Status: Going to be active if I don't give up on it.

I can tell just what you want, You don't want to be alone.

Swimming Through the Stereo, I'm Writing You a Symphony of Sound

"Well, Jack, I'm afraid I am not the most interesting person... But here it goes" I took a deep breath "My name is Melody Ann Fischer. Both of my parents died when I was younger, so my sister raised me... She was very, uh-- physical? Yeah we'll stick with that.. SO pretty much as soon as I turned 18 i got the fuck out of that house. I have numerous tattoos on random places on my body. I am addicted to cheese bagels. At night time I always kick my socks off and then forget that they're in my bed so I never have matching socks. My favorite color is green. AND when I am angry or sad I make a fort out of my sheets and listen to Jack's Mannequin." I finished and looked up. Expecting him to be laughing but he was staring contently at the table.

I figured I had freaked him out or something until I heard him begin to speak. I watched his lips and the way they moved while he told me his life story. Never had I seen someone as good looking as him. After he was finished he looked up at me and smiled.

"Well, I guess we are both pretty fucked up then, huh?" I chuckled.

"Yeah...." he sighed.

"Well, when do you fly back?"

"Uhm. Not for like 4 days."

"Well, do you need a place to stay? I know we JUST met, but I am very.... interested in you. I have a guest bedroom you could stay in..." I offered. He looked at me and a lopsided grin was placed on his face.

"I would actually really appreciate that. Thank you Melody."

"You're welcome Jack." I stood up and ran my fingers through my long dirty blonde hair. I grabbed my purse and then motioned for jack to follow me. He followed me out to my car where he got into the passenger side.

We sat in traffic in a comfortable silence, I watched as Jack fiddled with my radio. He pressed the CD button and Dark Blue by Jack’s Mannequin came pouring through the speakers. He looked over at me and smiled as we both sang along to Andrew McMahon’s voice. It was a comfortable setting, I secretly wished Jack would just reach over and touch me. I felt an unexplained force that was making me want to be as close to him as possible. All I wanted was simply too feel what his skin felt like against mine.

“Dark blue, dark blue, have you ever been alone in a crowded room when I’m here with you.” I smiled while I listened to Jack’s voice.

He had a sweet, quiet voice. Not something you would expect from him. I now wondered why his friend Alex was the lead singer. Jack’s voice was just as good if not better. Jack realized I was watching him and began to blush deeply. I then began to laugh at him; he didn’t seem like the kind of person who would EVER be embarrassed.

“You have a really nice singing voice” I stated while staring out the windshield.

“Well, thanks, but I’m really not that great. Alex doesn’t even let me sing back up. He turns down the volume on my microphone.” He admitted. He sounded so insecure.

But, it hit me then. Of course he’s insecure. He may have a successful band, thousands of girls who love him, and endless invitations to VIP parties, but he didn’t have the girl he loved anymore. And that is the worst feeling in the world.

"Jack, can I ask you something?"

"Of course?......"

"What's it like? Being able to touch SO many people by just simply doing what you love?"

He seemed deep in thought and then he sighed "It's actually the best thing in the world. Sometimes I think I would be perfectly content just pleasing the fans for the rest of my life. Who needs love when you have all these girls that worship the ground you walk on. Ya know?"

"I don't think you'll ever really be happy with that. You have never really been in love if you can seriously say that.." I looked him straight in the eyes.

"Melody, you're completely right. The one and only girl I've ever loved left me for Alex in the 10th grade. I still have to see her every fucking day of my life." he seethed. I began to think he may have more resentment towards Alex then he lets on.

"Jack. I know what you mean. I guess I have a story to tell you." I reassured him while rubbing his arm gently. I felt the static pulse through my arm. He felt right, like he was put on this earth just to touch me. I nervously chuckled and pulled my arm away. This was all too crazy to be real.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. That sucked. Ugh. Sorry that I am a failure.