That Man

Having a bit of fun(;

Zoé's POV

At the end of a long day of work, I was walking away from my classroom. The top buttons on my shirt were unbuttoned and my skirt was flung up to fix my shirt. A certain teacher was walking in my direction, when he realized that most of me was exposed. As he passed by me, he stopped and said, " Zoé, fix your clothes."
I looked up at him. "Why should I?"
"Because I said so."
"Hmm..." I ripped open my entire shirt, so now my chest was exposed. He stepped infront of me, to block me from passing people.
"Ooh, you came closer." I ran my fingers over his chest hair, which was poking out over his shirt.
He protested, "I don't think this is appropriate..."
I ripped his shirt, and he stood there shocked.
"Aw sir. Just gonna stand there? Not gonna spank me?" I felt something... "Ooh, so you do."
He looked round, then pushed me into the nearest classroom and locked the door.
I sat on the table, watching him. he took off the remainder of his shirt and stood between my legs. I smirked. "We shouldn't be doing this, you know."
"I know." He kissed me...
And let's just say that things went a bit far, papers on the table got wrinkled, things were thrown all over the place, and when we were finished, we lay there together on the floor, panting.
I rolled to face him and he was watching me. I blushed, and jumped up and put on my shirt.
He'd sat up on the floor, and I bent down to kiss him on the cheek.
Then I ran out the door, saying "Nice fight!"

The next day of school, I had him for two fudging periods of the day.
I unwrapped a gum and popped it in my mouth,(*wink* spearmint *wink*) and waited.
"Good morning class."
"Good morning sir." the class dragged.
He stared at me" Good morning Zoé."
I smirked, "Morning sir."
He nodded and started the topic for the day.
I zoned out completely after that.
"What?" I snapped.
"You're not paying attention."
"Are you giving me sass?"
"Maybe?" I said trying to look innocent, twirling a lock of my hair.
He blinked, taken aback by my blatant -ness.
"You have detention tomorrow. Inform your parents that you'll be leaving here at six."
"Yeah yeah whatever helps you get through the night." I rolled my eyes.
He stalked out and the students turned round to look at me.
"What the frick are you looking at?"
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