Status: Happy Ieroween!

Halloween Conversations


Standing outside of the tour bus on a breezy Halloween night, Frank Iero zipped his jacket up with his free hand, the other carelessly holding a cigarette to his lips. Leaning against the bus, he inhaled the toxic smoke before blowing out. A goofy sort of grin came over his face and before he knew it, a voice called out to him.

“Look who it. If it isn’t birthday boy himself lighting it up.”

“Shut up Gerard,” Frank said lazily.

Out of the shadows, a thin redheaded man walked over to Frank and stood next to him. Gerard Way laughed and the skin around his eyes crinkled.

“You’re getting old,” Frank said observantly.

“I could say the same for you. Mr. Twenty-Nine year old boy. I never knew you liked the San Francisco Giants. Hell, I didn’t even know you liked baseball, sports nonetheless,” he said after eying Frank’s bright colored jacket.

Frank laughed. “Shut up, dude. It’s my birthday and I can do and wear anything I want.” Bending down, he picked up the hat that was lying next to him on the ground. Placing it on his head, he looked at Gerard and lifted up one of his perfect eyebrows.

“I think you’re a little too old to try and be Holden Caulfield,” Gerard said, smirking. Just before Frank was about to reply, Gerard lifted up his hands and if to surrender. “I know, I know. It’s your birthday and you can do anything.”

“Damn right,” Frank said. He threw his cigarette down and stepped on it until it was out. “Plus it’s Halloween, Gee! The night of mysterious festives, and scary things lurking in the shadows, like you for example.”

“What do you mean me?” Gerard asked perplexed.

“Well you were hiding in the shadows like a freakin’ creep. Just because you look like Ronald McDonald doesn’t give you the privilege of stalking the young and vivacious.”

Gerard shook his head and smiled. “Frank, you’re still the same kid I met nearly ten years.”

“I’m forever young.”

“Damn right you are.”

Laughing, Frank looked at the dark sky and the full moon that was present. Shivering in his jacket, he hopped on his legs. “It’s getting way too cold out here,” he said. “I think I’m going to be heading back in soon. What about you Gerard?”

“Eh, I think I’ll do the same as you.”

Walking toward the door, Frank was ahead of Gerard before he stopped in his tracks.

“What’s wrong Frank?” Gerard asked. He had barely missed running into Frank because of his unexpected stop.

“You know how I called you Ronald McDonald earlier?”

Blushing, Gerard nodded his head. “Erm, yeah. Why?”

Licking his lips, Frank busted into a wide grin. “I apologize.”

“Oh, it’s okay Frankie. I know you joke around like that. But don’t do it again, I just let it slide because it’s your birthday,” Gerard said teasingly.

“About that,” Frank began. He looked down at the ground and bent one of his skinny legs. “Well about calling you that, I was wrong. I should have called you Ariel!”

Before Gerard could register Frank’s silly comment, Frank hastily ran into the bus. Gerard finally realized what Frank had said and began shaking his head. That Frank Iero was something else, he thought.
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Interesting fact; Frank and I have the same birthday! :3