Down Under

The Beginning

Wrapping the last glass ornament in plastic bubble wrapping, I carefully placed it in my suitcase. Zipping the metal zipper up, I put the large black suitcase on the wooden floor. Dragging it out of the room with me, I stopped in the doorframe.

Looking in the bedroom that I had lived in for the last nineteen years of my life, a wave of nostalgia and memories hit me like a tidal wave. Feeling a warm tightening knot in the bottom of my stomach, I shut my eyes. I knew that leaving was the only thing in the world that I was destined for.

Picking up the handle once again, I dragged it along the small hallway and into the living room. My mother stood there with a handkerchief in her small delicate hand, hastily dabbing away at the corner of her eyes.

“Oh Mom,” I sighed. I swiftly walked over to her and wrapped her in a tight hug. Not letting go, I gently rocked myself away and straightened back up. Smoothing the wrinkles away from my cardigan, I smiled.

“I just can’t believe my little Lucy is leaving.”

“Mom, you knew this was coming for over sixteen years ago. I know it’s going to be hard, but trust me, it’s going to be as painful for you as it will be for me. But I know what’s best and this is it.”

My mother blew her nose in the baby pink colored napkin and sadly smiled. “Oh Lucy. If only your father was here to see you right now.”

Swallowing the forming lump in my throat, I took a deep breath. “I know, Mom. He would be proud of me and I know that he would be complimenting how strong you are being right now.”

My mother’s fading brown curls bounced as she nodded her head. “Don’t let me slow you down, baby. You have a flight to catch.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Hugging her one last time, I walked toward the door.

“I love you Lucy. Promise me that you’ll remember me.”

“I could never forget you, Ma.”

“You’re so much like your father, you have no clue.

“I love you mom.”

“I love you Lucy.”


Slugging my luggage in the compartment above my head, I sat in my seat and tightened up the seatbelt. The plane was about to jet off in less than a minute. My heart was beating a thousand miles a second. Elation rising in me, I felt the plane rise up.

Australia, here I come.
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