Status: Weekly updates, sometimes a bit quicker

The Road Trip

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

“Mm… that was delicious!” I smiled happily at Eric and rubbed my full stomach in order to allow him to fully appreciate my satisfaction. He beamed at my bright face.

“Hm, you seem to have a bit of something right there,” he pointed out, gesturing to the area surrounding my mouth. I licked and tasted syrup, so I giggled. Breakfast can be a messy meal for me sometimes. “Here, I’ll get it for you.”

Eric reached over to me after dipping a napkin in his glass of water. I watched him with a neutral expression as he gently wiped the syrup off of my face. He did it with such precision and concentration that I just had to break and smirk at him.

“Almost… and… done.” He stepped away to admire his handiwork. “Perfect!” He commented. “Oh, wait, just one more thing I have to get.” He kissed me on the lips. As he pulled back, he licked his. “Mm… sugary.” I rolled my eyes at him and smiled.

“Come on, let’s go,” I urged being as we had finished our classy Denny’s dinner. “I’m sure Levi and Corbin are waiting for us.” He sighed.

“Oh, yeah, them.” He waved down the waiter and paid the bill while I laughed at his grumpy expression.

“And to think, you didn’t even want to leave the restaurant,” I teased.

He shrugged. “I’m allowed to have poor judgment every once in awhile. Especially with that waitress. How did I not notice everything she was doing?” I smirked.

“No idea. But I forgive you for it,” I said in a cheerful tone. He rolled his eyes, but smiled.

“Oh, well lucky me.” He winked. I laughed and we walked out of the restaurant arm-in-arm.


Corbin, Levi, Eric, and I walked into the hotel together.

Eric and I had called the other two to see if they had finished, which they had, so we rendezvoused back at my car and came back.

Levi and I were laughing about the waitress on the way back and the guys inserted a few comments of their own here and there. We all made fun of Eric for his obliviousness towards the waitress’s constant flirtation to him and unfortunate mistreatment of me.

When it came time to branch out to our separate rooms, we did so without a complaint as we were all dead tired from the day’s events. After feeding Leo, Levi and I wasted no time with putting on pajamas. Merely turned off the lights and collapsed on our beds, falling asleep instantly.


I woke up bright and early, excited for the new day. I hopped out of bed without so much of a blink of an eye and pulled open the curtains to let in the beautiful morning light.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Levi grumbled, still under the covers of her bed. “What’s the big idea? Since when are we morning people?” I laughed at her tone.

“Since I woke up a few minutes ago,” I replied cheerfully. I skipped away from her before she could reply after calling out, “Wakity uppity, sleepy head!” I pranced my way over to the bathroom and paid no mind to the inappropriate language Levi was spouting out at the moment as she was slowly removing herself from her bundle of covers. I giggled and examined my face in the mirror. There was not even one small hint of a bag beneath either of my eyes. I did a miniature celebratory dance at that observation. I also took in how the rest of my face looked well rested and glowing.

After smirking at my reflection for a second, I hopped into the shower and started off the new day with a grin and a positive attitude.

That’s more than I could say for Levi. She was as grumpy as she ever was in the mornings and not even my blaringly happy presence could sway it. She mumbled incoherently at all times as I skipped, danced, and bounced around the room getting ready. Not sure what I was getting ready for, but I was getting ready for something.

Finally after about fifteen more minutes of my hopping antics, Levi snapped.

“Get out! Get out! Get out!” She proclaimed while shoving me from the room in her bathrobe. “Go bother Eric or something, just leave me alone in peace!” She slammed the door to our room in my face just when I started to open my mouth. I smirked at the door, shrugged, and skipped down the hall to the boys’ room.

I rapped my knuckles lightly against the wooden door and stuck my eye in front of the peephole. I listened as footsteps sounded from behind the door and waited for them to look through the peephole.

“Yikes!” That reaction that came from the other side told me that either Corbin or Eric had looked through the peephole. I laughed and backed away from the door as it opened. Corbin stared at me then laughed along with me at his reaction to my eyeball in his peephole.

“So can I come in?” I asked once our laughing fit was over. He waved me in and I bounced right through the threshold.

I glanced around at the room that was similar to the one Levi and I were staying in. “Nice crib,” I commented casually, to which Corbin guffawed at.

“Crib? What, are you some kind of gangster now?” I smirked and struck a gangster-esque pose.

“You know it!” We shared another laugh. As we calmed down, I asked,” So where’s Eric?”

“Oh, you mean your lover?” He asked while waggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

“Yes, Eric, my lover, so where is he?” I asked impatiently. Corbin shrugged.

“It’s a surprise.” I raised a eyebrow.

“What kind of surprise? A good surprise? Who’s the surprise for?” Corbin looked at me strangely and didn’t answer my questions for awhile, which allowed my mind to go wild with possibilities. He’s with his mom? He bought flowers? He had to go home? Oh! He’s a spy! I shook my head at the crazy thought. No… he couldn’t be a spy… but he could be a… vampire! I smirked at Corbin knowingly.

“What’s with that look?” He asked suspiciously.

“I know the surprise!” I exclaimed proudly. Corbin crossed his arms.

“Oh, you do, do you?” He didn’t believe me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Yes I do!” His expression didn’t change. “You’ll see!” Still no change. “You will!” I said earnestly. His expression did change, but only to one of amusement.

“Fine, guess we’ll see,” he humored me.

“Hmpf, guess we will.”

I jumped onto what I assumed to be Eric’s bed to wait for him until he returned to the room while Corbin went to finish getting up and dressed. I looked up to the ceiling and began to count the number of flowers on the wallpaper.


About twenty wallpaper flowers later, Eric burst into the room back first.

“Hey Corbin! I’m back! Do you think I went a little overb—“ Eric began, but stopped abruptly as he saw me lying on his bed. He gulped nervously and stood awkwardly for a second before shutting the door with his foot.

“H-hey Denny. How are you this morning?” He was a little shaky, so I attempted to diffuse the tension.

“I’m good, you?” I replied while casually twirling my hair on my finger.

“I’m great! So…what brings you over here on this side of the hallway?”

“Levi kicked me out,” I stated plainly then patted part of the bed next to me. “Care to join me in my latest relaxation technique?”

“And what’s that?” Eric smirked at me in amusement, lightening for a moment.

“Counting the number of flowers on the wallpaper.” I noticed the skeptical look spreading across Eric’s face. “What? It’s very therapeutic,” I told him earnestly. “You would know if you just joined me.” Eric looked torn.

“Fine, I’ll join you. But only if you answer this,” he said while looking at me straight in the eyes.


“Are you hungry?” I felt puzzled, but my tummy rumbled giving my position away, so I nodded. A smile grew on Eric’s face.

“Okay, here I come! But first, look away!” He said excitedly. I rolled my eyes, but did as I was told.

I heard clinking and footsteps then felt the bed sink slightly as another body added his weight to it. “You can open your eyes now,” Eric’s voice whispered into my ear just as a waft of delicious smells hit my nose.

I opened my eyelids to see a tray of food in his arms with a flower in the corner and a partially written note. I smiled broadly at this. Definitely not a vampire.

“Aw, you were going to bring me breakfast in bed?” He nodded shyly. “That’s so sweet!” I kissed his cheek and took the note off the tray.

“I wasn’t done writing that, just saying.”

“I know, but I’m going to read what you have so far.” I unfolded the note to find a list of quotes.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage—Lao Tzu.

Come live in my heart, and pay no rent—Samuel Lover.

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul—Judy Garland.

I reread the last quote several times before looking at the rest of the note.

To Denny, my loving girlfriend who I hope to have a bright future with.

I love y—

The note stopped there, but I knew what it was going to say so I put my arms around Eric in a hug. He chuckled.

“So does this mean you liked it?” He asked.

“Loved it,” I replied with a small smile.

“Not too sappy?” He asked insecurely for once. I lifted my head to look at him.

“Definitely not too sappy,” I said. Then I couldn’t resist so I added,” Just sappy enough.”

He shook his head at me and hugged me. “Good. So… let’s eat!”

While we dug in, we talked about what we were doing next and the plans for the rest of the trip. I was talking about all the things Levi and I were thinking of doing and the places they were and the timeframe for all of it. As we talked about it, I realized the date. July 4th…

Levi and I had to get a move on if we wanted to finish everything which meant leaving Florida tonight. I bit my lip. But what does that mean for Corbin and Eric?

Eric noticed my apprehension and looked at me curiously while eating a French toast stick.

“What’s up, Den?” He asked sweetly.

“Well… It’s just that it’s July 4th…” I started. He looked at me blankly. “So, it’s the middle of summer?” I added. His blank look remained. “So Levi and I are going to have to be leaving soon.” His expression changed to one of comprehension, then to one of sadness.

“So… you two will be leaving?” He asked with a sad expression. I couldn’t bring myself to reply, so I just nodded.

We sat in a tense silence when Corbin popped out of the bathroom. He walked passed us whistling to get his hotel key without noticing us. As he passed us again, he stopped whistling and looked at us oddly.

“What’s wrong with the two of you? Lovers’ quarrel?” He teased.

We shook our heads. “No, we were just talking about how Levi and I would have to leave today,” I told him while watching his expression. He shrugged.

“What’s so bad about that?” He asked nonchalantly, without a care in the world. I gaped at him.

“The fact that Levi, your girlfriend, and I won’t be here anymore, of course?” I said aghast at his reaction, or should I say non-reaction. Still, he looked uncaring.

“And your point is?”

“How can you not care about this?” I exclaimed. He looked confused now.

“Well, it’s not like Eric and I will be here after today either.” I scrunched up my face.

“What do you mean?”

“Uh, we’ll be going with you guys, duh.” I looked at Eric for confirmation and he looked confused.

“We will?” Eric said. Corbin looked at him dumbfounded.

“Of course we will. Levi and I already talked about it. Jeez, you guys really need to get with the program,” he looked at us after rolling his eyes. “We’re checking out today and then leaving Orlando after the fireworks tonight,” he added before walking away

“You didn’t seriously think that Levi didn’t plan anything, right Den? Even I knew that! And dude, how did you not notice me packing up my suitcases?” He called as he exited the room to most likely walk down to mine where Levi was. Eric and I exchanged glances as we processed what this meant with smiles growing on our faces.

We don’t have to say good-bye!

“Nope, we don’t,” Eric beamed at me as I clapped a hand over my mouth. I hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but oh well.

Eric and I finished our breakfast in bed with ease. After wiping up the last of the crumbs with my index finger, I stood up, brushing myself off.

“Well, I’d better go get packing so that Levi doesn’t throw a fit. You should too.” I looked at him expectantly until he finally stood up reluctantly.

“Yes, I suppose. So… I’ll see you later?” His eyes gleamed hopefully.

“Of course,” I told him and kissed him on the nose before walking out of the room.


The fireworks were exploding brightly overhead raining showers of blue, purple, green, red, yellow, and white. Different shapes could be made out of the explosions of color which contrasted distinctly against the black sky.

Eric’s arms were around me, Levi’s hand was in mine as Corbin gave her the same treatment and we all were watching the lights in awe. The Orlando fireworks display was like nothing else I had ever seen before. It seemed like it was the same for the others as well.

The fireworks were supposed to last for at least seven minutes and I was already impressed after seven seconds. I was completely relaxed, not worrying about packing because all of our bags were in my car that was parked outside the park, not worrying about the hotel because we had checkout right on time, not a care in the world because I had everything I needed for the time being with me for the time being.

The loud popping noises added to the atmosphere.

The atmosphere that made me want to stay in the moments forever.

But finally the demonstration had to end. The finale was spectacular. Spectacular enough to leave me wanting more. I pouted for a few seconds and turned around. The pout left my face as I saw my friends’ smiling faces.

My face mirrored their faces of happiness and euphoria as one thought crossed my mind.

I’m hungry.

“Hey, guys, don’t mean to ruin the magic, but my stomach’s a’ callin’,” I told them. We all burst out laughing and walking in the direction of my car.

“McDonald’s, I’m guessing?” Levi and Eric said at the same time. I laughed out.

“You all know me so well.”

We laughed, walked, and talked in the darkness and crowds of people. But we didn’t lose each other once. Nor did we ever plan to.