Status: Weekly updates, sometimes a bit quicker

The Road Trip

Chapter 4

Chili’s…Chili’s…gotta find a Chili’s… I thought, practically salivating from hunger and the need for my favorite Chili’s food (you’ll find out what it is soon enough). I was watching the road signs speed past the window, quickly scanning them, trying to find the adequate establishment to cease my hunger.

“THERE IT IS --- …wait…never mind…” Levi kept exclaiming after each sign passed. After the first 5 times, I found it hard to get excited over her false alarms. My gosh, Lev! Can you not read?? My running count of these false alarms is 13! It’s teasing my tummy with a jolt of happiness at being filled, and then bringing it crashing down into sadness and wanting… My poor tummy…It’s okay tummy we’ll find food soon…I began to think reassuringly and sweetly to my tummy, while rubbing it in small circles for 2 minutes straight until I realized we had stopped moving. Hmm… very peculiar…I thought while mentally stroking my virtual beard (yeah I know… that’s a lot of imagination I’m using there) and turning my head to see what Lev was doing instead of driving the freaking car! Turns out, Levi was doubled over in the seat right now shaking uncontrollably.

Oh my god! What do I do!?! What do I do??? Eeek! I’ve never been in any sort of medical emergency before… Well there was that one time in the 5th grade when I choked on my Jell-O… but I went unconscious before I saw what anyone did to help me. Hmmm… I wonder how I even choked on Jell-O anyways… Wait wait! Off-topic! Levi could be dying right now--- I looked over to make sure Levi was still alive --- Phewf! That was close, anyways, what makes a girl shake uncontrollably anyway? Hmm… I should Google that… So I whipped out my T-Mobile MyTouch, got onto Google, and began to search the web. Searching, searching, searching… AHA! Oh my GRAVY! She could be having an epileptic seizure or have an imbalance in hypoglycemia or electrolytes! Eeepers! She could even have Parkinson’s disease… although that’s unlikely since it says that it’s only caused by old age or severe…head…trauma… OMG!! What if this is happening because she rolled out of her bed last night--- She told me that this morning after sentencing the incredibly stupid alarm clock!--- *GASP!* That would be soooo bad eeeeeeeekkkkkk!!! I then realized that I’d been freaking out about this for around 4 minutes, so Levi might very possibly, or at least there is the slightest chance, be dead. But no she wasn’t, just still shaking as though she was vibrating.

“LEVI ARE YOU OKAY????” I yelled at her, extremely alarmed.

“I….AM….FINE…. WHAT….WERE……YOU….DOING….????.....” she asked in between convulsive fits of laughter. What the heck does she mean ‘what was I doing’? ‘What was I doing’ when?

“What was I doing when???” I asked her calmer, but still a little rushed. Why is she talking gibberish? Maybe it was an epileptic seizure…

“WHEN……YOU….WERE…..RUB….BING….YOUR……TUMMY….??” she gasped out again. Ohhh…that…

“Oh….well…you see… I was trying to console it because you kept getting it’s hopes up for food and then having them go back down to rock bottom when you gave those false alarms about Chili’s… and so I was trying make it less sad and…” I babbled, knowing that I sounded crazy, but, hey, I’m talking to Levi, nuff said.

“OMG….I….WAS….DRIVING…. AND I LOOK……OVER…AND SEE…YOU….STARING….INTENTLY…..AT YOUR….TUMMY….AND….MUMBLING….TO IT….WHILE RUBBING…AND…..IT WAS SOOO…..HILAR…IOUS…!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” She replied, able to string together a couple of words here and there.

“Hmpf… well it wouldn’t have been funny if it had been you with the unhappily hungry tummy! By the way, when are we going to get to CHILI’S!!!???!!!” I exclaimed, I was sort of annoyed by her laughing at me. Plus the fact that we’re stopped and not in route to a Chili’s! After I said that, she stopped laughing and just looked at me curiously.

“Uh…Denny? We ARE at Chili’s. Duh! We’ve been here for like 8 minutes!” said Levi. Really?After I looked out the windows and saw the Chili’s building, I jumped out of the car and sprinted across the parking lot. Or…I tried to. I was so overwhelmed by the joyous feeling I felt seeing the Chili’s I forgot to look both ways (Even though that’s one of the first things your parents teach you when you first begin to walk…oh poor poor short-term memory me).

“OH MY GOD!!!!! DENELLE ALLEN LOOK OUT!!!!!” Levi screamed, terrified from still inside the car. I turned and saw a huge hummer truck coming through the parking lot, the driver texting on his cell phone. I couldn’t make it to the other side of the road so I just braced myself for impact when…
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Sorry, this chapter was so short. I just really wanted a cliff hanger. Next one will be longer! And, hee hee, I actually did Google it those symptoms while writing this...