My Beloved Monster



Bam was just goofing around with the guys over, as usual, and playing PS2 when the phone rang. He groaned annoyed that someone interrupted his fun, but reluctantly got up. He didn't recognized the number on the caller id, but it said it was an out of country number and figured to just pick it up.

"Chello!" He answered the phone.

"Hi, is April Margera available?" he heard a female voice with a thick foreign accent on the other end.

"Yeah, hold on-"

"Wait!" she cried desperately. "Tell her that its onomatopoeia!"

"Uh...sure..." he said utterly confused "Hey Ape?!"

"What did you do now?" she yelled from the kitchen.

"Nothing yet." He grinned and handed her the phone, "Some girl says its onomatopoeia?"

"Gimmy that," she yanked the phone out of his hands. "Hey sweetie what's wrong?" Ape said gently into the phone.

Bam was on the way out of the kitchen when he heard the tone of Apes voice. Who the hell changed Ape into such a softy without doing nothing? He thought and figured it might be in his best interest to stay.

"April! God, I've missed you so much." The girl sighed.

"I've missed you too." Bam stared intently at his mother so she turned around. "Sweetie what's wrong; where are you?" Ape heard the girl take a deep breath.

"I cracked April. I couldn't take it anymore. I feel all alone. No family...nothing. The pressure was too much. I...I quite." She mumbled quietly.

"Listen sweetie don't worry everything will be fine. You love what you do. You just needed a break. Your mother would have never wanted you to give up your dream."

Bam was losing interest, especially since his mom kept turning every time he would get in her face before she finally slapped him. But who ever she was talking to must be important.

"Okay we can talk about this more, just tell me where you're calling from. Are you still in Germany?"

Germany? This caught Bam's attention once more. Who the hell does Ape know in Germany?

"No, I've just been sitting in some Pennsylvania airport for a while now. But I have Bruno with me." She said optimistically.

"Oh sweetie, you can't have a dog as your only company. Why didn't you call me sooner? Don't worry that doesn't matter. Where are you?" Bam watched Ape scribble something down on the back of a napkin. "Okay stay right there." Ape said her goodbyes and hung up.

"Hey where are you going?" Bam asked extremely curious.

"Don't worry I'll be back later." She said quickly as she ran out to her car.

"Hey Bam where's Ape going?" asked Novak as he draped an arm on Bam's shoulder.

"I have no clue; to see some chick I think?" He shrugged. "Whatever. Go round up the shit heads. Were going to Kildare's." Everyone, except Dunn, jumped in the blue hummer to go get smashed.

April spotted a girl with dark blond hair and a honey toned skin. She was in navy cotton shorts and a simple white t-shirt and sneakers. She sat on the seat with a dog curled up on her lap, while she pet him affectionately.

April quickly made her way over to the girl. The girl looked up with her blue eyes.

She stood up and ran to meet April. April wrapped her arms tightly around her into a big hug. Tears poured out of her big beautiful eyes and mumbled incoherent things with her head buried into April's chest.

April stroked her hair trying to calm her down, "How bout this, we don't talk a single word on the ride home. And when we get there, you can tell me all about it. Sound good?"

She nodded her head and opened her mouth to agree, but April cut her off before she could speak.

"Upp, upp, upp. What did I say about talking?" April said poking her gently in her side arousing a giggle out of her making her laugh as well.

We grabbed my luggage and she held Bruno on his leash and we went to the car. On the car ride back, it was silent just as promised. Bruno was sleeping in the back seat. She soon dosed of to the sound of Aprils voice singing softly to a song on the radio.

April looked over at her sleeping and smiled as she pulled into the driveway.