My Beloved Monster



The sun shown through the window on the side of the bed, waking me up. I rolled over on my back and sighed.

I was tucked in, still in my bathing suit from yesterday. I guess one of the guys brought me here.

I went in the bathroom to take a shower and officially washed the sand and salt off of me. After I let the water wash away the stiffness in my back, I stepped out and wrapped a fluffy towel around me.

When I stepped out, I heard Ville and Bam's voices already awake in the kitchen.

I didn't bother to stay and listen to what they were discussing. I headed back to my room and went to the closet to find a shirt and pants, while digging through my things for a pair of shoes.

It felt weird being unpacked. It meant a lot more than just hanging a few shirts in a closet, especially since the guys did it. To me, this meant that I was welcomed, that I was home.

I took the small duffle from this weekend and put my dirty clothes in the small hamper in the corner of the room. I then put my ice skates and a pair of stretchy pants and a sports bra in it.

I zipped the bag and threw it over my shoulder. I was about to walk out of the room when I heard my cell go off to Gone with the Sin.

"Hallo Chazzy boy." I smiled.

"Hey doll, do I hear wedding bells over there?" He laughed.

I sat down on the edge of the bed. "What are you talking about?"

He laughed again, but I still didn't find what was so amusing.

He cleared his throat, "'Two-time Olympic medallist and Element's professional skateboarder are found embracing-' Well I would say swapping spit, but 'in front of The Plaza Hotel in New York City.' The article in this magazine and others have pictures of you and Bam from you're weekend doll."

Not that Chaz could see, my face had turned a lovely shade of cherry red. "Well I knew about the one in front of the Plaza, but not the others."

"So like I asked earlier, do I hear wedding bells?" he asked sickingly sweet.

I could almost see that grin plaster on his face. "Do I dare ask if someone was talking to dear April?" I asked just as sweet.

"Mmm, it's a possibility. She seemed happy about you two though." He said honestly.

"I'm happy too. . ." I trailed off.

"But?" he asked.

"Why do you assume that there is a but?"

"Because there is one." He said bluntly.

I heaved a sigh. "Fine, there might be a small but."

He laughed, "I know you too well. Alright let me hear it."

"Well, he smokes. . ."

"Oh." He paused. "It could be worse."

"I hated it when Wolf smoked, and I hate it that Bam does it." I plopped backwards. Mischief and Trouble walked over my stomach when I laid down.

Chaz laughed, "I remember that."

"Hey, why hasn't he called me or anything yet?" I thought about it. I've been here a little more than a month and I haven't heard a word from him.

"Yeah I noticed." Chaz sighed. "He's been busy though. He's on a small tour doing soundtrack and whatever else it is that he does."

"Oh, I understand now. For a moment I was getting worried." I pet behind one of the cat's ears.

"Oh and Loring said you're going to start practicing tomorrow?" He shifted the phone.

"Yeah. I was going to head over today though. I figure that since it's summer no one's going to be there." I giggled a little as the two cats pushed each other out of the way to be petted.

"I know wouldn't listen if I asked you not to go, so just don't push yourself too much." He pleaded.

I picked up my bag again and walked out into the kitchen, the cats following at my feet.

I smiled at how well my friend knew me. "Don't worry I won't be too hard."

"I am serious Adelina. The competition is not far away. Don't strain anything. You won't have Loring there if you screw up."

"Ouch full name and called a screw up all in one breath." I sat down on a stool next to Ville and put my bag on the counter.

"I did not call you a screw up!" He defended himself. "You know I would never call you one."

"Just checking." I laughed. "So did you get you 50 Euros from Wolf."

"Of course." He laughed.

"Did he hand it to you or did you steal it from his sock drawer?" I mused. We both knew where Wolf hid everything. Usually, his money was found in a black sock in the corner of his drawer.

"What does it matter, he owed me money." Chaz snickered.

"He's going to notice." I teased in a singsong voice.

"Yeah, yeah. Listen I'm going to get some shut eye while I still can doll." He yawned.

"Oh yeah, the time differences. I forgot about that." I giggled. "Sorry from keeping your beauty sleep."

"That's alright this fabulous face can tolerate a few hours of lost sleep." He chuckled.

"Alright babe, I'll let you go and please have Wolf call me soon." I pleaded.

"Sure thing doll." He yawned again. "Oh and doll two more things you need to promise me."

"Yeah?" I listened.

"Say I promise first."

I slouched down on the counter. "Ugh. I promise to do what you want me to."

"The first thing is to not kill yourself practicing. The second is not to let his smoking get in the way." He said sincerely.

"Who Bam?" I looked across the counter at him and he looked up when he heard his name.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you as happy as you were in those pictures in a long time. I know the last few relationships you've had weren't that great due to your career. But, don't let a small thing get in the way of this relationship."

"Woah, woah. Who said anything was serious with Bam?" I asked scared. Yes, scared is the right word. Again Bam looked up.

"Like I said I know you too well." I looked in Bam's eyes as he spoke softly. "Don't be scared doll. For once in your life, really listen to yourself. You've always been told what to do, even when you were younger. And you being the sweet girl you are, always listened without a complaint. I remember."

"Chaz, I don't know what I want anymore." I whispered and looked down and the nail polish chipping off my nails.

"That's why you're on vacation doll. Take advantage of it."

I sighed. "What would I do without you Chaz? Who would be my sexy beast then?"

"Well no one could replace your sexy beast and. . . you would be utterly lost without me." He joked.

"Thank you Chaz." I smiled.

"No problem doll. Hugs." He said coolly

"And kisses." I whispered before hanging up.

"Now I dont know much German, but I definitely heard my name." Bam said as soon as he saw that I was off the phone.

"Oh that was Chaz. He read part of a tabloid to me." I giggled a bit and said innocently, "And can you imagine what was on the cover."

Bam laughed. "No please indulge me."

"Well the one from the hotel and then inside were a bunch more from around the city." I smiled remembering how Chaz said I really looked happy.

Ville laughed. "And that was in Bayreuth? Can you imagine what they have here?"

"I know." I agreed and laughed too. "But, I was mentioned first, seeing how I'm more important. It said something like, 'Two-time Olympic medallist and Element's professional skateboarder'"

Bam rolled his eyes at us. "Wait you were in the Olympics?"

"Mmm? Oh, yeah. I was in the last winter events and the two before as well. The first year I didn't win though."

"Huh, it makes sense now why Ape always watched them." He leaned on the counter.

"Oh, speaking of Ape, she should be here soon." I looked over at the clock.

"What for?" asked Bam.

"To drop Bruno off and then were going out." I tapped my fingers to a catchy rhythm as I went over a routine in my head.

I snapped back when a hand was waved in front of my face. "What was that for?"

"You zoned out on us love." Ville laughed lightly and drank some of his coffee.

"Oh sorry." I blushed.

"Nice shirt there love." Ville pointed towards it.

"Thanks, they're an awesome band. You did a song for them didn't you?" I asked

"Yeah, Bittersweet." Ville nodded.

"So, what's in the bag?" Bam asked nosey.

"Oh, just stuff for when Ape and I go out." I replied vaguely.

"You know women, Bam, they have to be prepare for everything." They laughed.

"Yeah well it's better to be prepared." I stuck my tongue out at them before hearing a high pitch squeal and being wrapped up in a hug. Bruno came barking after.

"You see! You see!" Ape said excitedly, "Mothers are always right!"

"For now anyway." I muttered and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Damn Ape, what are you so excited for anyway." Bam looked at her weird and scrunched his face as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

She handed him the tabloid and Bam asked nervously, "Wait you don't care that we are going out?"

I interrupted her and kinda went a little hysterical, "Are you kidding?! Do you know how long she and my mother had been planning this? Since we were younger, this was all I would hear about. Bam's been doing this; Bam's been doing that. Ugh! I was so sick of hearing about you."

Ville laughed at me and looked at Bam, "See I told you that you were scared for no reason."

"Wait, him," I pointed to Bam, "scared of his mom finding out." This sent me and Ville into a fit of laughter from the irony of it all. We were laughing so hard that we were leaning on each other for support.

I began lacing up my new skates. Even though they were molded to my foot, breaking them in would still not be an easy task.

The skates look kind of funny, but during a performance, they will be covered anyway. If they'll help me from never having to have a hip replacement in the future, I'll wear whatever it takes.

The owner had no problem with me coming in today or having just Ape watch me. "Here, let me help you." April said bending down in front of me and finished tying my skates.

I felt like a kid again; it felt good. I gave her a hug, "Thank you April."

"No problem sweetie." She returned it with just as much love, if not more. "Now go show me what you've got."

They had my I-pod hooked up to the sound system behind the glass. I skated around as some song came on to get the feel of these skates. My ankles were a bit wobbly, but not to bad. I just continued around the rink.

I began with single axels and other jumps warming up. Unknown to me April had called the house, while I talked to the owner.

Even more unknown to me Bam and Ville had taken a seat next to Ape due to this phone call.

I tried to land a double axel, but not used to the length of the blade on these skates, my toe pick got stuck, sending me on my back.

Bam had sat up to come to my aid, but Ville forced him to sit down again. "Just watch." He whispered to Bam.

He reluctantly listened.

I just let my body slide across the ice until I heard the beating of the drums and the rhythm of the bass again.

When the cymbal crashed, I dug my toe pick in the ice.

On the next puck of the bass, I twisted my foot slightly so my body jerked upward, getting a little air. I quickly switched feet and went into a camel spin.

[The skater spins on one leg with the free leg extended behind him in the air, parallel to the ice.]

I went on like nothing had happened and tried doing some double axels again.

"Woah." Bam uttered impressed.

"I know. Isn't she amazing!" Ape beamed. "And she should be, it's what she's worked for practically her whole life!"

"She is known for that." Ville nodded his head at me gliding over the ice. "To make a mistake, and make it seem like it was part of the program the entire time. A lot of people hate her for it."

"They're just jealous." Bam defended me. "I mean look at her; she's so talented."

April's smile faltered as she watched me. "That's part of the reason why she's here."

"Huh?" Bam asked as he and Ville turned their heads.

"The tabloids and other people. They'll attack her appearance and bring up her past, like her mother's death." She sighed. "She broke under all this pressure and ran away to here."

"That's just messed up." Bam shook his head in disgust.

Ville did the same and sighed, "It's sad how far some will go, and they will go great lengths."

I skated to the center already prepared for the next song. My legs were crossed, as were my arms. My body was bent over, letting everything just collapse. I looked like a sleeping doll waiting to be wound up.

This was one of the songs I was going to use actually, "Hope Vol. 1" by Apocalyptica. It also helped that I loved this song. I poured my heart and soul into this choreography.

See, I create my own choreography, and Loring has a professional look over what I had done and tweaks what needs to be fixed or added. A certain amount of requirements need to be met to get a high score.

And if possible, the routine should be an artistic. That would impress the judges more.

My arms moved sharply to the rhythm of the song as I skated counterclockwise backwards in a small circle.

I made the circle bigger gaining speed. As soon as the introduction was over and I had enough speed, I managed to land a triple flip.

[The skater takes off from the back inside edge of one foot (tapping the toe pick of the free leg into the ice to propel them up), completes the rotation, and lands on the back outside edge of the foot that they picked with.]

I sang the words in my head to remember where to place my feet and how to move my body.

The song was darker than most would use, but the cellos had a nice effect. It would build the anticipation to every jump I had to perform. It was perfect since a maximum of seven jumps needed to be accomplished.

Throughout the whole song the movements fought against each other in a way. It went from stiff and controlled movements to free and flow-y, and then back and forth once more.

I couldn't wait to use this song for the finals because it would keep the audience and even better the judges alive. Or at least I hoped it would have the same effect on them as it had on me.

I ended the song somewhat like I began it. Though the movements were flowing instead of quick and rough.

I skated forward clockwise closing the circle this time. I did a layback into a back Biellmann spin. Not many women do this, but I think it looks neat plus I like to stand out.

[Layback: The skater spins in an upright position. As the speed of the spin increases, she drops her head and shoulders backwards, arching her back. Skaters often display different a few different arm and free leg positions during the layback.]
[Biellmann: This spin requires exceptional flexibility of the back and legs, and is performed almost exclusively by women. Standing in upright, the skater reaches behind her shoulders and grabs onto the skate blade of the free leg. The skater pulls her free leg up towards the ceiling, so the skater rotates while standing upright in a kind of reverse split position.]

The Biellmann spin went back into a layback except I went much slower. My arms reach the sky and in the last few seconds of the song I bent over, like the sleeping doll from the beginning.

When the song ended I was surprised to hear more than one set of hands clapping.

I blushed when I saw Bam and Ville there as well. I skated to the side to go greet them. Bam ran ahead up to me and grabbed me in passionate kiss over the railing. He leaned his forehead on mine and whispered, "I've been meaning to do that all morning.

"Aww, you two are so adorable." Ape gushed.

Ville pinched Bam's cheeks. "Who could refuse this face?" I put the guards on the skates and walked to everyone else, slightly out of breath. "You were absolutely amazing my dear." Ville complimented me.

"Thank you. That's actually what I'm going to use up at the finals during the free style section if I make it that far."

"Oh you definitely will. I mean that's incredible what you were doing out there." Bam beamed making me blush.

"Well I have a few more months to get it perfect anyway." I reminded myself.

"What are you talking about, that was perfect!" Bam smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist bringing me closer.

"This is a smaller rink than the one I will have to use. I need to go faster." Ape hand me a water bottle. I sat on the bench and began to unlace my skates.

"Here let me get that." Bam kneeled down in front of me.

I heard Ape and Ville whispering and laughing not to far from us. "April! You're getting Ville in on this too!?"

"Oh Adelina, you make it seem like I'm such a bad person." She teased me and I rolled my eyes.

"What are they talking about?" Bam asked as he gently took one boot off.

"Us." I rolled my eyes again.

"Is that bad?" He smiled.

"No, not that bad." I smiled back and gave him a quick kiss.

He slipped the other boot off and I winced a little. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just sore. These feet have not broken in new skate in a while." I curled my toes cracking them.

He put the skates in my bag and sat down next to me. "How about you and I go out to dinner tonight?"

"I think I'd like that." I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Hey love birds! We're leaving without you!" Ape shouted from the top of the steps with Ville next to her.

Bam sighed and gave me a piggy back ride to catch up to them. I smiled as I dug my head into the crook of his neck.

Chaz was right, I am happy.