My Beloved Monster



It's Thursday, the day before we leave for the Bronx, New York to face my family. Well at least I think it's we. After I went to bed that night last week Bam and I haven't really talked much.

Sure we'd steal glances at each other when the other wasn't looking. But we haven't talked besides the few greetings when we see each other.

He's been hanging with his crew and Ville, while I just entertain myself. And surprisingly enough, Ville, this shy, quiet man could be as loud and rowdy as the rest of 'em.

I really don't mind. It's a relief to have the spotlight off myself. But I'm not denying that I wish Bam would have said something, anything about that night!

But then I have to remind myself that mothers aren't always right. Because the rebellion in me want to prove Ape wrong. But we'll see what happens. Because things happen for a reason. I figure just go where the current takes me. Why try to go against something that is inevitable anyway?

Every morning around five, I still strap my blades on and make use of Bam's driveway. No one has noticed my morning ritual since they are all sleeping off their shit from the previous evening. I'll be there with them, but I'll take a Chaser pill before I drink to prevent the nasty hang over in the morning.

I'm grateful that I haven't been found out; I would be so embarrassed. I'm not saying that I'm a bad at roller-blading; I actually know and can perform a great deal of tricks. I just want to keep this to myself as long as I can. This is one thing I don't want an audience for.

Oh, and that reminds me. I still have to break in my new ice skates. That's always hell, breaking in a new pair of skates, even when they are custom made to mold to my feet. Still, your feet are blistered and in tremendous pain for a couple of weeks. But for these skates, they will be more than worth it.

And if you're thinking I am a traitor for excepting this bribe, I'm not. Loring finally rang me and apologized. He even told me it was wrong of him to push me well past my limits. I'm sure Chaz had done some coaxing, but I'm glad. There's less tension then in the future.

So it's just nearing seven o'clock in the morning and I just finished taking my skates off. I don't practice my routine like last time; I'm just out there having fun. And staying in shape as an added bonus.

I'm rubbing the aches out of the souls of my feet. Bruno came over and slobbered all over my face, "Thanks boy." I told him sarcastically as he just wagged his tail.

I went and took a quick shower and feeling dressy, changed into some flowery underwear under a t-shirt and skirt.

I slid on some shoes before going into the kitchen and filled Bruno's bowl with fresh water and put food in his other dish. I grabbed some fruit salad for myself and ate breakfast.

Just as I finished washing my dishes the phone rang. I wiped my hands on a dish towel and picked it up.
"Hallo?" I answered.

"Adelina? Oh, I'm glad someone answered." Phil's voice came from the other end.

I smiled; I loved how Ape and Phil called me my full name usually. "Hallo Phil, what may I do for you?"

"Ape's not feeling well and I need to get some work done with Vito. Do you think you can come over and take care of her for a little while? You know how Ape hates Vito."

I laughed lightly, "Yeah sure. No problem. When would you like me to come over?"

"As soon as you can. Do you know where the keys are?"

I looked around the kitchen until I spotted them on the end table by the door. "Zup, I know where to steal them. I'll be right over."

He laughed. "Thanks so much. Just let yourself in." Phil said relieved.

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit." I grabbed my wallet and the car keys to the Audi. "Come on Bruno." I called him over. "Let's go for a ride."

I left the house with everyone sleeping and drove over to Ape's with Bruno in the passenger's seat with his head out the window and his tongue hanging out.

I quietly let myself in like Phil told me. Bruno and I went upstairs to Ape's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard Ape's raspy voice.

"Hey. So I hear you are not feeling too well." I smiled slightly and sat on the edge of the bed. Bruno hopped up as well and laid down next to her. I felt bad. She was so pale, yet flushed. Her nose was all red. She just looked so uncomfortable.

"Oh sweetie you look so pretty. Did Phil make you come over?" she whispered.

"Thank you and Phil did not make me do anything. Besides wouldn't you rather have me than Vito or one of the other guys?"

I laughed a little as her face froze. "Fine, I get it no more complaining."

"That's right. Did you take any medicine yet?" She shook her head no. "Alright I'm going to get something for you. I'll leave Bruno with you. You know pets are supposed to lower your blood pressure and make you feel better." She laughed silently and rolled her eyes. "Hey it's true! I'll have the cordless phone on me so just page me with the one next to your bed." She nodded and laid back down.

I went down stairs and put the kettle on the stove for tea. I found some drowsy medicine. I figure that it'll allow her to get more rest. I sliced up an orange and a red apple. I poured some chamomile tea and put some lemon and honey in it. I got a regular glass and fill it with water and a squeeze of lemon.

I went into the living room and picked out a few movies. I put everything on a tray and carried it up to Ape's room.

"Sweetie. Really, you don't have to do this." she still protested.

I rolled my eyes and sternly replied. "I'll get Vito." They shut her up. "You would have done the same for me. Just enjoy the peace and being waited on hand and foot. Seriously if you need me to do something don't hesitate." She took the medicine and put the tray next to her. "Okay our options are: What Women Want, Hook, Pretty Women, and Cinderella."

She smirked over at me and whispered, "I thought you weren't a chick flick kind of girl."

"It depends on my mood. This is for you...and you know what you're not supposed to be talking so just shush." We ate the apple and orange slices and made it through Hook and partly through What Women Want when Ape was passed out.

I smiled and tucked her in. I turned on the fan for some white noise and to block everything else out. I took the tray and went downstairs with Bruno following. I put everything away after cleaning it and hung out in the living room watching some television.


Bam woke up several hours after Adelina had already left. I groggily went downstairs to find everyone else the same way. They guys were sprawled out on the couches watching some cartoons. They grunted there hello's acknowledging my presence. Ryan and Rake were at their own homes so it was just Dico, Raab, Novak and Ville.

"Any of you seen Adel?" I asked. They all gave their version of no's. So I went down stairs to find the pirate bar empty.

I wasn't worrying yet, but it was strange not to see Adel around. I smiled unintentionally at the thought of her. I didn't realize it, but I have grown used to having her around.

I looked out he back door to see the pool calm and empty. I shrugged and went across the room to where she was staying.

I knocked on the door, but there was no reply. "Adel?" I swung the door open to see the bed made and the room empty.

Okay, still not panicking. I looked around the kitchen to see if there was a note of some sort. She'd at least be smart enough to do that. Right?

Wrong. There was nothing. And where was Bruno? He'd know where she'd be. "Bruno!"

Nothing. Which is strange cause he listens. Maybe he's with Adel. Well, where ever she was.

Okay, next step, her phone. I took the cordless off the hook and dialed Adel's cell phone. Yes, sadly I know it by heart. It rang a few times, before I heard the familiar ringing near by. I called it again to hear the ringing once more, only following it this time. The phone was still plugged into the charger.

Okay now I was starting to worry. Just a bit. Mind you I am Bam Margera.

Yeah yeah, and I'm worried as fuck where Adel is. I ran back upstairs and turned off the TV ignoring their complaints, "She's not here."

"Sure she is. She probably outside somewhere." Novak said reassuring me, well trying to cause it didn't work.

"Maybe she left cause she was angry with you." Raab suggested turning the TV back on.

"Angry with me?" This is news to me. "I did nothing."

"Exactly. You haven't really been talking to her much." Dico pointed out.

"Yeah ever since Ville here showed up." Novak said with an all knowing grin.

"Well the next morning anyway." Ville added smiling slightly over to Novak.

I sat in the recliner. Have I been ignoring her. I guess I've been hanging out with the guys more. But, she does come with us when we go to bars or out to dinner. Then, she has only been hanging out with Raab and Dico. "You what do you two know?" I asked Raab and Dico turning off the TV once again.

"Why would we know anything?" Raab shrugged.

"You two talk to her." They have to know something right?

"I'll drink with her with the stuff her friends sent. But we just tell stupid stories." Raab said honestly holding his hands up.

I turned to Dico who was doing shifty eyes and making weird faces. "Seriously." I told him making him stop.

"We just joke around about how we have the same birthday and my baldness, and other shit." He counted on his fingers thoughtfully.

Okay so they were no help at all. Wait a minute. "Have I ignored her since you got here?"

"Well you haven't exactly been glued to her like when she was first here." Novak laughed.

I glared. "Wait? Why the next morning?"

I slapped my forehead and rubbed my head. "Fuck. I'm an idiot."

"Yes, yes you are Bammi." Ville chuckled.

"So what are you going to do?" Raab asked.

I leaned back into the chair. This thing's pretty comfy. "We're going to split up and search the town. I'll call up Dunn, Rake, and Glomb to look too." I took out my cell and took care of that.

"What about those surveillance things you have for the snake driveway?" Dico suggested out of nowhere.

"Dico you're a genius!"

"But of course good sir. Did you expect anything less?"

"Whatever, just get your asses moving. Ville, you're with me. We're going through those videos."

"When's the last time you checked those things?" Raab asked.

"Fuck. Last week sometime." This might take awhile.

Raab laughed. "Sucks for you." He ran out when he saw me approaching him, making me chuckle. Ahh, I love being the boss.

Ville and I made our way upstairs into the room just for the video equipment. We sat down and got comfy knowing this'll take more than a few seconds.

"So you finally figured what you did huh?" Ville laughed.

"I'm guessing you saw me huh then?" I smiled looking away.

He nodded and smiled victoriously. "Yeah, but you two looked nice together."

"Yeah we do huh, don't we?" I smiled at the thought.

"And you're kids would be gorgeous too." Ville smiled.

"Fuck you." I laughed and through a pen at him.

"Just name a time and a place." We laughed and started to go through the videos. There on the computer in chapters like DVD's so it isn't that bad. "She doesn't seem like the one to run away." Ville said.

"Yeah I thought so too."

"So maybe she's just ran out for something." Ville said optimistically.

"Yeah hopefully."

"Bami look at this shit."

"Huh?" I rolled my chair over to him.

There Adel was on roller blades whipping these nasty tricks out. "Shit, I didn't know she could do that."

"She's pretty good." Ville said.

"She's more than good, what time is that?" I asked.

"Uh...5:45 in the morning."

We started looking and more footage from last weekend and this week. All around the same time Adel would be out there. "Fuck she's really good." My mouth dropped I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

My cell rang. It was Rake. "Any luck?"

"Not yet, how 'bout you?" he asked.

"No none yet?"

"You are looking at today's tape right?" He asked slowly like I was retarded.

Huh? Now there's an idea. "Of course I am. How stupid do you think I am?" Okay, just a small lie he wouldn't have to know.

"Whatever, I was just making sure. I'll call if we find anything."

I laughed and grinned sheepishly over at Ville. "What did you do?" He braced himself.

I raised my hands in defense. "Nothing, We just could have looked at the tape for today."

He rolled his eyes at me. "So if Rake didn't call we'd still be on Monday?"

"Yeah, but now we know what she does every morning." So I went to today's film. It showed Adelina's morning ritual and her taking the Audi about an hour later with Bruno.

"Well we know she left on her own." Ville sighed.

"Yeah, but why was she all dressed up." I wondered out loud.

"Maybe she just felt like it or maybe she had a date." Ville teased me. I had to swallow a lump in my throat before laughing at his joke. "Don't worry love; I'm sure its the first one." He said seeing my face I guess.

"Of course it is." I said confidently, or at least I has hoped I did.


I was sitting on the couch for not even an hours before I slumped over and fell asleep. I jerked awake to Bruno barking. "Bruno." I hissed quieting. I looked over to the clock and saw it was only a quarter of 12. Hopefully Ape was still sleeping.

But then I heard the knocking that must have riled up Bruno. "Ape, Phil! Open up!"

Dunn and Rake were the ones breaking the door down. "Will you two stop!!" I swung the door open knocking them back and stepped outside. "Ape is sick so shut up!"

"Oh so that's why you're here." Rake smiled and laughed. "And here Bam was thinking you ran away."

"He's such a love sick puppy." Dunn laughed with him.

"What?" I asked totally lost. "Why would I run away?"

"Beats me." Dunn shrugged and grinned evilly. "But now we are going to use this to our advantage."

They both took hold of my arms. Bruno barked playfully and followed. Some protector huh? "Hey! I did nothing to you."

"No, but Bam did." Dunn shoved my in the backseat. "And we're just getting him at his weakness."

"Yeah we love ya and all, but you just got stuck int he middle." Rake smiled sadly.

Before I could reply. They tied me up and gagged my mouth.

"Oh and this is Tyler, one of the camera guys." Dunn saw my wide eyed expression. "Yes this is so getting filmed. This is going to be going down in history!"

I rolled my eyes as they did an evil laugh.

They drove me to this empty field except there was a big crane with this big clear tank full of water. And there was a big green plastic container next to the tank.

They carried me and sat me on a plastic chair. I was starting to get worried with what they would do to me.

Ryan took out his cell phone and took a picture of me sitting, bound and gagged in front of the tank and crane. Some guy had now attached the crane to me! He dialed Bam's number I'm assuming. "Hey, yeah I found her. Look for yourself. Just check your e-mail."

"Dunn! What the fuck!" Bam yelled.

"You know those are the same words I said when I saw my house the other day." Dunn said.

Bam couldn't help, but chuckle at his handy work before getting serious again. "Yeah well I didn't hurt anyone and it came off; kind of."

Rake took out the web cam so Bam could see whats going on now. "Whatever Bam." The crane now lifted me above the ground and I started screaming. "Listen you have a half hour to find her or the crane will release her. Oh and the beauty of this. You see that tank over there?"

I was now floating over with my feet dangling roughly six feet over the tank.

"Yeah? What of it?" Bam asked.

Two guys picked up the green bin and took the lid off dumping it's contents into the tank. "It's now roughly filled with about a hundred snakes." And with that Dunn hung up.

I absolutely hate small snakes and worms. The weird thing is I can deal with boas, the ones you should be afraid of, but small and normal size snakes or worms even, just send chills down my spine.

And definitely not the good kind.

I was screaming more now since they had dumped the snakes and was ready to cry. "Don't worry Adel. He'll come in time." Dunn assured me. "Here Rake will give him a clue to make sure.

Rake called him up telling him that it was only about ten minutes west of his house. Nice clue huh? Yeah that made me feel so much better.


Bam had 60 seconds to get here. Dunn had already had the crane lower me.

10 seconds...

A few tears rolled down my cheek afraid of plummeting into the tank. He wasn't going to make it was he?