My Beloved Monster



She brought her hand to her head and winced in pain. "Wo bin ich?/Mik aari te ajava thn?"

I turned to Ville for some help because I sure as hell did not understand a damn word.

He kneeled down next to her and asked in his native tounge, "Sweet heart? Are you good? We just found you here. Can you move?"

"I. I think so." She answered back in what I think was Finish. Hey I'm catching on to this language shit.

Once again I couldn't understand a damn thing! But I didn't care, as long as she was okay. "Well?" I asked impatient.

"She thinks so. I couldn't understand some what she said earlier because it was in Russian." He chuckled a bit, which I glared at him for so he cleared his throat. "Yes, sorry, but she spoke in German and Finish; she uh jumbled up her languages."

I guess could see how that was amusing, if it were anyone else. But this was Adel and I was worried. She tried sitting up, but she cried out in pain so she stayed lying down. "Adel! Where does it hurt? Do you remember what happened?" I asked.

"My back is all scratched up and I hit my head because..." she paused trying to remember. "Because the stupid wheel had to be stupid and get something stuck in the bearing."

She glared down at the skate. I couldn't help but laugh a little at how cute she was. Yes, I Bam Margera, used the word cute. She was beautiful and acted so innocent at times; how could you not use the word cute? "Are you okay?" I asked again.

"I'll live. But if I get two black eyes or pass out again within the next few hours, then I'm not."

"Deal." I promised. I began to unstrap her skates as she laid there soaking up the sun. Her body was even beautiful. I always thought she was, but with no "Oh Ville, this is-"

"Adelina Schmetterling Senta, the Noble Butterfly." He smiled.

"Uh yeah? How'd you know?" I scratched my head.

"Because he is my number one fan or admirer as he puts it." She laughed.

Adel was finally able to sit up when I noticed the stained concrete. "Shit. Lemme see your back."
I saw all the scrapes. "Fuck."

"Oh it's not that bad." she shrugged it off.

"Actually sweet heart, I do believe it is." Ville agreed.


I sighed "Fine." and stood up, but got a dizzy spell and stumbled forward.

" Um Bam? Can I catch a piggy back ride with you?" I asked shyly.

"No I'm going to let you walk." He said sarcastically. "Where to princess?" He asked as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"The pool." I mumbled and snuggled my head into his shoulder. "Mmm, you smell good."

"Of course I do." I felt the vibrations of his laughter making me smile.

"So what do you want me to do now?" He asked once we reached the pool. Ville took a seat on a lounge chair and just watched us with a smile on his face.

"Just put me on the steps. I'll just walk in." I yawned.

"Here, how bout I just carry you in." He adjusted me on his back.

"You sure?"

"You're already on my back so why not?"

The cool water felt nice on my legs, but when it began reaching my back it stung like no other. My grip tightened slightly with every cut the chlorine reached.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked.

"Yeah this is too agonizing." I slid off and completely submerged. "Much better." I sighed once surfaced.

"You're weird." Bam laughed

"Yup, that pretty much sums me up." i shrugged, not caring.

He shook his head at me. "So Ville how did you meet this nut?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Actually, Seppo introduced us."

"No, no, no." I said in a singsong voice and shook my finger at him. "It's not nice to lie you know." I grabbed a tube and pulled it over me head. I laid my head on the side and started playing with the water. "He wanted to meet me to see who was using-"

"Stealing." Ville interrupted and pointed at me.

"Using" I repeated my self. "One of his songs for my long program. So I got in touch with Seppo for permission to use it. And I also needed to be able to strip the words out of the song because I am only allowed to use instrumental ones." Bam came out of the pool and took his wet shirt off and sat in a chair next to Ville. "So ever since then he's been stalking me." I finished up.

"I have not!" Ville defended himself causing Bam to laugh. "It was a one time thing."

"Oh yes, he was trying to get past the guards at a competition to meet me, but they wouldn't let him through." I chuckled.

"Aww poor Ville couldn't uses his rock star power." Bam mocked him.

"And don't forget the letters." I reminded Ville.

"What letters?" Bam asked.

"She became my pen pal. We'd write to each other during our tours."

"Come to think this is the first time, we've really met in person." I laughed realizing this.

"Loser." Bam muttered at me.

"Only because I hang out with you." Ville and I laughed. "I thought you and the guys were supposed to be out all day?" I asked. "Where are they by the way?"

"Well Ville and me were dropping his shit off, which was a good thing we did or you might still be baking out there." He jerked his thumb back towards the house. "And the guys ahh... Huh? Where did we leave them?" He looked at Ville.

"You left them at the airport." Ville started laughing again.

"Oh yeah that's right." He looked back to you. "I left them at the airport."

"Mmm. Good. It'll be quiet for a little while."

Bam started laughing, "You should have seen them running after the hummer. Raab got so close so I started slowing down to give him some false hope, before speeding off."

He laughed harder, which made me start laughing. I loved his laugh. It's just so contagious. Due to the chlorine my scratches would be healed soon. They weren't as bad as Bam and Ville made them out to be. It was on the surface so it would just seem uglier than it really was.

I spun around in circles floating in the tube as Bam and Ville talked. I closed my eyes and faced the direction of the sun warming my face, still spinning 'round as their voices drowned out. I started getting dizzy making me laugh as I continued to spin.

I thought I heard more voices and the dog barking, but I just ignored them and continued my dizzy circles. That is until someone canon-balled into the pool and splashed me. I wiped the water off my eyes and looked around to see who the culprit was. I saw the guys had come home, but I didn't see anyone else in the pool. Wait just one minute! Raab was mis-

I got pulled under. I opened my eyes under water to see Raab grinning at me. We both surfaced and he flipped his head to get his hair out of his face. It was all messy and just looked funny.

I started laughing at him. "And what is just so funny." Raab mocked me.

"Oh, just the creature in front of me." I laughed and dunked him.

I swam as fast as I could to the side of the pool and heaved my self on the wall. Which was pretty hard because my jeans were weighing me down. I made it though before Raab could get me and without entirely losing my pants.

"Since when did you have a tat?" Raab asked me as he climbed out.

"Huh?" I tilted my head.

He grabbed my waist from behind and traced the tattoo a little.

I started laughing. "Hey cut it out! That tickles."

He stopped. "So since when?"

"Oh about 5 years ago."

"Noice." He nodded in approval.

"Well thank you for your opinion; I couldn't go on another day with out it." I rolled my eyes and he gave me a cheeky grin.

"Ack!" I cried out when someone else grabbed me.

"Let me see this." Novak, my predator, said. "It's sexy. I like it."

"What is this? Playing hot potato with Adel?" I shrieked as I was passed to Rake.

"Yeah well you're hot so why not?" Rake checked me out and passed me on to Dico.

Dico traced it as well. "Hmmmm. Not bad. Not bad." He said in one of his weird voices and sniffed my tattoo before he licked it.

I screamed "Dico that's gross! I don't know or want to know where your tongue's been." I squirmed as the guys laughed.

I didn't notice it, but Bam had a look of jealousy that could kill at any moment on his face. "Oh you know where it's been." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh yeah." I rolled my eyes and smiled. "And Novak told me that you should use mouth wash first next time."

"Burn!" Shouted Raab as he and the others cracked up. Novak pushed Raab into the pool for his revenge, while Dico just stuck his tongue out and waved it at me.

I was proceeded to be passed on to Dunn. He inspected my tattoo, just like everyone else had. "How long did it take?"

"Forever!" I exclaimed. "Oh and I got in so much trouble for it too!" I laughed remembering that day. Well I could laugh now, but when it happened, I had nothing but a scowl on my face.

"My mom doesn't mind tattoos on anyone else, but her baby girl couldn't have one. But, for a birthday present my friend Wolf took me to a buddy of his. When my mom found out all hell broke loose. She and my coach ganged up on my and made me practice so hard. I was so sore for about a month."

"What would your coach care what you do?" asked Rake

"Have you seen the outfits I have to wear? It's not conventional to have a tattoo exposed." I rolled my eyes thinking about those stupid judges.

Dunn must have noticed Bam's expression and I was shoved once more. Ryan pushed me into Bam's lap. "Don't worry Pam, we didn't forget about your turn."

"Pam." Raab laughed. "I forgot about that."

"You know you're insulting me too!" I pouted.

"Yeah what of it." he laughed

"Eh, just wanted to let you know." I shrugged.

"Pam?" Ville asked.

"She couldn't say my name right." Bam laughed answering him.

I hit him. "Hey give me a break! I hadn't spoke English in a while. I was a bit rusty. I got my b's and p's mixed up. It's not my fault he has a name I couldn't say!"

"I'll say. Now let me have my turn." Bam turned me around so my back was facing him.

Ville leaned over to get a look too and asked, "Why a lotus?"

"Well I went to school for agriculture to become a florist. And I love what the lotus represented."

The other guys got bored and did their thing. "Which is?" Ville asked still interested. Bam listened, but I figured it was because I was just sitting on him.

I smiled and recited what I knew by heart. "When a white lotus descends to this world, it changes everyone's life for the better. Then in India it represents birth. In China, they believe that the lotus transcends the limitations of time and it represents purity. It blooms in vile swamps, not beautiful highlands. In other words, purity is no different than pollution the spirit can bloom in any circumstance. And I just thought that that was beautiful meaning."

Ville nodded in understanding. "So is it your favorite flower?"

"A lotus? Nah, I absolutely love tulips. Have you ever been to Mainau in Germany?" He shook his head no. "It's the Island of Flowers. It's exactly what the name of it is; there are all kinds of exotic and domestic flowers on this island in the middle of Lake Constance (Bodensee). It's about 100 kilometers (62 miles) southwest of Munich. And there is this one field full of red and yellow tulips in April. It's just stunning!"

Ville smiled at how I just lit up talking about this place.

"So did your mom still hate it after you told her that?" asked Bam, which surprised me that he was actually really listening this entire time to what I had to say.

I shrugged, "It helped, but she would always shake her head and say 'What happens when you get old and wrinkly? I would just laugh at her and tell her that I would be a biker grandma."

Bam and Ville laughed. "I like that excuse."

"It's true." I said seriously. "When I get old I'm going to get a Harley or what ever those bikes are and become a biker chick at the age of like 80. Or whenever it is."

Bam laughed harder. "You never cease to amaze me."

I turned around and punched him. "I'm being serious!"

"I know that's why." He still laughed.

I stood up ignoring Bam and hike my pants up. Everyone went into their own little conversation and Raab and Novak were playing with Bruno in the pool so I started to make my way up the driveway to get my stuff.

"Oh Adel. There's a package on the table downstairs in the kitchen for you." Dico called after me.

I half waved letting him know I heard. I gathered my skates and I-pod and threw them in my room. It was the room on the bottom floor next to Bam's old room with the half pipe in it. The guys would tell me stories from when they first moved into this house, excuse me castle. Even though I mentioned I was homesick. It was a different kind.

I don't know how to explain it because over the month this has also felt like a home. Even though I was given my fair share of torture, it felt like home. I don't know what it was, but I liked it.

I walked into the kitchen to see a FedEx box, about 2 1/2 ft by 1 1/1 ft sitting on the table. It had my name above Bam's address, but no return address on it. When I opened it, I had to laughed.