Thought I Had It Figured Out

Chapter 6

- - - - - - - - - - - - READ AUTHORS NOTE PLEASE! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Well Hell” I said.

“I thought we talked about the swearing?” A handsome voice said from the entrance of my office. I turned my head to see the good looking guy from my interview. What was his name again?

“Didn’t you ever hear of the word knocking?” I asked in a bit of harsh tone.

“Yes, but I don’t listen to the rules” he replied with a smirk playing on his lips.

“Is that so Mr…? Uh whats your name?” I asked with a blush.

“James” he said.

“Well James, I’m Ja-” I started out saying but was cut off.

“Jasmine, I know” He said still with a smirk on his face.

“How did you know?” I asked confused.

“You’re going to be working with me today so it’s kind of required that I know your name” he told me. I looked at him then I looked down at the paper that Mrs. Morrison gave me. “Plus it’s also located on the side here” he said pointing to the other side of the wall. I blushed a bit.

“But it says here I’m working with Mrs. Morrison’s son, unless you are him?” I said. Wait he is. In the interview Mrs. Morrison called him Mr. Morrison. Oh hell.

“Yes I am he, you disappointed…Because the look on your face doesn’t seem to say otherwise?”

“No, its just I never would of thought that you were. You guys don’t really look alike” I told him. He smiled.

“Well thanks; I look a lot like my father.” He told me. I nodded my head, not knowing what else to say.

“Anyways… When would you like to come with me?” He asked me. I raised my brow. “You know, since your working with me today?”

“Oh yea right” Oh god, I thought “How about after lunch?” I asked him

“I can’t after lunch I have a meeting, how about around 11:40am? You would be done your other stuff right?”

“Yea, of course, that would be good.” I said.

“Alright, I will meet you here” he said. I replied with a yup and he left with a smirk on his face. ‘Cause you know that’s not strange at all I thought.

“Let’s see what I have here” I said to myself, and grapping the paper again and flipping it to the other side and looked down at it.

Dear Ms. Fitch,

Welcome to Cosmopolitan Magazine, as you are aware you have only today to finish what is required on the list. If its not competed you don’t have another chance at being in Cosmopolitan Magazine.

The information below is your Log In information for both computer and email. Once that is all set up you will have an email of what you have to do today. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Username: JasmineF3
Password: 198806 (May Reset password)

Someone from our staff also wants you to help them out today and it also has to be completed by the end of the day. The information for that task is on another paper attached with this one.

Good Luck!

Editor of Cosmopolitan Magazine
Kate Morrison

I reread it once more just incase I missed anything and turned the page.

Dear Ms. Fitch,

I have chosen you to help me pick out two outfits for an award show I have in a couple of days in Paris. You seem like you have a great sense a style and a great catch of eye for what I’m looking for.

Thank You!
James Morrison

To be honest I was kind of confused of why he would pick me. It was my first day on the job and I’ve only met him once and it wasn’t even for a full 5 minutes. So I didn’t really make any sense. Sure I do have good fashion sense…Not to brag or anything but it is true. And to pick out what he is going to wear at an award show is just nuts! What happened if it would be all wrong and he would cover up and say he likes it not to hurt my feeling and then writers from all over the world will hate on him for what he’s wearing. And I’m not lying! I watch and read stuff. I once read this magazine and they had a section on ‘Worst Dressed’. And if he shows up on there, my career would be over!

I just can't take it,
I just can't take it
I just can't take it

My cell went off. It kind of made me jump out of my seat, since I was so deep in thought.
I grabbed my purse off the ground and went through it to find my cell. I had a lot of junk in it. I finally found it and it read unknown number.

“Hello?” I said into the phone.

“I’m sorry” a voice I knew all to well.

“Seth?” what the hell is he calling me for. Did me yelling at him mean nothing?

“I know I shouldn’t be calling you because your mad, But I needed to hear your voice” he said.

“Well you heard it, bye!” I hung up.

“Idiot” I mumbled to myself and put my cell on the desk and starting writing my username in and password.

I just can't take it,
I just can't take it
I just can't take it

“what Seth?” I said into the phone.

“Can we meet for lunch?” he asked.

“what do you think the answer going to be, yes?”

“no, but I was hoping” he sounded sad.

“I have to get back to work, unless you forgot about that too. About how important it means to me?”

“Of course I didn’t! Cosmo is your life. I know you better than anyone, you would kill a guy just to sit in there for a hour”

“I’m not that mean!”

“Call me tonight?” he said changing the subject.

“Not really planning on it” I answered back.

“Jas you can’t stay mad at me forever”

“Don’t call me Jas only friends call me that and your not one of them. And I can be mad at you forever, watch me” I said and hung up. My heart was going 1000 miles a minute. Why does he have to ruin everything?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well there you havew it readers! I hoped you enjoyed it as much as enjoyed writing it. Can you guys please let me know if you like the story or not. Because i haven't been getting alot of feed back and its making me kind of sad. = (

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Thank you!

Tanya Ladouceur