Status: Going to be active if I don't give up on it.

I can tell just what you want, You don't want to be alone.

Are you ***ing down?

"Well, Jack. I've only been in love once too...." I sighed and Jack nodded allowing me to start the story. This was the first time I had ever retold this story.

"His name was Aaron James, but I just called him AJ. He was my dream guy, avid longboarder, great hair, guitarist in a band. He was like my version of a prince charming. He was my number one priority all the time, I let my grades slip and lost alot of my friends because all I ever wanted to do was hang out with him. After about 7 months of dating we broke up. It was a dumb fight and I knew we'd be back together before a few days went by." I took in a deep breath and tried to ignore the sharp pain that had invaded my chest.

"So, the next night, My friends and went and got like REALLY drunk. We decided to crash at Aj's house because his mom was chill with shit like that. So, being the trusting person I am, I let Aurora and AJ sleep in the bed while me and Sydney took the floor. We talked into the hours of the morning and then I decided to turn on music to help us all fall asleep. I put on Lisztomania by Phoenix and sure enough as soon as the song started I heard faint kissing noises coming from the bed. I just put my head in sydneys neck and silently cried myself to sleep.......

"Having woken up from a nightmare I got up to go get some water but when I stood up, there was AJ and Aurora. Fucking in the bed that me and AJ had spent countless nights in. The place where I would come and sleep when my sister kicked me out, it was OUR place. So, this really pissed me off. I flipped on the lights and started screaming wildly at them, I broke Aj's guitar in the process, punched Aurora in the face and I didn't stop until Aj's mom came and grabbed me, She took me in the room and just held me while I cried. As soon as morning light came I walked home." I sighed. Jack opened up his mouth to say something. "Wait, there is more." I said. " So, three days later, I hadn't talked to AJ or Aurora which was hard because Aurora was my best friend in the whole wide world. But I saw AJ at the skatepark and he came up to me. He fell onto his knees crying and telling me how much he missed me, and I forgave him. I went home with him that night and he took my virginity, I went home the next morning and he sent me a text message telling me 'he didn't want to be with me and that I was lucky I was such a good fuck' or some shit like that."

Finally finished with my story I gulped and looked over at Jack. He looked like he was trying to find something to say.

"I'm really sorry Mel.... Wow.... Fuck.... That's so intense." I slightly nodded.

"Wanna know what my favorite part of the story is?" He asked. I smiled and nodded again. "The fact that you broke his guitar. THAT'S SO FUCKING AWESOME." he exclaimed. He had a thousand watt smile plastered on his face and I giggled at this.

"Jack, I like you. I like that you can make me laugh even after talking about the worst experience of my life."

"It's just a special talent of mine" I could hear the smile in his voice as I tried to focus on the road ahead of me.

We finally pulled up to my apartment complex and I put my car into park. Jack got out and looked over at me. Surprisingly he walked swiftly over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. It took me a minute to adjust but when I did I slid my arms up around his neck and hugged back just as tight.
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SORRYYYYY. I have so much homework it's not even funny, I will update a LONG and AMAZING chapter tomorrow. I promise! Comment and subscribeee!