, here comes the melting again.

“Aw, thanks Eric.” I gave him a big hug and beamed. We all chatted a bit more about the stuff we had just done for a few more minutes, then I stood up.

“Let’s walk around this area or something,” I suggested while stretching. A big yawn came over me as I loosened my muscles. Eric stood up; he was immediately up for it, but Corbin stayed seated with a frown over his face.

“But how will Levi find us?” Corbin asked concernedly.

“We won’t go far, I just want to get loose after eating all that food.” Corbin nodded at my explanation and reluctantly got up. We all began to walk.

A few paces from our table we saw Donald Duck. Corbin jumped up and down like a little kid in excitement.

“Oh my gosh guys, oh my gosh! It’s Donald Duck! Look at his hat! Look at it! Lookie! Look!” Up and down, up and down. I was getting tired just watching him jump and shout.

“Hey Corbin, maybe you should just go over there and say ‘hi’ before you pull a muscle,” I teased him and slightly nudged him in the direction of the famous Disney duck.

He stopped jumping immediately. His entire demeanor changed from excited happiness to timid shyness. Corbin kicked the ground a little as he pointed his eyes downward.

“I-I don’t know…” He said shyly.

“You’re nervous about seeing Donald Duck, Corbin?” I asked him while gently laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. I feel like such a mother. Corbin didn’t respond at first, but then he slowly nodded his head.

“Really? What can Eric and I do to help?” I gestured towards Eric to come over.

“Yeah, how can we help?” Eric parroted. I smirked at Eric until Corbin lifted his head making me turn my face to one of comfort and concern.


“Yes?” I pushed.

“Could you guys come with me, maybe?” Corbin asked. I looked into his unusually innocent eyes.

“Sure, Corbin, sounds fine.” I turned my head to mouth ‘that’s it?’ at Eric, who shrugged in return. “Want to go over there now?”

“Sure!” Excited Corbin was back and ready for some action. I laughed.

“Okay, come on.” We walked over to where Donald Duck was standing and shook his hand.

“Hi,” I began to say to ‘Donald’. “Could my friend get a picture with you?” I asked on Corbin’s behalf. The guy in the costume lazily looked up from whatever he was doing.

“Sure, why not?” However, it sounded like whoever was in the costume was saying it with a smirk. And did that costume head just move a little up and down? I shook my head to rid it of these thoughts. My mind must be playing tricks on me.

I reached behind me for Corbin’s hand and pulled him forward. “Here you are!” I told Corbin in a chipper tone and pulled out my camera. I snapped a photo of Corbin happily fist-bumping Donald Duck. I smiled at Corbin’s ecstatic face. That’s so adorable.

I watched as Corbin shook the duck’s hand and came over to us.

Just as we started to walk away, a voice spoke.

“Wait.” We turned around to see Donald Duck calling for us, so we looked at him questioningly. “How about a picture with the lady?” He suggested. I turned to look at Eric and Corbin who both looked confused, but fine with it, so I shrugged and walked back after giving Corbin my camera.

I turned to give a side hug to the duck guy in wait for the picture. I felt a costumed arm sneak around me as well. Everything was fine until Donald Duck spoke again.

“So, how about you and I go make some ducklings of our own?” I was shocked still and didn’t move.

“Uhm… no thanks?” I replied.

“Aw, come on, but you look so amazing, and I think you’d agree that I look amazing if I didn’t have this stupid costume on,” the guy said haughtily, his arm still around my waist. I started to pull away in disgust, but Donald Duck was actually pretty strong.

“Well, I said no already, so let me go.” I tried to push away from him, but he still wouldn’t release me.

“No way, I’m not letting a catch like you go anytime soon until you agree to go out with me.”

“Ew! No! I have a boyfriend, you pervert!” I exclaimed. I could feel the anger bubbling up inside of me. “Now let go!”

I slapped the mask of the Donald Duck guy, making it spin, and then ran out of his grasp to Eric. He looked at me with concern.

“What did he do? What’s wrong, Den?” I guessed that he couldn’t hear the exchange from this distance.

“He asked if I wanted to go ‘make ducklings’ with him and then he wouldn’t let go of me!” I said outraged. I watched as Eric’s face turned red.

“No one says that to my girl! His goose is cooked!” Eric then started walking determinedly towards Donald Duck.

“No! Eric, don’t! You’ll get us kicked out!” I called to him and started to follow, hoping to get to him before he tried to do anything to guy in the costume.

“I don’t care! He needs to be taught a lesson!” Eric called back to me.

He reached the guy before I did and started pushing him backwards aggressively.

“Stop, Eric! Stop!” I pleaded to no avail. But just as Eric was about to punch the guy, Levi came running dizzily out of nowhere and stopped right in between Eric and Donald Duck.

Uh oh Levi, not a good place to stop. I came up to Levi and was about to remove her from the middle when I noticed the greenish tinge to her face.

I began to back up just in time. As soon as I got about to paces away, Levi turned to Donald Duck and threw up all over him.

Nice timing, Levi.