My Beloved Monster



Dunn groaned, but followed Novak down the hall. Once at elevator Novak pushed the up button.

"What, we going to see you're wife?" Dunn said dryly now looking forward to that cigarette. His smile disappeared when he didn't get a reaction out of him. "Seriously?"

"I told you already she's not my wife, but we're going to see her." Novak pushed the button to go to the next floor up. "Look Dunn, I need a favor."

Dunn looked unsure. "What?"

"I need your house while you're-" Novak began.

"Hell no, what did you expect." Dunn laughed at him.

"Look it's not for me." Novak tried to explain. The doors opened and there in the chair sitting outside the elevator was Adel waiting, looking a whole lot better too.

Novak walked right out and kneeled next to me. "Hey the nurse said you're alright."

Dunn still stood in the elevator with his mouth hanging open as the door slid shut with him still inside.

He snapped back to reality and opened the elevator doors again. "Adel?"

"Yup we're all okay." I smiled feeling a big weight being lifted off my chest. I looked up unsure at Dunn. "Hi."

"Hey." He smiled and then looked around at the baby wallpaper. "Holy shit, are you-" He froze just like Novak.

I rolled my eyes hoping I wouldn't be getting this reaction repeatedly. "Yes Dunn."

"So who's the lucky guy." Dunn smiled. I however just sighed and let my head hang off the back of the chair.

Novak smirked and patted my knee, "Your gonna love this one. Take a guess you already know him."

"That guy Wolf we met. Wasn't he your ex or something like that?"

I rolled my eyes, "He's married; give it another go."

"Jussi?" Dunn made a face.

"I wish." I muttered.

"No you don't." Novak smacked the back of my head. I sat up and glared at him smacking him back harder. "Hey!"

"I don't know." Dunn shrugged. "I give up."

"She's four months pregnant." Novak grinned trying to seem smarter giving him the hint.

Dunn didn't count on his fingers, but I watched his lips move as he mouthed the months backwards. Dunn mouth dropped, "No fucking way."

"Way." I snapped sarcastically.

Dunn laughed at my attitude. "So, you're the one going to be staying at my house huh?" He crossed his arms and smirked.

"Nope, cause you said-" Novak grinned when Dunn cut him off knowing he couldn't say no to Adel either.

"That's because I know you would destroy it." Dunn grinned back and looked down at me. "But, for Adel, that's a different story. No one said you were here."

"That's because I asked them not to say anything to Bam." I said quietly and looked away.

Dunn nodded understanding. "So how long are you staying?" His next question popped. There were a million thoughts and questions buzzing in his head, but none of them would form.

I sighed and leaned back. "You can't take newborns on planes. About a year I guess, looking at this logically anyway."

"Oh, gee, don't sound so excited about it." Dunn replied sarcastically and fished through his pockets for his keys. "So you want to go to my house and I'll hang out here a little longer."

"You really don't mind?" I was kind of winging this whole thing, not really processing anything that was happening. He shook his head. "Then, ja I would, danke Dunn."

He hugged me after helping me get to my feet. He took off his house key and put it in my hand. "You'll need this."

"Hey what about me?" Novak spoke up. "This is my idea after all."

"Don't worry I haven't forgotten about you Novak." I smiled reassuring him.

"Sure you can Ass, it's easy." Dunn laughed.

"How do I get to your house? I have no clue where it is." I rolled my eyes laughing at how they didn't think these things through.

"Oh right." Dunn chuckled. "Let me go say goodbye and we'll get going."

"Hey what do I do?" Novak asked as we got off the elevator.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

Novak's eyes lit up, "Adel you so need an alias name."

"What?" I laughed.

Dunn rubbed his bearded chin. "No, he's got something going there."

"Okay," I played along. "Don't you already call me Ass?"

"No, no." Dunn shook his head. "Bam knows that nickname and will catch on. He's too smart that way and you don't want him to know, which I don't fully agree with by the way."

"I know. I kind of don't like it either." I agreed. "But, it's just something I have to do."

"Knobs." Novak ginned.

Dunn and I turned to him, "What?"

"No stay with me on this. You're the Noble Butterfly right?" I nodded my head and shrugged as he continued on. "Noble. Knobs. Get it?"

Dunn laughed, "I like it."

I shook my head smiling. "Sure, why not?"

"I'm a fucking genius." Novak laughed and gave me a hug before following Dunn to Phil's room. I stayed near the elevator and waited for them to come back.

"Took you guys long enough," Bam rolled his eyes. "Did you go through the whole pack or something?"

Dunn pushed Novak into the room, "Nah little detour."

"Yeah," Novak agreed. "Anyway Dunn is leaving us."

"What for?" Bam asked looking at them suspiciously.

"Errands." Novak replied calmly examining his nails.

"I have no food in my house and if I'm going to be in Westchester a little longer, I'm going to need food." Dunn explained giving Novak a short glare.

Phil rolled his eyes at them and continued to read his car magazine.

"Oh hey, can you take the balloons to Ape's house." Bam asked, feeling too lazy to do it himself. "Since it's on your way and all."

"Yeah, sure." Dunn rolled his eyes.

"Oh, I was wondering who are those balloons from?" Missy asked. "They weren't here this morning."

"Oh, yeah." Bam perked up curious.

Phil looked lazily over his magazine, "Ape sent them up before she left last night." Everyone laughed at how easily Phil had just lied through his teeth. Raab, Bam, and Missy looked at them oddly.

"Obviously, I'm missing something here?" Bam raised an eyebrow.

"Nah, Phil's just fucking awesome." Dico gave Phil a high five.

"Sure." Bam shrugged still not fully understanding. He figured he'd get it out of someone sure enough.

Dunn grabbed as many balloons as he could and had already made his way to the elevator when they were laughing at Phil's lie. Who knew he had it in him? But, Bam had to get that quality from somewhere he supposed. He shook his head laughing to himself.

"What's so funny?" I asked pushing the down button.

"Phil." Dunn chuckled. "He just told this lie to keep your cover. And it was so fucking believable. I just never figured he could lie like that."

I laughed lightly and stepped in the elevator trying not to get smothered by the balloons when Dunn came in.

"Yo Dunn." I froze hearing that familiar voice. "You forgot some." Bam grinned handing him even more balloons. "Dude try not to kill that person in there while you're at it."

"Thanks." Dunn said sarcastically taking the balloons and nodding his head toward the buttons.

I stepped out briefly to push the button for the main floor for us. Dunn smirked at Bam's confused face as the doors shut.

"You don't think he saw me do you?" I asked nervously.

"Only a little. But, he didn't recognize you." He reassured me.

We walked to my rental. "He looks a lot different." I said quietly.

Dunn's face softened, "Sometimes changes are a good thing?"

I smiled at how he was trying. "Yeah, I guess."

I followed Dunn to April's house? I rolled down the window as he got out of the car, "What are we doing here?"

"You don't think I'm taking all these damn things home do you?" He chuckled. Dunn started to go towards the walkway and stopped when he noticed that I decided not to follow him. "Well Knobs, what the fuck are ya waiting for?"

I sighed rolling up the window and turning the car off. I looked to the passenger seat were Bruno was getting excited. He recognized where we were. I grabbed my bag from the back seat and ruffled his fur. "Come on Bruno."

He climbed over me and ran ahead of Dunn and I, while I preferred to stay hidden behind Dunn and the massive amount of balloons.

April opened the door with a hand placed on her hip with an unamused look on her face. "So my ass of a son was too lazy to deal with me?"

Dunn chuckled nervously knowing that Ape has been a bit moody from the lack of sleep and stress lately. "Well, you know Bam."

"Oh, I know him alright." Ape rolled her eyes.

He quickly sidestepped her into the house and left me standing there feeling very exposed at the moment. I held my breath waiting for her to notice me. So far she had been keeping an eye on Dunn as he placed the balloons in the living room.

Bruno, however, wanted my cover blown and started barking to get her attention wanting some love.

April snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Bruno, "Not possible." She looked up the walkway where I stayed frozen on the spot. A few tears fell down her face, "Adelina?"

"Hallo April." I said softly feeling my eyes tear up as well. I felt so tired and overwhelmed and she looked to be in the same state. "I received your message."

She ran over and gave me the biggest hug. "Oh my God, have I missed you." Nothing felt better than hearing that and feeling her motherly love. I missed that. I needed that.

"Me too." I whispered.

"What's this?" She pulled back and gave me a weird look. April took my hand and spun me around. She laughed. "Since when have you been a mommy? Come inside." I smiled as she pulled me in pushing Dunn out of the way and hushed Bruno barking at our feet. "I know, I know. I haven't forgotten you." She bent down and pet him. She made me sit on the couch, "So?"

I bit my lip in hesitation, when Dunn came to my rescue. "You get to be a grandma again." He plopped on the adjacent loveseat.

"Nah, I could settle with aunty or something like that." April laughed. Her smile fell when she saw we weren't laughing with her.

"No, April, you really are going to be a grandma." I told her. All of a sudden I broke down hysterically.

"What the hell?" Dunn jumped not expecting that.

"Dunn shut up." Ape glared at him. She sat next to me pulling me into her arms. "What happened with you two anyway?"

My breath wavered as I tried to calm down. "It was all just a big misunderstanding in the end. Well, that's how I like to think of it." I whipped my tears and sat up in April's arms furious. "Although, that ass called me a strings no attached summer fling."

Ape rubbed her forehead and shook her head, "I don't know what to do with that boy."

"Doesn't matter everyone tells me he's happy now so let him live in his bliss." I shrugged.

"He doesn't know?" Ape asked carefully. She sighed when I said nothing. "Oh, Adel. You have to tell him."

I crossed my arms and pouted stubbornly. "I don't have to tell him anything."

"You are just as stubborn as him." She laughed when my jaw dropped insulted. "Whatever, so do you know what the baby is?"

I sighed and rubbed my belly. I noticed that I had been doing that much more than before, but it just feels like such a natural thing to do. "Well I'm only 18 weeks pregnant right. And every time the doctor would get close to see the one sex, the other baby would get in the way."

Ape squealed and hugged me. "Aww, you 're having twins?"

Dunn interrupted us laughing. "That's so fucking absurd."

"What's so funny about that?" I snapped at him. Ape gave him a nasty look as well.

One moody woman he could deal with. Two moody and angry women teaming up scared the shit out of him. He swallowed nervously and sunk into his chair hoping it would swallow him up.

"Well?" Ape glared at him waiting for an answer.

He coughed clearing his throat. "I just didn't think that after all the shit he's done he was fertile."

Dunn sighed in relief when the two women laughed shortly and continued talking. That would have been messy if they had chosen to attack him. He wouldn't know what to do with himself.