Like Ghosts in Snow

“It’s our anniversary, wake up…” he said this time, which only caused you to grumble even more.

Defiantly, you turned over to lay on your stomach, face first into your pillow.

“That is exactly why I should be allowed to sleep in!” You exclaimed, though it came out somewhat muffled. This made Gerard laugh. After, though, he let out an exaggerated sigh as he lay down on his back, folding his hands behind his head.

“Fine. Then I guess I can’t give you your surprise…” he said, nonchalantly. He was trying very hard, though, to hide the smile in his voice because there was definitely one on his face.

Your ears perked up at this, the word ‘surprise’.

This is a one-shot for a good friend of mine, Human Wreckage.
She was the third place winner of my contest One of many Gerard Way Contests out there.
This is her prize.

I do not own Gerard Way, Donna Way, anyone else in My Chemical Romance, or their family members and personal interests. Taylor, Shelby, and Jenna are not my own characters, either. I probably didn't explain New York City correctly. Most importantly, none of this is real, even though we know Taylor wishes it was!

Title Credit goes to Vampires Will Never Hurt You by My Chemical Romance
  1. One of one, and one only.
    86 pages; 12, 575 words.