Status: (:

She Dances to His Beat

Chapter One.

Glancing out of the window of my apartment situated in Manhatten, I realised I needed to be at work in half an hour, and that was going to be a challenge, since I liked to stop at the deli around the corner from the downtown dance studio I worked in.

I quickley gathered my things and dumped them into a Louis Vuitton bag I bought Barneys sometime last week. 25 minutes to go, once I flagged a cab. Walking would take way too long, and I missed the subway.

Once we were there, I payed the taxi driver, and he smiled a bright smile at me, it wasn't everyday hot chicks from a good part of New York flagged you down. Okay, maybe it WAS everyday.

Jumping out of the taxi, a man held open the door to the studio for me, and I ran in, forgetting to stop at that deli to get that horrible coffee I loved. Oh well, I'd get some one to run out for me, or something.

"Leah, your late" said Samantha, my boss.
"Yeah, I guess I am. Sorry.." I told her.
"No problem, hun. Looks like you have the morning off anyway. Oh! And theres this movie audition thing coming up, and their in need of some dancers. There interested in coming here and watching people dance. They will probably want some back-up dancers, but they mentioned something about a lead role, so be prepared!"
"Mm-kay Sam. Hey listen, I've gotta run, but i'll be back in time for my 10 o'clock dance class, okay?" I told her, already running out of the building.

After buying that coffee from the deli, I decided to take a walk through the park near-by. I still had about half an hour before I had to go through the dance routine I made up for my juniors, and I was going to take advantage of that.

Oh god, if I only knew that karma would take advantage of that too, and make me run into some one I didn't really want to see..
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