Status: Going to be active if I don't give up on it.

I can tell just what you want, You don't want to be alone.

Be Steady On Your Feet

"Melody! You're fifteen minutes late!" yelled the little italian woman behind the counter. It felt like this was how I had been greeted every morning since I began working for this small coffee shop.

"Yeah, Yeah. Sorry Serena. Locked myself out of my car again." She shook her head at me as I pulled my apron on over my head and walked over to my spot behind the register.

My life seemed like it was the same every day, I get to work a few minutes late, I wash up and then I wait for the regulars who appear here every morning to come. At about 7 I get hit by all the snotty high school kids who are on their way to school, and then at 8 I can finally sit down and get started on the homework I was assigned the night before at Chandler Community College.

When I had moved to Arizona I had expected to live a life of luxury, spend my days laying next to the pool in the nice gated community I now lived in, but I got the exact opposite. I was hit with "The Real World" as people call it. Finally the day came when I was 18. I moved out of the dysfunctional house I had lived in before, and now was on my own. Some told me I would never make it on my own, others encouraged me. But, I left and never looked back, and if you asked me I was doing pretty good on my own.

The morning went by smoothly and I was cleaning up my area so I could leave. I heard the bells jingle indicating someone had walked in and looked up. A pair of big brown eyes met mine and he smiled. I looked back down to what I had been doing and began making the Coffee's that were being demanded from the drive-thru. I looked back over at the man and studied him more carefully, he had dark hair that stick up in every direction and a confused look planted on his face. I all of a sudden felt sorry for this tall guy. I walked over to the counter and cleared my throat, grabbing his attention.

"Hey... Can I help you sir?"

"Jack, uh, call me Jack."

"Okay, well can I help you with anything Jack?"

"I-I'm a bit lost.." The sound of his voice made my heart drop. He sounded so sad. Now that I was closer to him, I could tell his eyes were slightly puffy, as though he had been crying.

"Well, I get off in about ten minutes.... I could help you get to wherever you need to go?" I offered. He nodded softly and sat down at a booth. After finishing up my orders, taking off my apron, and giving Serena a kiss on the cheek I walked over to the booth he sat at and hesitantly sat down.

"So, Jack, what's your story?"

"Uhh-uhm what do you mean?" he seemed nervous and I chuckled.

"Come on Jack, this is Chandler Arizona, no person just walks in to a small little coffee shop looking like a lost puppy. What is our story? Are you running from police? Did you kill someone? You can trust me. We all fuck up. I'm not one to judge" I told him. I heard him laugh for the first time and it was like music to my ears.

"Well, I was here to surprise my girlfriend, well uh- EX girlfriend now, I went the whole nine yards. Bought her roses, walked out on my best friend, and got the first overnight flight here, I was planning to ask her to marry me, but when her friend lead me to her dorm room I found her in there with some buff football guy." he explained. I looked at him with sorrow. I knew that story all too well. I had been cheated on repeatedly by the only guy I had ever loved.

"Wow. I am so so so so sorry Jack, that's pretty shitty..." I sighed. He looked up at me and smiled weakly.

"Well, everything happens for a reason I guess, now tell me about yourself Melody" he said after looking at my name tag.

and that is how it all started
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